Dr. Reinitz László Zoltán
Building E III. Floor 1.
[Click to see email]
+361 478 4100 / 8456
Office hours: during the semester, every Wednesday 14:00-15:00
Birth name: László Zoltán Rév
Birth date: 25th of April, 1979
ORCID: 0000-0002-9927-652X
2010-2016: PhD in Veterinary Science. Szent István University, Faculty of Veterinary Science, School of Doctoral Studies.
Thesis: Volumetric measurement, anatomical relations and 3D modelling of the canine cerebrospinal fluid
2000-2007: Szent István University, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) course
Thesis (2006): 3D representation of the dog’s thoracic organs
Radiology Internship (2004): Cornell University, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Ithaca, NY, USA
6th semester (2003): ERASMUS scholarship; Technical University of Lisbon, Faculty of Veterinary Science
1998-2000: Semmelweis Medical University, Faculty of Pharmacy
1993-1998: Mechwart András high School, IT. Course (mid level software technician diploma)
1985–1993: Csíkihegyek Elementary School
English course
Hungarian: native language
English: Advanced level (type “C1”), state accredited language exam
German: Basic level (type “C1”), state accredited language exam, conversational knowledge
Portuguese: Basic level
Spanish: Basic level
2016-current: University of Veterinary Science, Department of Anatomy and Histology
2017.01.01-current: assistant professor
2016.07.01-2016.12.31: research fellow
2009-: Szent István University, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department of Anatomy and Histology
2013-2016.06.30: research fellow
2010-2013: PhD student
2009-2010: research fellow
1996-2009: FeliCaVet Veterinary Clinic and Animal Hospital
2008. December-2009. May: Chief veterinarian for the hospital
2007. September-2008. December: full time clinical veterinarian
2007. April-2007. September: part time clinical veterinarian
2004-2007: part time veterinary technician
1996-2003: volunteer
2001-2007: Szent István University, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Student council: Editor-in-chef for the student’s magazine, variable organizing responsibilities
1999-2007: Semmelweis University, “Instructor” Fraternity: administrative and organizing responsibilities
2003-2004: EU European Volunteer Service
Vertigem – Associação Para Promoção DO Património: community work with 6-10 years old children in the field of environment protection
1997-1998: University of Veterinary Science, Department and Clinics for Internal Medicine, Intensive Care Unit: veterinary technician
Veterinary Course (SzIU, Veterinary Faculty), graduate course: Veterinary Anatomy, Topographical Anatomy, Radiological Anatomy, Anatomy of the Domestic birds, Development of the Organs; theoretical and practical classes, examining in Hungarian, English and German language
Equestrian Culture Education (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences), postgraduate course: Anatomy; theoretical and practical classes, examining
Equine trainer and organizer (SzIU, Veterinary Faculty), postgraduate course: Anatomy; theoretical and practical classes, examining
Talent-scouting program for high schools in the Anatomical Museum and Dissection Hall: NTP-TDK-0011-A-0009 (2012); NTP-OKA-XXII./090 (2011); NTP-OKA-I./043 (2010)
European Volunteer Service (2004)
ERASMUS scholarship (2003)
Hungarian Anatomical Society, 18th congress, organizing committee (2013)
Young Generation of Veterinary Anatomists (2013)
European Association of Veterinary Anatomists (2013)
SzIE-ÁOTK Students’ Research Circle secretary (2011)
Hungarian Anatomical Society (2010)
Barak Wolnerman: Anatomical mapping of a Rothschild’s giraffe forelimb (2022)
Claudia Cerny: Computer tomography based 3D reconstruction of the Blood supply of rhinoceros’ distal limbs (2022)
Fanni Bakarecz: CT-based measurement of heart rate in dogs of different body weights (2021)
Shannon Rück: 3D reconstruction and analyses of the anatomy of an elephant’s foot using CT and MRI (2020)
Veronika Szilassy: Analysis of the correlation between heart morphology and the thorax shape using CT based 3D reconstruction technology (2020)
Rozália Alföldi: CT based, comparison anatomy of canine heart with different body frame. (2020)
Anett Bozsik: Exploring the role of statistical learning in dog vocabulary learning using awake fMRI (2019)
Milán Kondor: Interesting aspects of the topographic anatomy of the ostrich (Struthio camelus) (2018)
Helena Waid: Clinical experiences after the insertion of a Cyclosporine-A drug delivery device in Warmblood Horses with Equine Recurrent Uveitis (2016)
Bianka Zankó: Three-dimensional model of the skeletal and arterial system of the dog’s forelimb (2015)
Bianka Benedek: 3D reconstruction and volumetric measurement of the canine ventricles with MRI (2014)
Dávid Prevics: Demonstrating the anatomy of the canine heart using MRI based 3D reconstruction technology (2014)
Martin Bilger: Topographische und klinische Anatomie des Luftsacks beim Pferd (2013)
2007, XXVIII. National Students’ Research Congress – Special Award
2006, SzIE-Veterinary Faculty Students’ Research Congress– 1st prize and Special Award of the Rector
2022, ÁTE Students’ Research Congress – Award of the Elanco Hungary Kft.
2022, ÁTE Students’ Research Congress – Award of the Hungarian Veterinary Chamber (Cerny Claudia)
2021, ÁTE Students’ Research Congress –Fenyves Béla memorial award (Bakarecz Fanni)
2020, ÁTE Students’ Research Congress – Zoetis Award (Rück, Shannon)
2020, ÁTE Students’ Research Congress – KRKA Hunagary Award (Szilassy Veronika)
2020, ÁTE Students’ Research Congress – Award of the Center for Continuing Education and Research Organization (Alföldi Rozália)
2019, ÁTE Students’ Research Congress – Awardof the Royal Canin (Bozsik Anett)
2018, ÁTE Students’ Research Congress – Professor Emeritus Award of Prof. Dr. Ferenc Kovács (Milán Kondor)
2016, ÁTE Students’ Research Congress – Award of the Vide-Vet Kft. (Helena Waid)
2015, SzIE-Veterinary Faculty Students’ Research Congress – Award of the Hungarian Small Animal Veterinary Association (Bianka Zankó)
2015, National Students’ Research Congress – Special award (Dávid Prevics)
2014, SzIE-Veterinary Faculty Students’ Research Congress – Award of the Hungarian Small Animal Veterinary Association (Bianka Benedek)
2014, SzIE-Veterinary Faculty Students’ Research Congress – Special award of the Student government (Dávid Prevics)
2014, SzIE-Veterinary Faculty Students’ Research Congress – Professor Emeritus Award of Prof. Dr. Ferenc Kovács (Dávid Prevics)
2013, SzIE-Veterinary Faculty Students’ Research Congress – 1st prize and Special Award of the Rector (Martin Bilger)
Petneházy Ö., Rück S., Sós E., Reinitz L.: 3D Reconstruction of the Blood Supply in an Elephant’s Forefoot Using Fused CT and MRI Sequences. Animals. 13. 1789. 10.3390/ani13111789.
Rück S., Reinitz L., Petneházy Ö.: 3D reconstruction and analyses of the anatomy of an elephant’s foot using CT and MRI. 25th Graz Conference; Budapest 2022.04.21-23
Alföldi R., Reinitz L., Garamvölgyi R., Kőrösi D., Petneházy Ö.: A kutyaszív anatómiájának vizsgálata multidetector CT alkalmazásával. Magyar Állatorvosok Lapja, 144. évf., 2022/6 pp. 397-409
Reinitz L.: Introduction to the 3D projector and its possibilities in teaching anatomy. 25th Graz Conference; Budapest 2022.04.21-23
Reinitz L., Bajzik G., Garamvölgyi R., Benedek B., Petneházy Ö., Lassó A., Abonyi-Tóth Zs., Lőrincz B., Sótonyi P.: Linear relationship found between cerebrospinal fluid volume and bodyweight in dogs with MRI. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica. 2017 Mar;65(1):1-12. doi: 10.1556/004.2017.001.
Reinitz L., Szőke B., Várkonyi E., Sótonyi P., Jancsik V.: Three-dimensional visualization of the distribution of melanin-concentrating hormone producing neurons in the mouse hypothalamus. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy. 2016 Jan; 71:20-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jchemneu.2015.11.009.
Reinitz L., Bajzik G., Garamvölgyi R., Petneházy Ö., Lassó A., Abonyi-Tóth Zs., Lőrincz B., Sótonyi P.: Comparison between magnetic resonance imaging estimates of extracranial cerebrospinal fluid volume and physical measurements in healthy dogs. Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound. 2015 Nov-Dec; 56(6):658-65. doi: 10.1111/vru.12283.
Reinitz L., Petneházy Ö., Bajzik G., Biró G., Garamvölgyi R., Benedek B., Sótonyi P.: Módszer a kutya (Canis familiaris) agykamráinak in vivo térfogatmérésére MRI-vel. Magyar Állatorvosok Lapja 135. évf. 2013/8 pp. 451-460 (IF.:0,185)
Reinitz L.: A vállízület és a könyökízület anatómiája kutyában és macskában. Kisállatpraxis, 2010., 3/94.
Ózsvári L., Reinitz L.: Laborkészülékek üzemeltetésének költséghatékonysága a hazai kisállatpraxisokban. Magyar Állatorvosok Lapja, 129. évf. 2007/11 pp. 689-698 (IF.:0,185)
Reinitz L., Bajzik G., Garamvölgyi R., Petneházy Ö., Benedek B., Abonyi-Tóth Zs., Sótonyi P.: Relationship between asymmetry of the lateral ventricles and the paw preference. 32nd Congress of European Association of Veterinary Anatomists; Hannover 2018.07.25-28
Kondor M., Reinitz L.: Interesting aspects of the topographic anatomy of the ostrich (Struthio camelus). 32nd Congress of European Association of Veterinary Anatomists; Hannover 2018.07.25-28
Reinitz L., Kovács T., Veres D.: IOS based 3D application of the skeleton of the dog. 8th meeting of Young Generation of Veterinary Anatomists; Poznan, 2015.07.15-17
Prevics D, Reinitz L., Petneházy O., Garamvölgyi R., Bajzik G., Sótonyi P.: Demonstrating the anatomy of the canine heart using MRI based 3D reconstruction technology. 8th meeting of Young Generation of Veterinary Anatomists; Poznan, 2015.07.15-17
Reinitz L., Bajzik G., Garamvölgyi R., Benedek B., Petneházy Ö., Lassó A., Abonyi-Tóth Z., Lőrincz B., Sótonyi P.: Volume and distribution of the cerebrospinal fluid in dogs. Magyar Anatómus Társaság XIX. Kongresszusa; Szeged; 2015. 06.11-13
Prevics D., Reinitz L., Petneházy Ö., Garamvölgyi R., Bajzik G., Sótonyi P.: Demonstrating the anatomy of the canine heart using MRI based 3D reconstruction technology. Magyar Anatómus Társaság XIX. Kongresszusa; Szeged; 2015. 06.11-13.
Reinitz L., Bajzik G.. Garamvölgyi R., Petneházy Ö., Lassó A., Abonyi-Tóth Z., Lőrincz B., Benedek B., Sótonyi P.: Volumetric measurements of the canine cerebrospinal fluid using magnetic resonance imaging. Anatomia Histologia Embryologia. 2014 (43/1) P.76-77. The XXXth Congress of the European Association of Veterinary Anatomists; Cluj-Napoca; 2014.07. 23-26
Zankó B., Reinitz L., Csontos G., Kovács T., Arany-Tóth A., Sótonyi P.:Three-dimensional model of the skeletal and vascular system of the dog’s forelimb. Anatomia Histologia Embryologia. 2014 (43/1) P.101. The XXXth Congress of the European Association of Veterinary Anatomists; Cluj-Napoca; 2014.07. 23-26
Reinitz L., Szőke B., Gerics B., Sótonyi P., Jancsik V.: 3-D reconstruction of the distribution of melanin-concentrating hormone producing neurons in the mouse hypothalamus. International Brain Research Organization Workshop 2014; Debrecen, 2014.01.16-17. Reinitz L., Petneházy Ö., Bajzik G., Kovács T., Arany-Tóth A., Lassó A., Bilger M., Czeibert K., Sótonyi P.
The use of 3D Slicer and 3DS Max for anatomical demonstration: 7th meeting of Young Generation of Veterinary Anatomists; Leipzig, 2013.07.17-20.
Bilger M., Reinitz L., Czeibert K., Sótonyi P.: Topographical and clinical anatomy of the guttural pouch in horse. 7th meeting of Young Generation of Veterinary Anatomists; Leipzig, 2013.07.17-20.
Reinitz L., Petneházy Ö., Bajzik G., Biró G., Garamvölgyi R., Benedek B., Sótonyi P.: Módszer a kutya (Canis familiaris) agykamráinak in vivo térfogatmérésére MRI-vel. Magyar Anatómus Társaság XVIII. Kongresszusa; Budapest; 2013. 06.13-15.
Szakács Cs., Reinitz L.: Muzeális értékű, anatómia oktatására használt ló szobor felújítása. Magyar Anatómus Társaság XVIII. Kongresszusa; Budapest; 2013. 06.13-15
Bilger M., Reinitz L., Czeibert K., Sótonyi P.: A ló légzacskójának klinikai anatómiai viszonyai. Magyar Anatómus Társaság XVIII. Kongresszusa; Budapest; 2013. 06.13-15