Palócz Orsolya
Building S ground-floor
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(1) 478 4100 / 8574
2005-2011 Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science, biologist, specialization in molecular biology
2015-2018 University of Veterinary Medicine, Doctoral School of Veterinary Science
2011-2016 Szent István University, Faculty of Veterinary Science, biologist
2016- University of Veterinary Medicine, assistant research fellow
Scientific activity
Hungarian Molecular Life Sciences 2017 Conference; Eger, Hungary, 2017
21st European Synposium on Poultry Nutrition, Salou/Vila-seca, Spain, 2017
14th Congress of the European Association for Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology in Wrocław, Poland, 2018
Ninth International Conference on Antimicrobial Agents In Veterinary Medicine (AAVM) – Rome, Italy, 2018
Hungarian Molecular Life Sciences 2019 Conference; Eger, Hungary, 2019
Supervisor of student’s thesis/TDK: 16
Selected publications (Top10)
1. | E Paszti-Gere, E Csibrik-Nemeth, K Szeker, R Csizinszky, O Palocz, O Farkas, P Galfi: Lactobacillus plantarum 2142 prevents intestinal oxidative stress in optimized in vitro systems, ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA HUNGARICA 100:(1) pp. 90-99. (2013), |
2. | E. Paszti-Gere, G Matis, O Farkas, A Kulcsar, O Palocz, Gy Csiko, Zs Neogrady, P Galfi: The effects of intestinal LPS exposure on inflammatory responses in a porcine enterohepatic co-culture system, INFLAMMATION 37:(1) pp. 247-260. (2014), |
3. | O Farkas, G Mátis, E Pászti-Gere, O Palócz, A Kulcsár, J Petrilla, Gy Csikó, Zs Neogrády, P Gálfi: Effects of Lactobacillus plantarum 2142 and sodium n-butyrate in LPS-triggered inflammation: comparison of IPEC-J2 and primary hepatocyte mono-cultures with a porcine enterohepatic co-culture system, JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE 92:(9) pp. 3835-3845. (2014), |
4. | Palócz Orsolya, Csikó György: Az antibiotikumok túlzott mértékű használatának csökkentését célzó szerek az állattenyésztési és klinikai gyakorlatban: Irodalmi áttekintés: Reduction of the excessive use of antibiotics in animal husbandry and in clinical practice, Literature review, MAGYAR ÁLLATORVOSOK LAPJA 136:(3) pp. 177-183. (2014) |
5. | Palocz O, Gal J, Clayton P, Dinya Z, Somogyi Z, Juhasz Cs, Csiko Gy: Alternative treatment of serious and mild Pasteurella multocida infection in New Zealand White rabbits, BMC VETERINARY RESEARCH 10:(1) p. 276. (2014), |
6. | Palócz Orsolya, Farkas Orsolya, Clayton Paul, Csikó György: Changes in cytochrome P450 gene expression and enzyme activity induced by xenobiotics in rabbits in vivo and in vitro, WORLD RABBIT SCIENCE 25:(2) pp. 173-180. (2017), |
7. | Palócz Orsolya, Benedekné Major Katalin, Csigó Brigitta, Csikó György: Az ABCB1/MDR1 génmutáció elterjedtsége bizonyos magyarországi kutyaállományokban/Prevalence of ABCB1/MDR1 gene mutation in certain Hungarian canine population, MAGYAR ÁLLATORVOSOK LAPJA 140:(8) pp. 495-500. (2018), |
8. | Palócz O, Szita G, Csikó Gy: Alteration in Inflammatory Responses and Cytochrome P450 Expression of Porcine Jejunal Cells by Drinking Water Supplements, MEDIATORS OF INFLAMMATION 2019: Article ID 5420381, pp. 1-6. (2019), |
9. | Palócz O, Szita G, Csikó Gy: Alteration of avian hepatic cytochrome P450 gene expression and activity by certain feed additives, ACTA VETERINARIA HUNGARICA 67:(3) pp. 418-429 (2019), |
(Updated: August 2021)