Dr. Péter Vajdovich
Department of Clinical Pathology and Oncology
associate professor, head of department
Building O ground-floor
Peter Vajdovich was born in 31st of July, 1966. He has married. Father of four children (Martin, Dorothy, Noemi, Peter) qualified as a veterinarian in 1990. Since then he has been working at the Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Szent István University. He is involved in teaching pathophysiology, clinical pathology and he has some lectures in internal medicine. He is working at the clinical laboratory of the Department, responsible for cytology and hematology examinations. He defended his PhD thesis in 2000 with the theme of Free Radical and Antioxidant Measurements in Red Blood Cells.
He is taking part in clinical work, too with day and night duties regularly. He is leading clinical oncology examinations and medical oncology treatments. His research field is Prognostic Markers and Multidrug Resistance in Canine Oncology. Peter Vajdovich got the associate professor degree from his Faculty in 2004, and he became a full member of European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology in 2002. At present he is a member of the Hungarian Society of Free Radical Researchers, the European Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology, European Society of Veterinary Oncology and he is the former president and the present treasurer of the Hungarian Society of Veterinary Oncology.