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Dr. Gálfi Péter

Doctor of Science (DSc), teacher with habilitation
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
retired head of department, professor
Doctoral Habilitation Council
Building R ground floor
(1) 478 4100/8563

Personal data

Name: Dr. Péter Gálfi

Place and date of birth: Budapest, 1953

Language skills: German, English, Russian C exams

Doctor of veterinary medicine, 1977, University of Veterinary Medicine, Budapest


Professional carrier (short)

1977. VeterinaryMedical Research Instituteof the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, associate research fellow
1978. Research fellow
1983-1984. State Farm of Pilishegy, chief veterinarian
1984. University of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Physiology and Biochemistry, senior research fellow
1985. Habilitation
1986. Professor at the Department of Physiology and Biochemistry
1987. Professor at the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
2007-2019. Head of the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
2013-2016. vice-rector for Research and Science, Szent István University (SZIU)
2016. deputy vice-rector for Research and Science University of Veterinary Medicine (UVM)
2016. Head of the Scientific Research Comittee
2016. Head of the Doctoral and Habilitation Council
2016. Hungarian Cross of Merit for civilians
2017-2019. vice-rector for Research and Science (UVM)




Schools, education:

1972-1977. University of Veterinary Science, Budapest

  1. Graduation with a summa cum laude designation


Tudományos szakterület/kutatási terület

Main research topics:

– establishment and characterization of primary cell cultures,

– investigation of the absorption, metabolism and action of short chain fatty acids (histone deacetylase inhibitors) in vitro and in vivo,

– proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis of cultured cells treated with histone deacetylase inhibitors, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antioxidant molecules in tumor and non-tumor gastrointestinal cell cultures,

– prevention of cellular damage caused by oxidative stress and inflammation,

– synergistic effect of antibacterial molecules, retention of resistance in their combination investigated in enteropathogenic microorganisms,

– apoptosis and differentiation induced by butyrate and their correlation with different ROS in colon cancer cells,

– investigation of the effect of probiotics in prevention and treatment of bovine metritis,

– inhibition of inflammation caused by oxidative stress in enterocytes by probiotic Lactobacilli: pathomechanism and applicability in reared piglets as antibiotic substitutes,

– investigation of metabolism, toxicity and interactions of butyrate in primary culture of hepatocytes ,

– study on the effect of T2 toxin and Ochratoxin A, B on the cell division in vitro

– Na-n-butyrate-dependent PKC isoenzymes in colon cancer cell lines

– investigation in porcine enterocyte-hepatocyte co-culture model the ways of prevention of modified metabolism of xenobiotics caused by oxidative stress.


Academic carrier

  1. Candidate of Sciences CSc (veterinary medicine): „Biochemistry of keratinization and formation of hyperkeratosis in the rumen epithelium”
  2. Doctor of Sciences DSc (HungarianAcademy of Sciences, veterinary medicine)): „Rumen epithelial cell culture as a model to study the cell division, differentiation, transport, metabolism and bacterial adherence”


Activities at the university

1993-2013. member of the Doctoral and Habilitation Council
1998-2007. vice-chairman of the University Disciplinary Comittee
2007-2012. chairman of the University Disciplinary Comittee
2008-2016. member of the Faculty Council
2011-2015. member of the Office for Accreditation and Quality Management (SZIE)
2012-2016. member of the Scientific Research Comittee
2012- member of the Office for Quality Management
2013- coordinator of the Office for Quality Management
2012- Hungarian Veterinary Journal, member of the Editioral Office
2013-2016.  vice-rector for Research and Science (SZIE)
2014-  head of the Doctoral and Habilitation Council (SZIE)
2014- chairman of the Committee on Veterinary Science, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2014- chairman of the Athletic Club of University, Gödöllő
2015- head of the Office for Quality Management (SZIE)
2016. deputy vice-rector for Research and Post-graduate Studies
2016. member of Senate
2016. chairman of the Library Comittee
2016. head of the Scientific Research Comittee
2016. member of the Comittee of Students’ Research Circle
2016. member of the Senate
2016. head of the Doctoral and Habilitation Council
2016. deputy vice-rector for Research and Science
2017-2019. vice-rector for Research and Science




1993- Hungarian Physiological Society. member
1993 Hungarian Humbold Club, member
1988- Hungarian Society for Microbiology, member
2006- Society for Free Radical Research, member
2008- Hungarian Society for Veterinary Oncology, member
2013- Hungarian Society for Hungarian Parasitologists, member
2014- Hungarian Doctoral Council, member
2015- College of the Higher Education, member
2015- Hungarian Veterinary Association, member
2017- Batthyány Society of Professors, member



1980. Hungarian Chemical Society, young scientists medal
1981. Hungarian Society for Microbiology 1. prize
1982. „Pro Scientia”
1991., 1993., 1995., 1997. Students’ Research Circle consulent award
1988. Széchenyi Professorship
2015. IX. fBench Press Championship (SZIE), 1. prize
2016. SZIE Gold Medal
2016. Hungarian Cross of Merit for civilians
2017. József Marek Award
2018. Alfréd Hajós Gold Medal

Tanulmányút, kutatási projekt

Research fellowships:

  1. University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover Institute of Physiology / DAAD scholarship (3 months): Metabolism, proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis of cultured rumen epithelial cells.
  2. Freie Universität, Berlin, Institute of Physiology / Humbold scholarship (1 year): Metabolism, proliferation and transport processes of cultured rumen epithelial cells.

1987- short study tours (1-2 weeks), scientific research in the frame of several bilateral cooperations:

-Rowett Research Institute, Aberdeen (1992-1997, 8 study tours): Adhesion of plant and bacterial lectines to cultured rumen epithelial cells (English-Hungarian TÉT),

-Faculty of Medicine University of Innsbruck (1998-, 14 study tours): Investigation of short chain fatty acids (histone deacetylase inhibitors), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, polyphenol antioxidants in cell cultures in vitro (Austrian-Hungarian-French TÉT). Investigation of PKC isoenzymes in cell cultures, detection of apoptosistása (Osztrák- Magyar TÉT)

-Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University, Tokyo (2006), organization of bilateral research cooperation.

  1. Institute of Geotechnics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Košice: study ont he adhesion of probiotic enterococcus


Research projects

Principal investigator:

  1. Gálfi P., Neogrády Zs., Kutas F., Veresegyházy T., Rimanóczy Á.: Biochemical characterization of rumen epithelial cells, their role in transport processes. OTKA (1254) project, 1991-1994.
  2. Gálfi P., Neogrády Zs.: Competitive and interactive effects of plant lectines amd bacterial adhesines on the rumen epithelium. OTKA (016488) project, 1995-1997.
  3. Gálfi P., Neogrády Zs., Rudas P.: Effect of short chain fatty acids and modification of H+ ion concentration on the adaptive processes of rumen mucosa. OTKA (26060) project, 1998-2001.
  4. Gálfi P.: Additional project for OTKA (26060) project, 2001.
  5. Gálfi P., Neogrády Zs., Rimanóczy Á.: Role of short chain fatty acids and certain arachidonate metabolites in the proliferation and apoptosis regulation of gastrointestinal cells. OTKA (T037401) project, 2002-2005.
  6. Gálfi P.: Investigation of the effect of different feed supplements on the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract. (R+D project:.1992, 1993, 1994, 1996).
  7. Gálfi P: NKB projects NKB-2000, NKB-2002
  8. Gálfi P., Neogrády Zs.: Der Wirkungsmechanismus von Butyrat in gastrointestinalen Epithelzellen. Austrian-Hungarian Action Foundation 32ÖU17 (1998).
  9. Gálfi P., Neogrády Zs.: Study on the apoptosis and inhibition of cell division after butyrate treatment of tumor cell lines and gastrointestinal cells. Hungarian-Austrian TÉT Project (A-10/1999), 2000-2001.
  10. Gálfi P., Neogrády Zs.: Resveratrol induved cell proliferation inhibition in gastrointestinal tumor cells in correlation wizh eicosanoid metabolism. Hungarian-Austrian TÉT Project (A-18/01), 2002-2003.
  11. Gálfi P. (consortium member): The reason of non-appropriate food safety in Hungary: methods of improvement. NKFP4, 2002-2003.
  12. Gálfi P. (consortium member): Production of probiotic vegetable juices to improve food safety and human health, GVOP-3.1.1-2004-05-0076/3.0, 2005-2006.
  13. Gálfi P., Neogrády Zs.: Selective effects of polyphenols on the apoptosis in tumor cells. Synergic effect of polyphenols with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and histone deacetylase inhibitors. Hungarian-Austrian TÉT Project (A-7/04), 2005-2006.
  14. Gálfi P., Neogrády Zs.: Dietary polyphenols: Selectivity of cell death induction in tumor cells.Synergism with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and histone deacetylase inhibitors. Hungarian-French TÉT Project (F-35/04), 2005-2007.
  15. Gálfi P. Inhibition of inflammation caused by oxidative stress in enterocytes by probiotic Lactobacilli. (2007) NKB
  16. Gálfi P. Investigation of the effect of probiotics in prevention and treatment of bovine metritis. (2008, 2009) NKB.
  17. Gálfi P.: Study on the effect of T2 toxin and Ochratoxin A, B on the cell division in vitr.o NKB pályázat 2009.
  18. Gálfi P.: Comparison of the growth of porcine intestinal cells cultured either on polycarbonate or collagene-coated inserts. NKB project 2010.
  19. Gálfi P., Lehel J., Csizinszky R., Nagy G., Szekér K., Jerzsele Á., Kővágó Cs., Csikó Gy. Inhibition of inflammation caused by oxidative stress in enterocytes by probiotic Lactobacilli: pathomechanism and applicability in reared piglets as antibiotic substitutes.  OTKA-76133, 2009-2011.
  20. Gálfi P., Jerzsele Á., Mátis G., Csikó Gy., Kővágó Cs., Szekér K., Csizinszky R., Kenéz Á., Neogrády Zs., Pásztiné Gere E., Palócz O. : Investigation the ways of prevention of modified metabolism of xenobiotics caused by oxidative stress in porcine enterocyte-hepatocyte co-culture models. OTKA-100701, 2012-2014.
  21. Gálfi P., Csikó György, Farkas Orsolya, Jerzsele Ákos, Kővágó Csaba, Nagy Gábor, Palócz Orsolya, Pásztiné Gere Erzsébet: Molecular Pharmacological Research Group. KK-KF, 2013.
  22. Gálfi P., Csikó György, Farkas Orsolya, Jerzsele Ákos, Kővágó Csaba, Nagy Gábor, Palócz Orsolya, Pásztiné Gere Erzsébet: Molecular Pharmacological Research Group. KK-KF, 2015.

Senior investigator:

  1. Kutas F., Gálfi P., Neogrády Zs., Veresegyházy T., Rimanóczy Á.: Regulation of energy homeostasis in ruminants. OTKA (1538) project, 1986-1991.
  2. Bokori J., Szigeti G., Gálfi P., Fekete S.: Butyrate as feed supplement in monogastric animals. OMFB (92-97-16-0207) project, 1992-1994.
  3. Neogrády Zs., Gálfi P.: Investigation of the interactive effects of plant and microbial lectins on the physiological state and function of the rumen epithelium for improving the quality of beef produced for human consumption. EU COST project 909 (6905), 1993-1995.
  4. Neogrády Zs., Gálfi P.: Effects of plant and bacterial lectin binding on the physiological state and function of the rumen epithelium. OMFB-BC TET project, 1994-1995.
  5. Neogrády Zs., Gálfi P.: Role of ruminal epithelium in the bacterial adhesion of non-ruminant species. OTKA (02001) pályázat, 1996-1998.
  6. Neogrády, Zs., Gálfi, P.: Study of the plant and bacterial lectin of the cultured rumen epithelial cells. MÖB-BC project, 1996-1998.
  7. Rudas P. principal investigator, FKFP 0672/97 project, 1997-2001.
  8. Neogrády Zs., Gálfi P.: NKB projects. Investigation of the interactive effects of plant and microbial lectins on the physiological state and function of the rumen epithelium. 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001
  9. Bartha T., Gálfi P., Rónai Zs., Györffy A. OTKA T046914: Investigation of certain endocrine factors regulating energy homeostasis of domestic animals on molecular level. 2004-2007.
  10. Frenyó Vilmos L., Gálfi P., Huszenicza Gy., Jancsik V., Sótonyi P., Halasy K., Bartha T., Kacskovics I., Neogrády Zs. OTKA TS49756: „Regulatory mechanisms in basic veterinary science: from molecules to organ systems”, 2005-2008.
  11. Jerzsele Á., Gyetvai B. Pásztiné Gere E.: Optimized in vitro model for studying the effects of antimicrobial agents and feed additives in Lawsonia intracellularis in vitro artifical infection, NKB pályázat 2013.
  12. Development of intelligent specialization: Cooperation of the University of Veterinary Medicine and Széchenyi István University. EFOP-3.6.1-16


Consulent: 1 student for thesis writing

Supervisor: 12 students in the frame of Students’ Research Circle. Placing at the Hungarian Conference of Students’ Research Circle: 2 first prizes, 1 second prize, 1 third prize.

Consulent: 4 PhD students

Supervisors: 4 PhD students (finished: Domokos Mónika, 2011, Jerzsele Ákos, 2009, Pásztiné Gere Erzsébet, 2013, Gyetvai Béla, 2019) and 2 PhD students (not yet finished).

Top ten publications (Top10)


1. Farkas O, Palócz O, Pászti-Gere E, Gálfi P, Polymethoxyflavone apigenin-trimethylether suppresses LPS-induced inflammatory response in non-transformed porcine intestinal cell line IPEC-J2, OXIDATIVE MEDICINE AND CELLULAR LONGEVITY &: Paper 673847. 10 p. (2015)
2. O Farkas, G Mátis, E Pászti-Gere, O Palócz, A Kulcsár, J Petrilla, Gy Csikó, Zs Neogrády, P Gálfi, Effects of Lactobacillus plantarum 2142 and sodium n-butyrate in LPS-triggered inflammation: comparison of IPEC-J2 and primary hepatocyte mono-cultures with a porcine enterohepatic co-culture system, JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE (JAS) 92:(9) pp. 3835-3845. (2014)
3. E. Paszti-Gere, G Matis, O Farkas, A Kulcsar, O Palocz, Gy Csiko, Zs Neogrady, P Galfi, The effects of intestinal LPS exposure on inflammatory responses in a porcine enterohepatic co-culture system, INFLAMMATION 37:(1) pp. 247-260. (2014)
4. A Jerzsele, K Szekér, R Csizinszky, E Paszti-Gere, Cs Jakab, JJ Mallo, P Galfi, Efficacy of protected sodium butyrate, a protected blend of essential oils, their combination and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens spore suspension against artifically induced necrotic enteritis in broilers, POULTRY SCIENCE 91: pp. 837-843. (2012)
5. Paszti-Gere E, Szeker K, Csibrik-Nemeth E, Csizinszky R, Marosi A, Palocz O, Farkas O, Galfi P, Metabolites of Lactobacillus plantarum 2142 Prevent Oxidative Stress-Induced Overexpression of Proinflammatory Cytokines in IPEC-J2 Cell Line, INFLAMMATION 35:(4) pp. 1487-1499. (2012).
6. Gálfi P, Jakus J, Molnár T, Neogrády S, Csordás Á, Divergent effects of resveratrol, a polyphenolic phytostilbene, on free radical levels and type of cell death induced by the histone deacetylase inhibitors butyrate and trichostatin A, JOURNAL OF STEROID BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 94:(1-3) pp. 39-47. (2005).
7. GALFI P, Gabel G, MARTENS H, Influences of extracellular-matrix components on the growth and differentiation of ruminal epithelial-cells in primary culture, RESEARCH IN VETERINARY SCIENCE 54:(1) pp. 102-109. (1993).
8. GALFI P, BOKORI J, Feeding trial in pigs with a diet containing sodium normal-butyrate, ACTA VETERINARIA HUNGARICA 38:(1-2) pp. 3-17. (1990).
9. GAEBEL G, MARTENS H, SUENDERMANN M, GALFI P, The effect of diet, intraruminal ph and osmolarity on sodium, chloride and magnesium absorption from the temporarily isolated and washed reticulo-rumen of sheep, QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY AND COGNATE MEDICAL SCIENCES 72:(4) pp. 501-511. (1987).


GALFI P, NEOGRADY S, KUTAS F, Culture of epithelial-cells from bovine ruminal mucosa, VETERINARY RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS 4:(4) pp. 295-300. (1981).


(Updated: August 2021)