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Dr. Ágnes Freiler-Nagy

Building J, Floor II. 213.
1) 478 8100


Ágnes Freiler-Nagy graduated in 2011 in the Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science. This year, he began his studies at ELTE’s Doctoral School of Environmental Studies, where her research topic was the investigation of the geological origin of natural radioactivity in various areas of the Sopron Mountains. During the doctoral research, she mastered several instrumental analytical methods and led the laboratory exercises of Environmental Science students. In 2016 she obtained a PhD degree with a “summa cum laude” qualification.


Date Workplaces Position
2014-2017 Geological and Geophisical Institute of Hungary research fellow
2017-2023 Cemkut Cementipari Kutató fejlesztő Kft. manager of laboratory
2023- University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest research fellow

Main research areas:

  •  Performing instrumental analytical determinations with ICP-OES (inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry), AAS (atomic absorption spectrometry) at the department’s laboratory. Determining the element content of biological (e.g. animal tissues, feed) and environmental samples (e.g. water, soil) in order to have a constantly expanding database available for the evaluation of various domestic and international projects.

Selected publications:

MTMT ID: 10044698

  1. Freiler, Á ; Horváth, Á ; Török, K. Ra-226 activity distribution of rocks in the Sopron Mts. (West-Hungary) JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY 306 : 1 pp. 243-247. , 5 p. (2015)
  2. Kertész, Z ; Furu, E ; Angyal, A ; Freiler, Á ; Török, Kálmán ; Horváth, Á. Characterization of uranium and thorium containing minerals by nuclear microscopy JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY 306 : 1 pp. 283-288. , 6 p. (2015)
  3. Freiler, Á ; Horváth, Á ; Török, K; Földes, T. Origin of radon concentration of Csalóka Spring in the Sopron Mountains (West Hungary) JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY 151 pp. 174-184. , 11 p. (2016)
  4. Sendula, E ; Páles, M ; Péter, Szabó B ; Udvardi, B ; Kovács, I ; Kónya, P ; Freiler, Á ; Besnyi, A ; Király, Cs ; Székely, E et al. Experimental study of CO2-saturated water ‒ illite/kaolinite/montmorillonite system at 70-80°C, 100-105 bar ENERGY PROCEDIA 114 pp. 4934-4947. , 14 p. (2017)
  5. Szabó, Zs. ; Hegyfalvi, Cs. ; Freiler-Nagy, Á. ; Udvardi, B. ; Kónya, P. ; Király, Cs. ; Székely, E. ; Falus., Gy. Geochemical Reactions of Na-montmorillonite in Dissolved scCO2 in Relevance of Modeling Caprock Behavior in CO2 Geological Storage PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA-CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 63 : 2 pp. 318-327. , 10 p. (2019)
  6. Kovács-Bodor, P.; Csondor, K.; Erőss, A.; Szieberth, D.; Freiler-Nagy, Á.; Horváth, Á.; Bihari, Á.; Mádl-Szőnyi, J. Natural radioactivity of thermal springs and related precipitates in Gellért Hill area, Buda Thermal Karst, Hungary JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY 201 pp. 32-42. , 11 p. (2019)