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About Us Units Centre for Bioinformatics Biometeorology Research Group

Biometeorology Research Group

university of Veterinary medicine budapest

Biometeorology Research Group



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Full professor: Róbert Farkas

Associate professor: Zoltán Barcza (Department of Meteorology, ELTE), Norbert Solymosi

Junior assistant professor: –

Associate research fellow: –

Assistant: –

PhD student: –

Collaborator: Judit Sábitz (Hungarian Meteorological Service)



Studies on associations of meteorology and animal health, production or/and human health. Modelling the heat stress effects on animal production and health. Modelling the weather front effects on health and animal production. Modelling of long distance airborne spreading of infectious agents and flying arthropod vectors. Modelling of the spatial distribution of vectors, and vector borne agents based on environmental data, including meteorology data.



Hungarian Society of Meteorology

Hungarian Society of Parasitologists

International Society of Biometeorology

Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine



Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie, Legnaro, Italy

Department of Meteorology, Eötvös Loránd University



  • meteorological, climatic data based biometeorology analysis
  • epidemiological risk assessment
  • spatial modelling
  • environmental health modelling



Additional information on the research services

  • details on the listed fields of research and topics, their timeliness, the possibilities of practical utility and description of the expected results

The global climate change pointed the interest of scientific society to topics which were neglected earlier. Studying the effects of the weather on health may provide important knowledge to develop strategies, technologies in order the prevention of health damage, reduction of animal production loss.


  • more detailed description of the listed research services

In the environmental health research we use the epidemiology toolbox. Since the weather data has spatial property necessarily, the methods of spatial epidemiology are used. In that area, in the last decade the Bayesian modelling has an increasing interest. In Bayesian spatial epidemiology modelling we have some international collaborations. Meteorology data preprocessing, handling in order to certain application.


  • results achieved so far, presentation of relevant references (grants and contracts)
  • Bobvos J., Solymosi N. & Páldy A. 2011. Climate change and heat-related mortality in Budapest – comparative methods of impact estimation of temperature. In 23rd International ISEE conference p. VV29 390.07, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Bobvos J., Solymosi N. & Páldy A. 2011. A klímaváltozásnak tulajdonítható többlethalálozás becslése több validációs eljárás alapján Budapesten. Egészségtudomány LV(3):68.
  • Farkas R., Gyurkovszky M., Solymosi N. & Beugnet F. 2009. Studies on flea infestion of dogs and cats combined with a questionnaire survey in Hungary. Med Vet Entomol 23(3):187–194.
  • Reiczigel J., Solymosi N., Könyves L., Maróti-Agóts Á., Kern A. & Bartyik J. 2009. A hőstressz okozta tejtermelés-kiesés vizsgálata hőmérséklet-páratartalom indexek alkalmazásával. Magy Állatorv Lapja 131(3):137–144.
  • Rubel F., Schachner E., Strele C. & Solymosi N. 2004. Estimation of airborne spread of foot-and-mouth disease virus. In Proceedings of V. Middle-European Congress for Buiatrics, Hajdúszoboszló, Hungary.
  • Sábitz J., Barcza Z. & Solymosi N. 2010. AGMAAS: a GIS integrated tool for modelling wind-borne spreading of FMD virus. In EUFMD FMD Week 2010, Vienna, Austria.
  • Solymosi N. & Barcza Z. 2008. Fertőzések aeroszol útján való terjedésének modellezése HYSPLIT modellel. In Paraziták és más patogének evolúciója és ökológiája (előadóülés) Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum, Budapest, Hungary.
  • Solymosi N. & Rubel F. 2008. PlumGen: a ragadós száj- és körömfájás vírus széllel terjedésének előjelzésére fejlesztett szoftver. In VIII. Magyar Biometriai és Biomatematikai Konferencia, Budapest, Hungary.
  • Solymosi N. & Rubel F. 2008. GIS based model for FMD. In Joint ICTP-IAEA conference on predicting disease patterns according to climate changes, Miarmare-Trieste, Italy.
  • Solymosi N. 2008. Vektorokkal terjedő kórokozók elterjedtségének predikciója környezeti tényezők alapján. In Magyar Parazitológusok Társasága tudományos ülés Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum, Budapest, Hungary.
  • Solymosi N., Kern A., Maróti-Agóts Á., Horváth L. & Erdélyi K. 2008. TETYN: An easy to use tool for extracting climatic parameters from Tyndall data sets. Environ. Modell. Softw. 23 (7):948–949.
  • Solymosi N., Maróti-Agóts Á., Könyves L., Kern A. & Berke O. 2008. Climate change scenarios and the projection of geographic risk for heat stress in Hungarian dairy cattle. In XXV. World Buiatrics Congress Budapest Hungary.
  • Solymosi N., Maróti-Agóts Á., Ózsvári L., Könyves L., Horváth L. & Kern A. 2007. Region specific heat stress forecast for cattle production based on climate change scenarios. In GISVET’07, Coppenhagen, Denmark.
  • Solymosi N., Schachner E., Mayer D. & Rubel F. 2006. Introduction of two models to estimate the airborne spread of foot-and-mouth disease virus. In DVG Epi 2006, Bern, Switzerland.
  • Solymosi N., Torma C., Kern A. & Barcza Z. 2010. Vektorok földrajzi mintázat-modellezése a klíma változásának függvényében. Magyar Parazitológusok Társasága & Magyar Zoonózis Társaság tudományos ülés Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum, Budapest, Hungary.
  • Solymosi N., Torma C., Kern A., Maróti-Agóts Á., Barcza Z., Könyves L. & Reiczigel J. 2010. Az évenkénti hőstresszes napok számának változása Magyarországon a klímaváltozás függvényében. In 36. Meteorológiai Tudományos Napok: Változó éghajlat és következményei a Kárpát-medencében p. 15, Budapest, Hungary.
  • Solymosi N., Torma C., Kern A., Maróti-Agóts Á., Barcza Z., Könyves L., Berke O. & Reiczigel J. 2010. Changing climate in Hungary and trends in the annual number of heat stress days. Int J Biometeorol 54(4):423–431.
  • Solymosi N., Wagner S. E., Maróti-Agóts Á. & Allepuz A. 2010. maps2WinBUGS: a QGIS plugin to facilitate data processing for Bayesian spatial modeling. Ecography 33(6):1093–1096.


  • members of the team
Name Education, scientific grade Specialization Experience
Zoltán Barcza meteorologist, PhD analysis of climate effects Department of Meteorology, Eötvös Loránd University
Róbert Farkas veterinarian, DSc veterinary parasitology Department of parasitology and zoology
Judit Sábitz Meteorologist, PhD-student regional climate models (Pannonian basin) Department of Meteorology, Eötvös Loránd University
Norbert Solymosi veterinarian, PhD epidemiology, computational biology „Adaptation to climate change” research group, HAS


  • A short description of the existing research infrastructures, which are necessary to provide the listed services

The information technologies needed for the provided services are available in the Department of animal hygiene, herd-health and veterinary ethology. Presently we have two high performance computers for the modelling runs.