- Tierarzt/-ärztin DE
Beschreibung der Veranstaltung
Dieses Lehrfach liegt einen besonderen Wert auf den Unterricht der mendelschen, Immuno-, klinischen (Erbkrankheiten), Populations- und Molekulargenetik, sowie auf Tierzucht-Biotechnologie und Konservierung der genetischen Ressourcen. Methoden der Zuchtwertschätzung, Selektion, Veredelung, und Tierhaltungstechnologien werden auch synthetisiert, mit Hilfe der neuesten Kenntnisse der klassischen mendelschen, Populations- und Molekulargenetik.
Doz. Dr. habil. András GÁSPÁRDY, PhD
Z.L.: Prof. László ZÖLDÁG, PhD, DSc
G.A.: Doz. Dr. habil. András GÁSPÁRDY, PhD
Z.P:Frau Petra Zenke, Wiss. Mitarbeiter, Tutor des deutschen Kurses
Vorlesungen: 2h/Woche
Übungen: 2h/Gruppe/Woche
Thematik der Vorlesungen
Veterinärmedizinische Genetik (Studienjahr 2018/19) Im September 2018.
1078 Budapest, István u. 2. Intézményi azonosító: FI69207
Fachliteratur Pflicht:
Zöldág, L. – Gáspárdy, A. – Maróti-Agóts, Á. (2008): Veterinärmedizienische Genetik und Tierzucht (ed. Zöldág László). A/3 Druckerei GmbH, Budapest
Art und Weise der Prüfung:
Zuerst die Studenten werden durch eine rasche Computerprüfung kontrolliert (aus Grunde,
aus Rassenerkennung, aus Wollkunde, aus Geräte und aus Altersschätzung), damit die zur theoretischen Teil zugelassen werden. Die Leistung ist ab 60% erfolgreich. Dann, die Studenten werden insgesamt vier Fragen wählen, die werden nach einer genügenden Vorbereitungszeit mündlich beantwortet. Alle vier Fragen sollten richtig beantwortet sein (eine nicht beantwortete Frage führt zum Durchfallen). Alle Fragen werden im Voraus veröffentlichen. Bemerkungen:
Dr. Petra Zenke ( ist der Tutor des deutschen Kurses.
Die aktualisierten Materialen über Vorlesungen und Praktika werden vom Lehrfachverantwortlichen Lehrer (Dr. Gáspárdy András) den Jahrgangssprecher während des Semesters übergeben.
Die Fragen aus praktischen Teil ( und aus theoretischen Teil (auf der Homepage des Instituts: sind im Voraus veröffentlicht.
Man kann dreimal fehlen im Praktikum, die Anwesenheit wird jedes Mal kontrolliert. Die fehlenden Studenten sollen über die Kenntnisse des Lernstoffes des gefehlten Praktikums beim Lehrer, wer das Praktikum hielt noch während des Semesters referieren.
Thematik der praktischen Unterrichtsstunden
(deadline: )
Deadline of submission of the report including diary:
The aims of summer practice are to directly experience the practical issues of animal breeding, animal nutrition and technology of large-scale farm animals, and to highlight the cooperation and bond between breeding and veterinary work.
General rules
- Summer farm practical (in Animal Nutrition) is compulsory. Former farm work experience does not substitute the present practice, as your knowledge gained during lectures and practicals gives the grounds for your critical approach, which is necessary for the proper performance of the summer practical.
- The length of the summer practical is 3 weeks (from the 3rd of July till the 21th of July) except of German students continuing their studies at the UVM, Budapest. They have only a two-week summer practical in Animal Nutrition.
- The review of 2 different animal species is required. The farm has to be a large-scale facility, preferably dealing with dairy cows, swine, sheep, goat or fish. Horse, beef cattle and poultry breeding facilities are also accepted. Small family farms, zoos or minor breeding businesses are not accepted.
- The Training Agreement (Annex 1.) shall be signed by the farm manager and the student, and it shall be attached to the report.
It is possible to accomplish the farm practice at two separate farms, 3 weeks altogether, one after the other. In this case, two separate Training Agreements shall be signed and attached.
- It is your responsibility to manage the arrangements for the proper place for the summer practice.
- a) A summary report,
b) a diary describing the daily activities day by day and
c) a signed note from the farm manager validating the participation
shall be prepared, printed out, bound together (original and photo copied) and handed in as TWO SEPARATED HARD COPIES (1 Animal Breeding report and 1 Animal Nutrition report) to the Secretariat of the Department of Animal Nutrition (1077 Budapest, Rottenbiller u. 50) until the 18th August.
Submission of the two separated reports is a PREREQUISITE for the registration of the subjects and exams of the two disciplines (Animal Breeding and Animal Nutrition II).
- Both of the reports shall be emailed to ( .doc, .docx or .pdf format, maximum 10 Mb) to control in plagiarism database until the beginning of the semester.
- Your critical approach and well-based opinion is highly desired and appreciated!
- We are interested in your own work and statements, therefore, identical reports or diaries, even from the same farm will not be accepted.
- The content of report should reflect all the relevant considerations written below.
- The structure of report must follow the guidelines below.
Instructions for preparation of the report and the diary
Objectives, requirements
The aims of the 3-week summer practical (for the German students only 2 weeks) are the understanding of the every day practice of animal breeding and animal nutrition as well as its rules, considerations, habits, strategies, trends and the proper role of the veterinarian surgeon in it.
During the time of the practical you need to be employed in the routine daily work of the farm and activities, according to the directions of the supervisor or the owner (farmer).
An up-to-date diary must be kept about all the activities day by day (hand written or electronic). This should be signed by the supervisor or by the owner of the farm at the end of the practical and shall be included as Chapter 4 of your report.
You have to summarise your experiences and observations collected during the practical in a report (35 – 40 written pages, preferably illustrated by photos, figures and tables). Ex German course students can prepare their summer practical reports in German as well, if they prefer that opportunity.
The Department will evaluate the report, and a mark (scores from 2-5) will be included in the scores of final examination, if the summer practical and the report were accepted.
Your critical approach and well based opinion is very important, such as the quality of the presentation of your work.
Structure of the report
- Formal requirements:
- font size: 12
- spacing: 1.5
- margins max. 2.5 cm
- each page except for the cover page shall be numbered
- size of images is max. half a page each
- extra pages, images, documents might be inserted at the end of the document
- Cover page: contains your name, farm`s name, supervisor`s name, date
- Table of Contents with page numbers
- General description of the farm / unit (6 -8 pages, 1-2 maps, 2-3 images)
– name, address, location, economical and ecological conditions
– the farmer’s or supervisor’s name; size of the land, farm-income, kinds of production (i.e. plants, animals) and products, percentages of the plants produced
– labour conditions, management of the farm and of the animal breeding units, workers employed
– species and breeds bred on the farm(s)
– number of breeding and production animals (males, females) of different age groups
– the main production results of the previous year
4) Diary. Short description of the daily work, day by day (appr. 4 pages)
5) Extra information (further images, pedigrees, maps, etc.)
6) Aspects and trends in animal nutrition (12 – 15 pages, 3-4 images)
1. Introduction
– species, breeds and hybrids used on the farm
– their numbers on the farm
– pasture: size, vegetation, fertilization, grazing period and mowing
– feedstuffs produced on the farm
– feed preservative methods used on the farm
– the quantity of feedstuffs produced on the farm
– other feedstuffs fed on the farm
– dietary supplements and feed additives used on the farm
– chemical analysis of feedstuffs (content of nutrients in feedstuffs)
– mixing-house
– feeding technology, feeding management, feed preparation
– feed quality control
– drinking system
2. Detailed description
i) Dairy farms
– body condition of cows at the time of calving (parturition)
– detailed feeding of cows in the different phases of lactation, depending on the milk yield: feeds, daily amounts, composition and nutrient contents of the daily rations
– detailed feeding of cows during dry period: aim of feeding, feeds and their daily amounts, nutrient contents of the daily rations
– the time of re-insemination
– detailed feeding of calves: body weight at birth, feeding colostrums: its daily and total quantity, duration the feeding colostrum, the beginning of solid feed feeding, feedstuffs as solid feeds, age and body weight at weaning
– rearing of calves after weaning and rearing of heifers
– age and body weight of heifers at the time of first insemination
– nutritional disorders of cows only on the farm (not in general)
ii) Small ruminants (sheep & goat)
– see above in dairy cows
– flushing
– rearing of lamb or kids
– fattening lambs: birth weight, body weight at the slaughter, duration of fattening period, feeds and their daily amounts
– nutritional disorders of sheep or goats only on the farm
iii) Beef cattle herd
– yearly circle of beef cattle: time (season) of parturition as well as re-mating, weaning of the calf
– feedstuffs for beef cattle(mother cows and fattening bulls) including pasture and their daily amounts
– fattening calves: birth weight, body weight at the slaughter, duration of fattening period, feeds and their daily amounts
– nutritional disorders of beef cattle and calves only on the farm
iv) Horse nutrition on the farm
– feedstuffs given to the horses
– type of exercise (work intensity)
– pre-exercise feeding and post-exercise feeding: feedstuffs and their daily amounts, nutrient contents of the daily rations
– drinking water pre- and post-exercise
– additives given to horses
– rearing of the foals: body weight at birth, daily suckling frequency, detailed creep feeding, age at the weaning, composition of the daily ration after weaning
– nutritional disorders of horses only on the farm
v) Pig farm
– ingredients and nutrient contents of different diets fed to pigs in different life stages (ie. pregnancy, lactation, rearing, fattening)
– daily amounts of diet in different life stage (ie. pregnancy, lactation, rearing, fattening)
feeding of sows: time of the first insemination after farrowing, body weight and the back fat thickness at that time
– measurement of back fat thickness
– diets for pregnant sows
– feeding lactating sows: body weight and the back fat thickness at the time of farrowing
– diets for lactating sows
– age and body weight of piglets at the time of weaning
– rearing of piglets: their birth weight, creep feeding of piglets
– Fe (iron) supplementation of piglets
– rearing the gilts: time of the first insemination, body weight and the back fat thickness at that time
– diets for gilts
– fattening pigs: age and body weight at the beginning of the fattening period and at the slaughter, duration of fattening period
– diets for fattening pigs
– nutritional disorders of pigs only on the farm
vi) Poultries
– ingredients and nutrient contents of different diets fed on the farm
Meat production (boilers, turkeys, ducks and so on)
– egg weight, body weight at the time of hatching and at the slaughter, duration of fattening period
– feed conversion efficiency/ratio (how many kgs of diet are needed for 1 kg weight gain/meat)
– age at the beginning of laying, length of laying period, egg yield, weight of the egg
– diets for layers
3. Conclusions
– conclusions drown from the practical (usefulness, insufficiency etc.) should be summarized.
Your critical approach and well based opinion should be discussed.
Budapest, 1st March, 2017.
Training agreement BELOW
____________________________ __________________________________
Supervisors Partner organisation
Beschreibung der Bewertung
Unsere Prüfungstage
Die Prüfungstage aus den Studien „Veterinärmedizinische Genetik” und „Tierzucht” die zur unseren Abteilung gehören werden für den Studenten der deutschsprachigen Kurse wöchentlich zweimal an den folgenden Tagen stattfinden:
Dr. András Gáspárdy
Univ. Dozent, Abteilungsleiter
Voraussetzungen: Prüfungen in Biomathematik, Botanik, Anatomie (incl. Histologie und Embryologie).
Unterrichtsmaterialien: Teilnahme an Vorlesungen und Übungen ist obligatorisch. Kopien der Vorlesungsunterlagen und CDs über Haustierrassen des jeweiligen Semesters sind am Sekretariat des Lehrstuhles erhältlich.
Am Ende des ersten Semesters eine schriftliche Prüfung (Test) ist in Haustiergenetik abzulegen, basiert an Vorlesungen und Übungen des jeweiligen Semesters (Verantwortlich: Dr. András GÁSPÁRDY).
Fragen an Prüfung in Veterinärmedizinischer Genetik
(inbegriffen Mendelsche- und Populationsgenetik)
Informationen zur Prüfung
Nachholprüfung wird in Fächer „Veterinärmedizinische Genetik“ und „Tierzucht“ für den Studenten an deutschen Kurs in folgenden Tagen gehalten:
Dr. Gáspárdy András
Die Prüfungen werden im Raum 304 (Bildung J) ab 8.00 durchgeführt.
Veterinärmedizinische Genetik
Dr. András Gáspárdy
Univ. Dozent, Abteilungsleiter
Fragen an Prüfung in Veterinärmedizinischer Genetik
(inbegriffen Mendelsche- und Populationsgenetik)