Dr. Péter Hejel
PhD (veterinary sciences)
Building J, Floor I.- II.
I have been working in the dairy dairy cattle sector since 1996, in the development, planning and operation of husbandry technology systems, production management, animal health and feeding management of herds, breeding organization, veterinary pharmaceutical trade.
However, university research and teaching are mostly close to my professional interests. As an instructor, in addition to imparting theoretical and scientific knowledge, I try to incorporate my practical experience into my lectures. As a researcher, I am most interested in practice-oriented, applied research.
In 2021, I obtained a PhD degree with a “summa cum laude” qualification at the UoVM’s. Doctoral School of Veterinary Medicine.
Important milestones: in 1996 agricultural engineering specializing in livestock breeding, in 2001 certified agricultural engineering, then in 2010 MSc in wildlife management engineering. obtaining diplomas.
In 2017, I started working at the current ÁTE Department of Animal Hygiene, Herd-health and Mobile Clinic, where I returned in January 2023 after a one-year absence. My duties include Animal Hygiene I. and II. within the scope of subjects, veterinary environmental hygiene, precision animal husbandry, and veterinary diagnostic and monitoring methods, education of some subfields of cattle herd-health, I am an instructor in mobile clinical practices.
In 2020, I took part in the ruminant medicine veterinary specialist training as an lecturer and co-organizer of one of the thematic programs.
I contributed to EFOP 3.6.1. and 3.6.2. in the compilation of instrument purchases for tenders, as well as in the development of an instrument in the framework of the tender that can automatically measure environmental hygiene parameters and some animal responses.
As an practical training instructor, I contribute to the training of students from the United Arab Emirates.
I participate in the preparation of the curriculum of the Digital Welfare Program 2.0 – Digital Agricultural Academy’s Animal Health Module, as well as in the related theoretical lectures and exercises.
I actively participate in the external research and expert service work carried out by the Department, for example in the examination of the metabolic profile of dairy herds.
Upon request, I also take on proofreading activities in various professional journals, such as the Magyar Állatorvosok Lapja [Hungarian Veterinary Journal].
His main research areas:
My research is primarily focused on cattle herd-health, including the development of veterinary environmental hygiene and herd-level diagnostic and monitoring systems. I wrote my dissertation on the development of an in vivo oxidative stress monitoring method for cows and calves. The current focus of my research is precision veterinary diagnostics, with particular regard to its application possibilities in practical herd health monitoring.
- The best possible understanding of the biological reactions given by farm animals to changes in the environment and the practical application of this knowledge
- Possibilities for optimizing livestock technology and feeding systems
- Development of herd-level diagnostic protocols, with particular regard to metabolic disorders
- The development of precision animal husbandry and veterinary diagnostic methods and the possibilities of their practical application
Number of thesis/TDK students to date: 3
Selected publications:
My detailed publishing activities are available in the various databases:
MTMT ID: 10057588
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9942-8781
- Hejel, Péter; Gerhard, Zechner; Csorba, Csaba; Könyves, László: Survey of ketolactia, determining the main predisposing management factors and consequences in Hungarian dairy herds by using a cow-side milk test. VETERINARY RECORD OPEN 2018;5:e000253. doi:10.1136/vetreco-2017-000253
- Hejel, Péter; Sáfár, János; Bognár, Barbara; Kiss, László; Jurkovich, Viktor; Brydl, Endre; Könyves, László: The impact of the oxidative status on the reproduction of cows and the calves’ health – a review. ACTA VETERINARIA BRNO 90: 1 pp. 3-13., 11 p. (2021)
- Hejel, Péter; Jurkovich, Viktor; Bognár, Barbara; Kovács, Péter; Brydl, Endre; Könyves, László: Monitoring the redox status in dairy cows by using plasma dROMs, PAT, and OSI biomarkers. ACTA VETERINARIA BRNO 90: 2 pp. 125-134., 10 p. (2021)
- Levente, Kovács; Mátyás, Pálffy; Péter, Hejel; Walter, Baumgartner; Ottó, Szenci: Subacute ruminal acidosis in dairy cows – physiological background, risk factors and diagnostic methods. VETERINARSKA STANICA 51: 1 pp. 1-13., 13 p. (2020)
- Péter, Hejel; Viktor, Jurkovich; Przemysław, Sobiech; Dominika, Wysocka; Gerda, Kiss; Blanka, Horváth; László, Könyves: Examination of the redox status of calves during the milk feeding period in a Hungarian large-scale dairy farm. ÉLELMISZERVIZSGÁLATI KÖZLEMÉNYEK Spec. Ed.: 1 pp. 27-31., 5 p. (2020)
- Hejel, Péter; Jurkovich, Viktor; Kovács, Péter; Bakony, Mikolt; Könyves, László: A robotizált fejési rendszerek elterjedését és hatékony működtetését befolyásoló tényezők: Szakirodalmi Öszefogl: Automatic milking systems- factors involved in growing popularity and conditions of effective operation. MAGYAR ÁLLATORVOSOK LAPJA 140: 5 pp. 289-301., 13 p. (2018)
- Hejel, Péter; Harnos, Andrea; Könyves, László: A bendőbeli pH- és hőmérsékletértékek változásának vizsgálata a környezeti hőmérséklet és páratartalom, valamint a tejtermelés függvényében többször ellett holstein-fríz tehenekben. Előzetes eredmények.: Investigation of changes in intra-luminal temperature and pH-values in context of ambient temperature, humidity and milk production in multiparous Holstein-friesian cows. A preliminary study.. In: Szenci, O; Brydl, E (szerk.) A Magyar Buiatrikus Társaság XXVII. Nemzetközi Kongresszusa, 27th International Congress of the Hungarian Association for Buiatrics
- Hejel, Péter; Csorba, Csaba; Gubik, Zoltán; Jónás, Sándor; Könyves, László: A gyakoribb takarmányozási, állomány-egészségügyi és tartástechnológiai kockázati tényezők az ellés körüli időszakban tejelő tehenekben: Irodalmi összefoglaló: Frequent nutritional-, herd-health- and management risk factors in transition period for dairy cows. MAGYAR ÁLLATORVOSOK LAPJA 138: 7 pp. 391-400.
- Hejel, Péter; Könyves, László: Management factors affecting dairy cows’ health and performance during periparturient period: Relevance and tools for herd-level monitoring. MAGYAR ÁLLATORVOSOK LAPJA 137: Suppl. I pp. 302-308. , 7 p. (2015)