Sensor-powered motion capture and analysis
– Innovation & opportunities in veterinary medicine –
Date: 2021 May 11th 3 PM
Venue: Microsoft Teams
Eszter Ozsvald is the co-founder of Notch. Notch is a hardware + software platform for motion analysis and motion capture products for sports, wellness, and healthcare. The hardware component is the wearable sensor network, which reconstructs 3D avatars of users from their motions right on their smartphones. The software component is the AI engine for motion processing, complemented by apps, developed by Notch Interfaces and third parties.
“Powered by Notch” platform has all the tools necessary to rapidly prototype and launch full-fledged motion analysis products. Notch products are used by thousands of researchers, developers, and scientists from Fortune-500 companies, the world’s top universities, healthcare institutions, and sports teams.
Please join us to learn more about technology and how to turn an idea into a business. Be prepared with questions and ideas and let’s explore what are the innovation opportunities when we apply notch technology in the field of veterinary medicine!
The language of the event will be English.
Click here to join the meeting
The event is implemented with the support provided by the National Research, Developoment and Innovation Fund of Hungary, within project nr. 2019-1.2.1-Egyetemi-Öko-2019-00010, financed under the 2019-1.2.1-Egyetemi-Öko funding scheme.