Our most important publications published in national and international journals in chronological order:
- Zsarnovszky A., Foldvari EG., Ronai Zs., Bartha T., Frenyo VL.: Oestrogens in the mammalian brain: from conception to adulthood, Acta Vet. Hung.. 55(3):333-347, 2007. (IF: 0.646)
- Vilagi I., Kiss DS., Farkas A., Borbely S., Halasy K., Banoczi Z., Hudecz F., Friedrich P.: Synthetic calpain activator boosts neuronal excitability without extra Ca2+, Molecular and Cellular Neurosci., 38(4):629-36, 2008. (IF: 3,840)
- Zsarnovszky A., Bartha T., Frenyo VL., Diano S.:NTPDases in the neuroendocrine hypothalamus: possible energy regulators of the positive gonadotrophin feedback, Reprod Biol. Endocrinol., 7:63, 2009. (IF: 2.147)
- Gyorffy A., Sayed-Ahmed A., Zsarnovszky A., Frenyo VL., Decuypere E., Bartha T.: Effects of energy restriction on thyroid hormone metabolism in chickens, Acta Vet. Hung., 57(2):319-30, 2009. (IF: 0.646)
- Gyorffy A., Keresztes M., Faigl V., Frenyo VL., Kulcsar M., Gaal T., Mezes M., Zsarnovszky A., Huszenicza G., Bartha T.: Glycogenic induction of thyroid hormone conversion and leptin system activation in the liver of postpartum dairy cows, Acta Vet. Hung., 57(1):139-46, 2009. (IF: 0.646)
- Kiss DS., Zsarnovszky A., Horvath K., Gyorffy A., Bartha T., Hazai D., Sotonyi P., Somogyi V., Frenyo VL., Diano S.: Ecto-nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 3 in the ventral and lateral hypothalamic area of female rats: morphological characterization and functional implications, Repr. Biology and Endocr., 7:31, doi: 10.1186/1477-7827-7-31, 2009. (IF: 2.226)
- Horvath K., Gyorffy A., Ronai Zs., Aprily Sz., Zsarnovszky A., Somogyi V., Kiss D., Frenyo VL., Bogenfurst F., Rudas P., * T.: Hormonal aspects of fatty liver production, Acta Phys. Hung., 96. 84-85, 2009. (IF: 0.734)
- Somogyi V., Gyorffy A., Horvath K., Kiss DS., Zsarnovszky A., Frenyo VL., Bartha T.: Specificities of liver deiodination in chicken, Acta Phys. Hung., 96(1):126, 2009. (IF: 0.734)
- Somogyi V., Gyorffy A., Scalise TJ., Kiss DS., Goszleth G., Bartha T., Frenyo VL., Zsarnovszky A.: Endocrine factors in the hypothalamic regulation of food-intake in females: a review of the physiological roles and interactions of ghrelin, leptin, thyroid hormones, estrogen and insulin, Nutr. Res. Reviews, 24(1):132-54, 2011. (IF: 3.912)
- Mándoki M.: NOVICE: observations during the development of an international professional veterinary network, Magyar Állatorvosok Lapja/Hungarian Veterinary Journal, 133(5):307-314 2011. (IF: 0.646).
- Baillie S., Kinnison T., Forrest N., Dale V., Ehlers J., Koch M., Mándoki M., Ciobotaru M., de Groot E., Boerboom T., van Beukelen P.: Developing an online professional network of veterinary education: The NOVICE Project, Journal of Veterinary Medical Education 38(4):395-403, 2011. (IF: 1.228)
- Scalise TJ., Gyorffy A., Toth I., Kiss DS., Somogyi V., Goszleth G., Bartha T., Frenyo VL., Zsarnovszky A.: Ligand-induced changes in oestrogen and thyroid hormone receptor expression in the developing rat cerebellum: A comparative quantitative PCR and Western blot study, Acta Vet. Hung., 60(2):263-284, 2012. (IF: 0.646)
- Kiss DS., Jocsak G., Zsarnovszky A.: Az inzulin szerepe a táplálékfölvétel központi idegrendszeri szabályozásában, Magyar Állatorvosok Lapja/Hungarian Veterinary Journal, 134(10):635–640, 2012. (IF: 0.185)
- Toth I., Goszleth G., Frenyo VL.: A táplálékfölvétel fő szabályzó molekulái: grelin, leptin és interakciójuk, Magyar Állatorvosok Lapja/Hungarian Veterinary Journal,134(8):504-512, 2012. (IF: 0.185)
- Toth I., Kiss DS., Goszleth G., Bartha T., Frenyo VL., Naftolin F., Horvath TL., Zsarnovszky A.: Hypothalamic Sidedness in Mitochondrial Metabolism: New Perspectives, Reprod Sci. 21(12):1492-8, 2014. (IF: 2.230)
- Toth I., Kiss DS., Jocsak G., Somogyi V., Toronyi E., Bartha T., Frenyo VL., Horvath TL., Zsarnovszky A.: Estrogen- and Satiety State-Dependent Metabolic Lateralization in the Hypothalamus of Female Rats, PLoSONE, 10(9):e0137462, 2015. (IF: 3.234)
- Kiss DS., Toth I., Jocsak G., Sterczer A., Bartha T., Frenyo VL., Zsarnovszky A.: Preparation of purified perikaryal and synaptosomal mitochondrial fractions from relatively small hypothalamic brain samples, MethodsX, 3:417–429, 2016. (IF: 1.34)
- Jocsak G., Kiss DS., Toth I., Goszleth G., Bartha T., Frenyo LV., Horvath TL., Zsarnovszky A.: Comparison of Individual and Combined Effects of Four Endocrine Disruptors on Estrogen Receptor Beta Transcription in Cerebellar Cell Culture: The Modulatory Role of Estradiol and Triiodo-Thyronine, Int J Environ Res Public Health, 13(6). pii: E619. doi: 10.3390/ijerph13060619., 2016. (IF: 2.035)
- Gyorffy A., Frenyo LV., Nour A.: New Challenges of Knowledge Transfer in Veterinary Physiology in a Changing Educational Environment: An Overview of Physiology Teaching in USA and Non-USA Colleges and Schools, World Vet J, 6(3):166-184, 2016. (IF: 0.57)
- Somogyi V., Horvath TL., Toth I., Bartha T., Frenyo VL., Kiss DS., Jocsak G., Kerti A., Naftolin F., Zsarnovszky A.: Bisphenol A influences oestrogen- and thyroid hormone-regulated thyroid hormone receptor expression in rat cerebellar cell culture, Acta Vet Hung, 64(4):497-513, 2016. (IF: 0.871)
- Jocsak G., Kiss DS., Toth I., Barany Z., Zsarnovszky A., Frenyo VL.: A zearalenon, mint mikotoxin káros hatásai az emlős szervezetben: az utóbbi évtizedek eredményeinek rövid áttekintése (Adverse biological effects of the mycotoxin zearalenone in mammals: a review), Magyar Állatorvosok Lapja/Hungarian Veterinary Journal, 139(1):55-63, 2017. (IF: 0.185)
- Barany Z., Sterczer A., Jocsak G., Frenyo VL., Kiss DS.: A hepaticus encephalopathia kóroktana, kórfejlődésének újabb szempontjai (The etiology and some new pathophysiological aspects of hepatic encephalopathy), Magyar Állatorvosok Lapj/Hungarian Veterinary Journal, 139(3):157-168, 2017. (IF: 0.185)
- Toth I., Kiss DS., Frenyo VL., Zsarnovszky A.: A reprodukció és táplálékfelvétel centrális irányítása: a hipotalamusz aszimmetrikus működése (Central regulation of reproduction and food-intake: asymmetry of the hypothalamus), Magyar Állatorvosok Lapja/Hungarian Veterinary Journal, 139(4):681-693, 2017. (IF: 0.185)
- Duijn C.C.M.A., Welink L.S., Mandoki M., Cate O.T.J.T, Kremer W.D.J., Bok H.G.J.: Am I ready for it? Students’ perceptions of meaningful feedback on entrustable professional activities, Perspect Med. Educ., 6(4):256-264, 2017. (IF: 2.27)
- Kleinsorgen C., Kankofer M., Gradzki Z., Mandoki M., Bartha T., von Köckritz-Blickwede M., Naim H.Y., Beyerbach M., Tipold A., Ehlers J.P.: Utilization and acceptance of virtual patients in veterinary basic sciences – the vetVIP-project; GMS Journal for Medical Education 34(2):Doc19. doi: 10.3205/zma001096, 2017. (IF: 6.251)
- Zsarnovszky A., Kiss DS., Jocsak G., Nemeth G.; Toth I., Horvath TL.: Thyroid hormone- and estrogen receptor interactions with natural ligands and endocrine disruptors in the cerebellum, Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology, 48:23-36, 2018. (IF: 9.425)
- Kiss DS., Ioja E., Toth I., Barany Z., Jocsak G., Bartha T., Horvath TL., Zsarnovszky A.: Comparative analysis of zearalenone effects on thyroid receptor alpha (TRα) and beta (TRβ) expression in rat primary cerebellar cell cultures, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19(5). pii: E1440. doi: 10.3390/ijms19051440, 2018. (IF: 3.226)
- Toth I., Jocsak G., Szilasi A., Kiss DS., Barany Z., Bartha T., Mandoki M.: Állatorvostudományok oktatása a digitális korszakban (Teaching veterinary medicine in the digital age), Magyar Állatorvosok Lapja/Hungarian Veterinary Journal, 140(4):697-703, 2018. (IF: 0.185)
- Gyorffy A., Frenyo VL., Nour A.: A Review of Some Innovative Teaching Concepts and Methods Used in the Field of Veterinary Medical Education, Dairy and Vet Sci J., 8(5): 555749. DOI: 10.19080/JDVS.2019.08.555749, 2019. (IF: 0.573)
- Jocsak G., Ioja E, Kiss DS., Toth I., Barany Z., Bartha T., Frenyo VL., Zsarnovszky A.: Endocrine Disruptors Induced Distinct Expression of Thyroid and Estrogen Receptors in Rat versus Mouse Primary Cerebellar Cell Cultures, Brain Sci., 9(12): 359, 2019. (IF: 2.786)
- Kiss DS., Toth I., Jocsak G., Bartha T., Frenyo VL., Barany Z., Horvath TL., Zsarnovszky A.: Metabolic lateralization in the hypothalamus of male rats related to reproductive and satiety states. Reprod Sci., 27(5): 1197–1205, DOI: 10.1007/s43032-019-00131-3, 2020. (IF: 2.559)
- Kiss DS., Toth I., Jocsak G., Barany Z., Barha T., Frenyo VL., Horvath TL., Zsarnovszky A..: Functional aspects of hypothalamic asymmetry. Brain Sci., 10(6): 389, DOI: 10.3390/brainsci10060389, 2020. (IF: 3.332)
- Barany Z., Toth I., Jócsák G., Frenyó VL., Bartha T., Sterczer A., Kiss DS.: Differential production of interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-α in primary rat astrocyte cultures using two distinct methods of microglia elimination, Clinical and Experimental Neuroimmunology, 12(5), DOI:10.1111/cen3.12650, 2021. (IF: 0.673)
- Zigo F., Farkašová Z., Výrostková J., Regecová I., Ondrašovičová S., Vargová M., Sasáková N., Pecka-Kielb E., Bursová Š., Kiss DS.: Dairy cows’ udder pathogens and occurrence of virulence factors in Staphylococci, Animals 12(4): 470, DOI:10.3390/ani12040470, 2022. (IF: 1.654)
- Zigo F., Farkašová Z., Ondrašovičová S., Pecka-Kielb E., Kiss DS.: Occurrence and prevention of mastitis in dairy farms situated in marginal regions, published by ElivaPress, Chișinău, Moldova, ISBN: 978-1636486369, p. 147, 2022.