Viktor Jurkovich
veterinary doctor, specialist in ruminant health
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Dr. Jurkovich Viktor was born in Orosháza, after his high school studies, he was admitted to the University of Veterinary Medicine in Budapest in 1993. He graduated in 1998 and immediately after receiving his diploma, from January 1, 1999, he became a staff member of the University’s Department of Animal Hygiene, Stock Health and Veterinary Ethology, first as a PhD student and later as a department associate. He obtained his PhD degree in 2007, his habilitation in 2014, and his Master of Ruminal Health diploma in 2015. He is a member of the University’s Workplace Animal Welfare Committee, the European Animal Welfare College, and several professional organizations.
Main research areas:
- Investigation of factors influencing the animal welfare situation of cattle herds (foot diseases, feeding and keeping errors, heat stress, etc.)
- Examination of the octane, development and prevention of leg diseases in dairy cows
- Methods of evaluating animal welfare in economic livestock herds
- The occurrence of paratuberculosis and the possibility of protection against it in dairy farms
Workplace | Time | Post |
Állatorvostudományi Egyetem, Állatvédelmi Jogi, Elemző és Módszertani Központ | 2023- | Senior Research Fellow |
ÁTE (2016 előtt SZIE ÁOTK), Állathigiéniai, Állomány-egészségtani tanszék és Mobilklinika | 2015-2022 | Senior Research Fellow |
SZIE ÁOTK, Állathigiéniai, Állomány-egészségtani és Állatorvosi Etológiai Tanszék | 2011-2015 | Senior Research Fellow |
SZIE ÁOTK, Állathigiéniai, Állomány-egészségtani és Állatorvosi Etológiai Tanszék | 2002-2011 | department veterinarian |
ÁTE, Állathigiéniai, Állomány-egészségtani és Állatorvosi Etológiai Tanszék | 1999-2001 | PhD student |
Professional organization membership
Committee name | Time | Rank |
COST Action CA21124 – LIFT: Lifting farm animal lives – laying the foundations for positive animal welfare; Management Committee | 2023 | member |
European College of Animal Welfare and Behavioural Medicine, Examination sub-Committee | 2022 | member |
Magyar Állatorvosi Kamara | 2021 | member |
European College of Animal Welfare and Behavioural Medicine | 2016 | member |
Magyar Állatvédelmi és Állatjólléti Társaság | 2011 | member |
ÁTE Munkahelyi Állatjóléti Bizottság | 2009 | member |
Magyar Buiatrikusok Társasága | 1999 | member |
Number of thesis/TDK students to date
More than 100
PhD-students | |
Kovács Levente | 2014 |
Vass-Bognár Barbara | in-progress |
Várhidi Zsóka | in-progress |
Cszirok Martin | in-progress |
Publication list (Top10)
- Vass-Bognár, Barbara ; Bakony, Mikolt ; Baumgartner, Walter ; Khol, Johannes Lorenz ; Jurkovich, Viktor: Association between calf rearing technology and farm-level paratuberculosis infection in Hungarian dairy farms. PREVENTIVE VETERINARY MEDICINE 207 Paper: 105719 (2022)
- Bakony, M; Kiss, G ; Kovács, L ; Jurkovich, V.: The effect of hutch compass direction on primary heat stress responses in dairy calves in a continental region. ANIMAL WELFARE 30 : 3 pp. 315-324. , 10 p. (2021)
- Bakony, Mikolt ; Jurkovich, Viktor: Heat stress in dairy calves from birth to weaning. JOURNAL OF DAIRY RESEARCH 87 : S1 pp. 53-59. , 7 p. (2020)
- Jurkovich, V. ; Bakony, M. ; Laky, E. ; Ruff, F. ; Kézér, F.L. ; Bende, A. ; Kovács, L.: Cardiac vagal tone, plasma cortisol, and dehydroepiandrosterone response to an ACTH challenge in lame and nonlame dairy cows. DOMESTIC ANIMAL ENDOCRINOLOGY 71 Paper: 106388 , 12 p. (2020)
- Jurkovich, Viktor ; Könyves, László ; Bakony, Mikolt: Association between feed sorting and the prevalence of metabolic disorders in Hungarian large-scale dairy herds. JOURNAL OF DAIRY RESEARCH 86 : 2 pp. 162-164. , 3 p. (2019)
- Kovács, Levente ; Kézér, Luca Fruzsina ; Ruff, Ferenc ; Szenci, Ottó ; Jurkovich, Viktor: Association between human and animal thermal comfort indices and physiological heat stress indicators in dairy calves. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 166 pp. 108-111. , 4 p. (2018)
- Kovács, L ; Kézér, F L ; Kulcsár-Huszenicza, M ; Ruff, F ; Szenci, O ; Jurkovich, V.: Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal and cardiac autonomic responses to transrectal examination differ with behavioral reactivity in dairy cows. JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE 99 : 9 pp. 7444-7457. , 14 p. (2016)
- Kovács, Levente ; Kézér, Luca Fruzsina ; Jurkovich, Viktor ; Kulcsár-Huszenicza, Margit ; Tőzsér, János: Heart Rate Variability as an Indicator of Chronic Stress Caused by Lameness in Dairy Cows. PLOS ONE 10 : 8 Paper: e0134792 , 13 p. (2015)
- Kovács, L ; Jurkovich, V ; Bakony, M ; Szenci, O ; Póti, P ; Tőzsér, J.: Welfare implication of measuring heart rate and heart rate variability in dairy cattle – Literature review and conclusions for future research. ANIMAL: THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANIMAL BIOSCIENCES 8 : 2 pp. 316-330. , 15 p. (2014)
- Kovács, L. ; Tőzsér, J. ; Szenci, O. ; Póti, P. ; Kézér, L. F. ; Ruff, F. ; Gábrielné-Tőzsér, Gy. ; Hoffmann, D. ; Bakony, M. ; Jurkovich, V.: Cardiac responses to palpation per rectum in lactating and non-lactating dairy cows JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE 97 : 11 pp. 6955-6963. , 9 p. (2014)