The botany was – from the establishment of the university (1787) – as ground subject absolved. The lectures were presented firstly by the professors of chemistry, later by other persons (Márton Galambos /1857-1865/, Lajos Thanhoffer /1873-1874/, Béla Thormay /1874/). From 1874 till 1895 Kálmán Czakó (Professor of Pathology and Pharmacology) organized the botanical education. The botanical hay analysis was introduced – for example – according to his proposition. After this death Professor Gyula Magyary-Kossa (1896-1913) and Professor Zoltán Szabó (1913-1923) have the botanical lectures and seminars absolved. Both Professors have given extreme importance to the information on poisonous and forage plants. Later, dr. Bertalan Hazslinszky (1931-1944) has published one textbook of great importance (?Microscopic analysis of foods and forages of plant origin?). This book was (and is today) a valuable compendium.
After the World War II was dr. Ádám Boros (well-known botanist-bryologist) the head of the botanical education. In 1953 was the Department of Botany official established, first head was the Associate Professor Vidor Modor (1953-1971). Scientific projects were presented on histology of some medicinal and poisonous plants. The second head of the Department was dr. Ede Haraszti (Associate Professor, later Professor: 1971-1986). He studied some questions of grassland (botany and management), as well as of poisonous plants and plant poisonings. He published in 1985 the textbook: ?Poisonous plants and plant poisonings?. From 1986 till 1990 was Professor József Bokori (Department of Animal Nutrition) the curator of the Department. Since 1990: dr. János Vetter (Associate Professor, later Professor) have been the head of Department. New educational aims and works were received during the last 16 years: participations in German and English courses of veterinary education (from 1990 and 1992, respectively), organisation and performance of new facultative courses (Mycology, Grassland, Medicinal Plants, Edible and poisonous mushrooms etc.), participation in the educations of zoologists (from 1996: Plant Morphology, Plant Systematics, Plant Physiology) and biologists (BSc from 2006).
Updated: 2023.01.31.