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dr. Karancsi Zita

Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
junior lecturer
Doctoral Habilitation Council
PhD Student Union
vice-president, PhD student
Building R ground floor, Guest room
(1) 478 4100/8572

She was born in Kazincbarcika an industrial town in North-East of Hungary. She finished her high school studies here before was admitted to Szent István University. She continued her studies as a veterinary student and graduated in 2014 summa cum laude. In the autumn of 2015, she started her PhD studies under the supervision of dr. Péter Gálfi and dr. Orsolya Farkas. In parallel she began her Professional small animal veterinarian postgraduate studies in 2016 and finished successfully in 2018.

At the Pharmacology and Toxicology Department she works from 2015 as a clinical veterinarian and from 2018 as an assistant lecturer. She holds practicals of Veterinary Pharmacology in Hungarian an in English. Furthermore, she holds lectures of Veterinary Pharmacology, Veterinary Toxicology and Prudent use of antimicrobial drugs. Every year she leads several students in their thesis writing.

During her research and PhD work she examines natural compounds and their beneficial activities on intestinal cells. For these in vitro studies she works with IPEC-J2 cell line, and she focuses on polyphenol substances.  In addition, she helps in other research projects of the Pharmacology and Toxicology Department, like toxicology studies, antimicrobial and feed supplement efficiency investigation.



2015 – PhD-student
2018 – assistant professor


Top 10 main publications (Top10)


1. Á. Jerzsele, Z. Karancsi, E. Pászti-Gere, Á. Sterczer, A. Bersényi, K. Fodor, D. Szabó, P. Vajdovich. Effects of p.o. administered xylitol in cats. J. Vet. Pharmachol Therap. 2018; 41:409-414.
2. Karancsi Z., Balázs A., Gálfi P., Farkas O.: Flavonoids – new perspectives in the veterinary medicine. Magyar Állatorvosok Lapja 2015. 137./695-704.
3. Karancsi, A.V. Móritz, N. Lewin, A. M. Veres, Á. Jerzsele, O. Farkas. Beneficial effect of fermented wheat germ extract in intestinal epithelial cells in case of lipopolysaccharide-evoked inflammation. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. Accepted for publishing.
  1. Sunyál O., Karancsi Z., Vere a. M., Jerzsele Á.: Usage of antibacterial agents in companion animal medicine I. Magyar Állatorvosok Lapja 2018. 140/361-374.
5. Lénárt Á., Karancsi Z., Vere a. M., Jerzsele Á.: Aetiology and treatment of urinary tract infections in companion animals. Magyar Állatorvosok Lapja 2018. 140/401-410.
6. Roszkos Zs., Veres A. M., Karancsi Z., Jerzsele Á.: Usage of antibacterial agents in companion animal medicine II. Magyar Állatorvosok Lapja 2018. 140/669-683.
7. Karancsi Z., Jerzsele Á., Szénási E., Kiss K.: Clinical pharmacology of anthelminthics in the small animal medicine. Magyar Állatorvosok Lapja 2019. 141/373-384.
8. Karancsi Z., Szabó A., Farkas O., Gálfi P.: Kvercetin hidroxi és metoxilált formájának oxidatív stresszre gyakorolt hatása IPC-J2 sejteken. Állatorvos-tudományi Akadémiai Beszámoló, 2016. január 25.
9. Karancsi Z., Farkas O., Gálfi P.: Sejtintegritás változásának vizsgálata potenciálisan károsító anyagok hatására kvercetin mellett IPEC-J2 sejteken. Állatorvostudományi Akadémiai Beszámoló, 2017. január 23.
10. Karancsi Z., Farkas O., Gálfi P.: Kvercetinszármazékok hatása a bélbarrier épségére, valamint szerepük a gyulladás kivédésében. Magyar Szabadgyök-kutató Tárgaság Kongresszusa, Gödöllő 2017. augusztus 25-26.


(Updated: August 2021)