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Department news

June 2023

Journal of Hungarian Veterinarians – Alma Mater

Theoretical and practical training program::

aspiration of mare’s follicular fluid under ultrasound control
(Ovum Pick Up, OPU) and in vitro fertilization (IVF) of collected oocytes

Journal of Hungarian Veterinarians – Alma Mater

START GAME – 2 CRYO– Summer School: Animal model experiments applied with gametes
Assisted Reproductive Technologies, Aldo Moro University, Bari, Italy

Univet newspaper

– The cooperation agreement concluded between the two universities Prof.
It can be considered the fruit of a several-year research relationship between Sándor Cseh and Prof. Giovanni Lacalandra.


Cooperation with Aldo Moro University – The cooperation agreement concluded between the two universities Prof.
It can be considered the fruit of a several-year research relationship between Sándor Cseh and Prof. Giovanni Lacalandra.


February 2023

On February 24-25, 2023, the 1st Hungarian Agricultural Science Doctorate Symposium was held at the University of Debrecen, attended by 4 PhD students of the Department. Three of the doctoral students – Lilla Bordás, dr. Mónika Bacsa, Dóra Török – a poster was presented at the symposium, dr. Anna Csepreghy gave a lecture entitled “The potential predictive value of AMH during assisted reproduction interventions in sheep”. In the Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Sciences poster subsection, dr. Mónika Bacsa achieved 1st place.

Bordás Lilla, dr. Csepreghy Anna, dr. Bacsa Mónika, Török Dóra


2022. july

ICAR 2022+2 Bologna: ICAR report

Dr. Vincze Boglárka
Dr. Somoskői Bence
Török Dóra
Bordás Lilla
ICAR group photo: Somoskői Bence, Cseh Sándor, Bordás Lilla, Vincze Boglárka, Török Dóra, Rátky József


ICAR group ohoto
Rátky József, Cseh Sándor, Somoskői Bence, Török Dóra, Bordás Lilla, Vincze Boglárka

2021. september

Canine sperm freezing training program led by Dr. Bruce Christensen


2019. september

Training program led by dr Bruce Christensen-
endoscopic transcervical insemination in dogs

2019. april

A memorial plaque was inaugurated for dr. In memory of János Haraszti

Professor Haraszti János

2018. june

The staff of the department bid farewell to the 2018 school year with a garden event in the campus park.