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About Us Units Teaching Farm (TF)

Teaching Farm (TF)

Dr. Sziebert Gergely
+3629 521 360
+3629 521 384
Postal address
2225 Üllő Dóra major
2225 Üllő Dóra major



The Experimental Farm of the University of Veterinary Medicine, Budapest is located in Dóra major, 34 km from Budapest. It is situated on the edge of the plain of Pest, near the town of Üllő in the township of Vecsés.


Experimental Farm


Dóra major was named after Sándor Dóra, who was an agronomist and a skeet shooting world champion.

He received his agronomist diploma in 1926 at the University of Agriculture, Keszthely. He lived in Hungary until 1949, when he moved to San Remo and in 1964 returned to Hungary and settled down in his estate (Dóra major) near the town of Üllő.

Dóra major became the experimental farm of the University in 1990, but it has a much longer history as a centre for livestock production.

  • Until 31 December, 1982 it was operated as the Performance Testing Station of OTÁF (National Inspectorate of Animal Feed and Livestock Production)
  • Between 1 January, 1983 and 31 December, 1987 it functioned as the Livestock Production Company of Gödöllő
  • From 1 January, 1988 to 31 December, 1989 it was called the Livestock Production Company of Debrecen
  • Since 1 January, 1990 it has been functioning as the Experimental Farm of the University of Veterinary Medicine, Budapest
  • Between 1999 and 2016 it belonged to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Szent István University
  • Since 1 July, 2016 it has been operated as the Experimental Farm of the independent University of Veterinary Medicine, Budapest

For more information about the teaching economy and the weekly exercises, please visit Dóra Major’s website.