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Students write three mid-term tests in each semester. The tests cover the topics of the related theoretical material.

Please click here to download a PDF document designed to help students to reach more ponts at the tests.

Basic rules:

  • The dates of the mid-terms cannot be changed.
  • Maximum 20 points can be collected on a mid-term test (11 and above is considered a pass, between 10-7 is a “conditional fail”; below 10 is an “unconditional fail”). Midterms below 7 points should be retaken at the end of the semester (make up mid-term).
  • The results of the mid-term test are published on our web page. Detailed data are emailed to students.
  • Tests are on display in a limited interval. The date and time of display are announced with results. No further possibility is given to see the tests.

Structure of mid-term tests

Each mid-term test consists of a test question, a figure analysis, and an essay question part.

Multiple choice questions (MCQ)

  • tests the detiled knowledge of students
  • the best answer of given possibilities should be chosen.
  • 35 % of the final points can be collected with these type of the questions.

Figure analysis

  • a topic-related figure has to be described and questions should be answered
  • the figure can be found in the lecture notes (PDF files) published on our web page
  • 15 % of the points can be collected here

Essay question

  • students should explain their knowledge of the topic in question:
    • use well-structured, clear descriptions
    • draw figures
    • bulletpoints lacking explanations and unclear/unstructured essays may receive less points as they get only the 80% of the final result.
  • the essay question is either a topic from the final exam topic list or it only covers a part of complete topic
  • 50 % of the points can be collected here.

Regulations during writing the mid-term tests

During the mid-term test the following regulations apply:

  • each student must carry a personal photo ID (it will be verified on a random basis). Students without a photo ID will not be allowed to sit for the test.
  • personal belongings ( i.e. bags, unnecessary clothing, electronic devices) should be placed by the blackboard or in the back of the lecture hall
  • ony pens and paper provided by the depratment is allowed
  • communication between students is not allowed during the tests
  • the use of helping material of any kind is strongly forbidden. Students cannot keep any electronic devices or their accessories are also even if they are switched off
  • sno animals are allowed
  • leaving the classroom during the test is prohibited

Not complying with the above rules result in a 0 point test. In case of cheating the student’s secretariat will be notified.

The possibility to make up mid-term tests

Missed or failed (below 7 points) mid-term tests should be retaken at the end of the semester.

  • students might make up two mid-term tests
  • students may retake a successful midterm to collect more points.
    • If the result is worse than the original mid-term, the result of the make up mid-term will not count
  • students should sign up in their person login area of physiology until noon on the last work day prior to the make up mid-term test.

No further chance is given to make up missing obligations.