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Dr. László ÓZSVÁRI

teacher with habilitation, Ph.D.
Department of Veterinary Forensics and Economics
full professor, head of department
Scientific and Innovation Committee
Students’ Secretariat (for Hungarian students)
vice rector for study affairs
Building L 3rd floor 302
+361 478 4185
+361 478 4100 / 8591


László Ózsvári is the Head of the Department of Veterinary Forensics and Economics and the vice rector for educational affairs at the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest (UVMB). Earlier, he worked at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development as the Head of the Animal Health and Welfare Unit taking part in national control and eradication programs of contagious diseases in different species and collaborating with stakeholders both nationally and internationally. He graduated as a veterinarian at UVMB and received his PhD degree on Management and Business Administration from Szent István University (SZIU) and his MBA degree from Webster University. He is an experienced associate professor with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry. He has a multidisciplinary expertise on animal health economics and management, veterinary public health and food chain safety. He takes part in many national and international research projects and has performed research across multiple species (e.g. ruminants, pigs). His research has resulted in cc. 120 peer-reviewed journal papers, 15 textbook/manual chapters and numerous presentations and posters at national and international conferences.

Main research areas:

  • Animal health economics and management
  • Veterinary practice management
  • State veterinary medicine, animal welfare

Publication list (Top10)

1. Ozsvari L., Lang Zs., Monostori A., Kostoulas P., Fodor I.: Bayesian estimation of the true prevalence of paratuberculosis in Hungarian dairy cattle herds, PREVENTIVE VETERINARY MEDICINE 183: p. 105124. (2020)
2. Ozsvari Laszlo, Harnos Andrea, Lang Zsolt, Monostori Attila, Strain Sam, Fodor Istvan: The Impact of Paratuberculosis on Milk Production, Fertility, and Culling in Large Commercial Hungarian Dairy Herds, FRONTIERS IN VETERINARY SCIENCE 7: 565324 (2020)
3. Fodor I., Gábor Gy., Lang Zs., Abonyi-Tóth Zs., Ózsvári L: Relationship between reproductive management practices and fertility in primiparous and multiparous dairy cows, CANADIAN JOURNAL OF VETERINARY RESEARCH-REVUE CANADIENNE DE RECHERCHE VETERINAIRE 83: (3) pp. 218-227. (2019)
4. Fodor I, Baumgartner W, Abonyi-Tóth Z, Lang Z, Ózsvári L: Associations between management practices and major reproductive parameters of Holstein-Friesian replacement heifers, ANIMAL REPRODUCTION SCIENCE 188: pp. 114-122. (2018)
5. Fodor I, Abonyi-Toth Z, Ozsvari L: Management practices associated with reproductive performance in Holstein cows on large commercial dairy farms., ANIMAL: THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANIMAL BIOSCIENCES 12: (11) pp. 2401-6. (2018)
6. Szilvia Vetter, László Vasa, László Ózsvári: Economic aspects of animal welfare, ACTA POLYTECHNICA HUNGARICA 11: (7) pp. 119-134. (2014)
7. Reiczigel J, Foldi J, Ozsvari L: Exact confidence limits for prevalence of a disease with an imperfect diagnostic test, EPIDEMIOLOGY AND INFECTION 138: (11) pp. 1674-1678. (2010)
8. Gabor G, Toth F, Ozsvari L, Abonyi-Toth Z, Sasser RG: Factors influencing pregnancy rate and late embryonic loss in dairycattle, REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS 43: (1) pp. 53-58. (2008)
9. Gabor G, Torth F, Ozsvari L, Abonyi-Toth Z, Sasser RG: Early detection of pregnancy and embryonic loss in dairy cattle by ELISA tests, REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS 42: (6) pp. 633-636. (2007)
10. Ozsvari L, Barna R, Visnyei L: Lábvégbetegségek okozta gazdasági veszteségek nagyüzemi holstein-fríz tehenészetekben, MAGYAR ÁLLATORVOSOK LAPJA 129: (1) pp. 23-28. (2007)