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Development of a functional, healthy and safe food product pathway model based on the principle from the field to the table, in a thematic research network

Development of a functional, healthy and safe food product pathway model based on the principle from the field to the table, in a thematic research network

Application details:

Project code: EFOP-3.6.2-16-2017-00012

Project title: “Development of a functional, healthy and safe food product pathway model based on the principle from the field to the table, in a thematic research network”

Consortium leader:
University of Veterinary Science

Consortium members:
János Neumann University
István Széchenyi University

Implementation period:
01.07.2017 – 31.12.2020

Support intensity:

Funding amount:
HUF 1,349,790,450


Press release
The University of Veterinary Medicine, Neumann János University and István Széchenyi University have launched a joint, internationally important complex research program, the aim of which is to reduce risks in the food chain in several areas important for the domestic food economy, as well as basic and applied research activities through which the production of food with higher nutritional value and meeting modern consumer needs can be realized.
The three institutions coordinate their basic research activities in this field during the EFOP-3.6.2 project. Another important goal is to increase the international embedding of domestic research, increase participation in Horizon 2020 projects and European research networks, further strengthen cooperation with leading foreign research centers, and keep talented young researchers on track.

Call for scholarship applications:

Active research participation in the thematic research network under the identification number EFOP-3.6.2-16-2017-00012 “Development of a functional, healthy and safe food product pathway model based on the principle from the field to the table”