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Dr. Zenke Petra

Ph.D., Habilitation
Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics
Senior Research Fellow
Building J/III. 313.


Education: Bethlen Gábor High School in Hódmezővásárhely (biology-chemistry major), ELTE TTK Biology Department (molecular biology major), four years of forensic expert training (National Expert and Research Center, Genetic Expertise Department).

Since 2008, I have been working as a university employee (researcher) at the Institute of Animal Breeding, Nutrition, and Laboratory Animal Science. In undergraduate training, I take part in the teaching of Veterinary Genetics and Animal Breeding (in Hungarian, English, and German), and I am the subject supervisor of Forensic Animal Genetics, which is an elective subject.

Career development:

2002 Certified biologist
2008 Forensic genetics expert
2011 Ph.D.
2020 Habilitation


Main research areas:

  • genetic detection of certain characteristics of domestic animals: e.g., color genetics, inbreeding, heat stress, disease susceptibility
  • forensic animal genetics: species-, individual- and sex identification, population genetics
  • wildlife genetics: biodiversity, food safety, genetic differentiation of hybrid individuals
  • sex determination in zoo animals; fetal sex detected by non-invasive methods from maternal blood plasma
  • developments for detecting degraded and minimal amounts of DNA from biological remains of different types and ages


Member of the Hungarian Chamber of Judicial Experts since 2008

European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI):

Member of the Animal, Plant, and Soil Traces international expert working group since 2010


Number of students (theses and Students’ Scientific Association a.k.a. TDK:

  • Theses: 24
  • TDK theses: 16

Number of PhD students: 2

Publication list (TOP12) and MTMT link

1. Zorkóczy, Orsolya Krisztina ; Turi, Orsolya ; Wagenhoffer, Zsombor; Ózsvári, László; Lehotzky, Pál; Pádár, Zsolt; Zenke, Petra: A Selection of 14 Tetrameric Microsatellite Markers for Genetic Investigations in Fallow Deer (Dama dama). ANIMALS 13: 13 p. 2083 (2023)
2. Zenke, Petra; Zorkóczy, Orsolya Krisztina; Lehotzky, Pál; Ózsvári, László; Pádár, Zsolt: Molecular Sexing and Species Detection of Antlered European Hunting Game for Forensic Purposes. ANIMALS 12:3 Paper: 246, 14 p. (2022)
3. Pádár, Zsolt; Nogel, Mónika; Kovács, Gábor; Gárdonyi, Gergely; Zenke, Petra: A vadvilági bűnözés sajátos kriminalisztikai kihívásai Magyarországon. BELÜGYI SZEMLE: A BELÜGYMINISZTÉRIUM SZAKMAI TUDOMÁNYOS FOLYÓIRATA (2010-) 70: 9 pp. 1727-1748., 22 p. (2022)
4. Varga, László; Lénárt, Xénia; Zenke, Petra; Orbán, László; Hudák, Péter; Ninausz, Nóra; Pelles, Zsófia; Szőke, Antal. Being Merle: The Molecular Genetic Background of the Canine Merle Mutation. GENES 11:6 Paper: 660, 15 p. (2020)
5. Zenke, Petra; Egyed, Balázs; Kovács, Gábor; Pádár, Zsolt: Implementation of genetic based individualization of White stork (Ciconia ciconia) in forensic casework. FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL-GENETICS 40 pp. e245-e247., 3 p. (2019)
6. Vincze, Boglárka; Gáspárdy, Andrá; Biácsi, Alexandra; Papp, Endre Ákos; Garamvölgyi, László; Sós, Endre; Cseh, Sándor; Kovács, Gábor; Pádár, Zsolt; Zenke, Petra: Sex determination using circulating cell-free fetal DNA in small volume of maternal plasma in elephants. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 9:1 Paper: 15254, 7 p. (2019)
7. Pelles, Zsófia; Gáspárdy, András; Zöldág, László; Lénárt, Xénia; Ninausz, Nóra; Varga, László; Zenke, Petra: Merle allele variations in the Mudi dog breed and their effects on phenotypes. ACTA VETERINARIA HUNGARICA 67:2 pp. 159-173., 15 p. (2019)
8. Zenke, Petra; Egyed, Balázs; Pádár, Zsolt: A vadászható fajok védelme: az orvvadászat bizonyíthatósága az igazságügyi genetika segítségével: Eseti alkalmazások: Wildlife protection: demonstrability of wildlife crime with forensic DNA analysis Casework applications. MAGYAR ÁLLATORVOSOK LAPJA 139:10 pp. 631-639., 9 p. (2017)
9. Pelles, Zsófia; Maróti-Agóts, Ákos; Gáspárdy, András; Zöldág, László; Zenke, Petra: A rejtett cifra szín molekuláris genetikai módszerekkel való kimutatása mudi fajtában. MAGYAR ÁLLATORVOSOK LAPJA 140:2 pp. 121-127., 7 p. (2018)
10.        Zenke, Petra; Egyed, Balázs; Pádár, Zsolt; Kovács, Gábor: Increasing relevance of non-human genetics in Hungarian forensic practice. FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL GENETICS SUPPLEMENT SERIES 5 pp. e250-e252., 3 p. (2015)
11.        Szabolcsi, Zoltan; Egyed, Balazs; Zenke, Petra; Padar, Zsolt; Borsy, Adrienn; Steger, Viktor; Pasztor, Erzsebet; Csanyi, Sandor; Buzas, Zsuzsanna; Orosz, Laszlo: Constructing STR Multiplexes for Individual Identification of Hungarian Red Deer. JOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES 59 pp. 1090-1099., 10 p. (2014)
12.        Zenke, Petra; Egyed, Balazs; Zoldag, Laszlo; Padar, Zsolt: Population genetic study in Hungarian canine populations using forensically informative STR loci. FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL-GENETICS 5: 1 pp. E31-E36. (2011)