Dr. Bárdos Krisztina
Building L 3rd floor 310
Krisztina Bárdos is research fellow at the Department of Veterinary Forensics and Economics of the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest (UVMB). She received her veterinary degree and a postgraduate qualification in veterinary management from the University of Veterinary Medicine, Budapest, and a second degree in marketing management from the College of Modern Business.
After graduating, she worked as a hospital veterinarian for a decade. After obtaining her second degree, she worked for 14 years as an expert in the field of veterinary diagnostics and as a commercial manager. She gained administrative experience in various positions in regional and central governmental bodies.
Main research areas:
- State veterinary medicine
- Veterinary practice management
Publication list (Top10)
Majer József, Hornyák Ákos, Ózsvári László, Bárdos Krisztina, Szabára Ágnes: Nagy létszámú tejelő szarvasmarha-állomány fertőződése BVD-vírussal legeltetés során, Magyar állatorvosok lapja 136. évf. 5. sz. 277-285. (2014)