dr. Máté Marietta
Building L 3rd floor 311
Dr. Marietta Máté was born in Budapest and completed her grammar school studies at the Evangelical Grammar School of Békéscsaba before starting her veterinary studies at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Budapest. She gained practical experience in a veterinary practice during her student years. She graduated from the University of Veterinary Medicine in February 2020 with a doctorate cum laude in veterinary medicine. Since September 2020, she has been working at the Department of Veterinary Forensics and Economics as a department veterinarian. She started her studies in economics as part of a second-degree course in September 2021.
Main research areas:
- Animal health economics and management
- Veterinary practice management
Publication list (Top10)
Ózsvári L., és Máté M: Az akvakultúra-ágazat globális, európai és magyarországi fejlődése, Gazdálkodás 65: (4), pp. 289-309. (2021)