

Lehrstuhl für Tierernährung und Klinische Diätetik

Scientific activity


Márta Bajnok:

  • Maintenance and utilization of grasslands for fodder, nature conservation and ecological utilization.


Éva Cenkvári:

  • Utilization of protein and amino acid products in the nutrition of ruminant farm animals.
  • Influences of protected proteins and amino acids on the milk production of dairy cows.
  • Effects of by-pass fat and oils on the energy metabolism of dairy cows.
  • Improvement of the energy supply of dairy cows and goats.
  • Protein evaluation of feedstuffs for ruminant farm animals.


Nikoletta Hetényi:

  • Nutritional diseases of reptiles.
  • Husbandry, health, and nutrition of exotic pet animals.
  • Insects as animal feed.
  • Insect farming and nutrition.


István Hullár:

  • Nutrients’ digestibility.
  • Feed preferences.
  • Feeding of small animals.


Orsolya Korbacska-Kutasi:

  • Equine nutrition and clinical dietetics.
  • Applied clinical nutrition of small animals.
  • Equine viral diseases (West Nile virus).
  • Companion animal feeding trends.


Letícia Moravszki:


  • Frequency of occurrence of certain forms of melanoma in Hungarian Arabian horse breeds.
  • Prevalence and pathological role of Equid Herpesvirus 5.
  • Companion animal feeding trends.


Szilard Szentes:

  • Effects of grazing by different animal species and grazing methods on the internal structure of grasslands.
  • Agroecological and microcoenological effects of invasive and locally abundant grasses.
  • Feeding value of grassland species depending on their phenological development.
  • Ecology of C4 grass species.
  • Nature conservational value of the vegetation of loess verges.
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