StaffDepartment of Anatomy and Histology B C D H K M N P R S U A-F G-L M-S T-Z B Badari Noémi Department of Anatomy and Histology Location: Building E C Csikós-Kiss Vivien Department of Anatomy and Histology Location: Building E D Daniló Eszter Department of Anatomy and Histology Location: Building EPhone: +36 1 478 4100Extension: 8454 H Halasy Katalin Department of Anatomy and Histology Location: Building E I. FloorPhone: +361 478 4220Extension: 8461 Hazai Diána Department of Anatomy and Histology Location: Building E ground-floorPhone: (1) 478 4100Extension: 8472 Heinzlmann Andrea Department of Anatomy and Histology Location: Building E, 1st floor 102.Phone: +361 478 4100 / 8466Extension: 8466 Horváth Tamás Department of Anatomy and Histology K Kapiller Mátyás Department of Anatomy and Histology Extension: +361 478 4100 / 8472 Kondor Milán Department of Anatomy and Histology Location: Building E1, 3rd floorExtension: 8457 Kóródy Zita Department of Anatomy and Histology Location: Building E Kovács Szilvia Department of Anatomy and Histology Location: Building E ground-floor 3Phone: 36 (1) 478 4100Extension: 8472 Kováts Adrien Department of Anatomy and Histology Location: Building E I. FloorPhone: +361 478 4225Extension: +361 478 4100 / 8450 Kun Sándorné Department of Anatomy and Histology Location: Building E Kurucz Tibor Department of Anatomy and Histology Location: Building EExtension: +361 478 4100 / 8475 M Mátyás Ferenc Department of Anatomy and Histology Location: Building E N Nagy Barbara Department of Anatomy and Histology Location: Building E Nagy Péter Department of Anatomy and Histology Location: Building E P Pethes Zoltán Department of Anatomy and Histology R Rácz Bence Department of Anatomy and Histology Location: Building E I. Floor 104.Extension: 8465 Rada Kristóf Róbert Department of Anatomy and Histology Location: Building E Reinitz László Zoltán Department of Anatomy and Histology Location: Building E III. Floor 1.Extension: +361 478 4100 / 8456 S Seres József Department of Anatomy and Histology Location: Building E ground-floorExtension: +361 478 4100 / 8475 Sótér Istvánné Department of Anatomy and Histology Location: Building E Sótonyi Péter Department of Anatomy and Histology Doctoral Habilitation Council Location: Building E I. FloorPhone: +361 478 4223 Stirminszki-Vladár Réka Department of Anatomy and Histology Location: Building E. I. Floor 104 Szabó Eszter Department of Anatomy and Histology Szalay Ferenc Department of Anatomy and Histology Location: Building E III. Floor 301.Phone: +361 478 4179Extension: +361 478 4100 / 8471 U Ujhelyi-Puskó Mónika Department of Anatomy and Histology Location: Building E Phone: 0614784100