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Department of Digital Food Science



RESEARCH LEADER: Ákos Bernard Jóźwiak DVM PhD


CONTACT: [Click to see email]



The Department started its work as the Digital Food Institute (DFI) on April 1, 2020 at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Budapest, which is one of the most important places for the training of food safety professionals in Hungary. The team integrates food chain safety data analysis and research along the whole food chain and takes networking in this area to a new level. DFI aims to be an internationally recognized hub of experts and researchers in the field of food chain safety data analysis.

The focus of the research, development and innovation activities is to participate in national and international projects aiming at the safety of the food chain, and thus, due to the profile of the Institute, it mainly targets the following research areas related to food chain safety:

  • Data analytics research (data mining, text mining, network mining, artificial intelligence applications)
  • Forecasting (identifying emerging risks, epidemiological modelling)
  • Decision-making methodological research (cost-benefit, risk-benefit analyses, risk assessment)


Research topic ideas, search for international and national partners

Since its establishment, the Institute has been actively seeking opportunities for collaboration both within and outside the University. Working relationships have been established with several universities (e.g. University of Debrecen, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences) and for-profit organisations, businesses. The exploration of research topic ideas and the search for national and international partners is ongoing.


Digitalization project proposals identified by DFI 

  • A system for early warning of food chain safety hazards and identification of emerging risks to support food business operators
  • Systems for food chain safety health technology assessment, cost-benefit and risk-benefit analyses
  • Food chain safety, quality management decision support systems for food chain managers
  • A secure, credible, blockchain-based traceability pilot system for one or two product lines
  • Meat inspection digitalization
  • Developing digital food chain monitoring subsystems for the authority, in cooperation with the authority
  • Assessing food safety and nutritional impacts on consumers at the molecular level using data-driven, AI-assisted methods.



Miklós Süth DVM PhD

Ákos Bernard Jóźwiak DVM PhD

András Bittsánszky PhD

Szilveszter Csorba

Tekla Engelhardt PhD

Zsuzsa Farkas PhD

Máté Farkas DVM

Tibor Kocsner DVM

Erika Országh

Orsolya Strang PhD

Andrea Zentai PhD

András Tóth PhD



Full digitisation of the rabbit meat vertical

Development of anti-bacterial resistance product in veterinary medicine, development of a supporting repository platform

National Laboratory of Infectious Animal Diseases, Antimicrobial Resistance, Veterinary Public Health and Food Chain Safety

Improving biosecurity compliance in poultry farms – NetPoulSafe projekt

Holistic approach for tackling food systems risks in a changing global environment (HOLiFOOD)

Healthy Environmental-Friendly and Resilient Farm to Fork (HE-FARM )



Determination and Metrics of Emerging Risks (DEMETER)



European Food Safety Authority Advisory Forum (EFSA AF)

European Food Safety Authority Advisory Group on Data (EFSA AGoD)

European Food Safety Authority Communication Experts Network (EFSA CEN)

European Food Safety Authority Emerging Risks Exchange Network (EFSA EREN)

European Food Safety Auhtority Scientific Network on Food Consumption Data (EFSA FCD)

European Food Satefy Authority Scientific Network on Risk Assessment of Nanotechnologies in Food and Feed (EFSA NANO)

Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling (CCMAS)

Hungarian Association for Food Protection

Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Section of Chemical Sciences, Committee of Food Sciences

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