StaffTechnical & Operations Group B D E F G H J K L M N O P R S V A-F G-L M-S T-Z B Bajnóczi Csaba Resort Technical & Operations Group Phone: +3630 305 3292 Bari Richárd Technical & Operations Group Location: Building P, Ground floorPhone: +361 478 4100Extension: 8191 Berta Krisztián Technical & Operations Group Location: Üllő, Dóramajor Bíró Zoltán Technical & Operations Group Location: H épület földszintExtension: +361 478 4100 / 8185 Borbás György Technical & Operations Group Location: Building P, Ground floor Börzsei Magdolna Technical & Operations Group Location: Üllő Teaching economy Bugán Ilona Technical & Operations Group Location: Building P, Ground floor Bukri Sándor Technical & Operations Group Location: Üllő, DóramajorPhone: +36 29 521-314 D Dombi Enikő Technical & Operations Group Location: Building H, 2nd floor 212Phone: (1) 478 4100Extension: 8164 E Egyed Attila Technical & Operations Group Location: Building F, Basement Eleven Ferenc Technical & Operations Group Location: Building H Eleven Katalin Technical & Operations Group Location: Building H, 2nd floor 212Phone: (1) 478 4107Extension: (1) 478 4100 / 8160 Enghy András Technical & Operations Group Location: Building H, 1st floorPhone: (1) 478 4100Extension: 8185 F Fehér Lajosné Technical & Operations Group Location: Building H Fekete-Páris Edit Technical & Operations Group Location: H épület földszintExtension: +361 478 4100 / 8185 G Gyócsiné Sándor Anita Technical & Operations Group Location: Building F/WarehousePhone: (1) 478 4100Extension: 8175 H Hoffman Zoltán Technical & Operations Group Location: Building P, Ground floorExtension: +361 478 4100 / 8185 Horváth Ferenc Technical & Operations Group Location: Fonyód J Jónás Árpád Technical & Operations Group Location: Building P, Ground floor Jónás Árpádné Technical & Operations Group Location: Building P, Ground floor Juhász János Technical & Operations Group Location: H épület földszint KazánházExtension: +361 478 4100 / 8185 K Kalina János Technical & Operations Group Location: Üllő, Dóramajor Kállai Anita Technical & Operations Group Location: Marek József College Kassai János Technical & Operations Group Location: Building H, Ground floorPhone: (1) 478 4100 Kovács Gábor Technical & Operations Group Location: Building H, 2nd floor 212Phone: (1) 478 4100 / 8163 Kupics Károly Technical & Operations Group Location: ReceptionPhone: (1) 363-4494 L Láng József Technical & Operations Group Location: H épület 212/a M Magyar Ágnes Technical & Operations Group Location: Building P, Ground floor Molnár Krisztina Technical & Operations Group Location: Building P, Ground floor N Nyári Lajosné Technical & Operations Group Location: Building H O Ódor László Technical & Operations Group Location: H.épület fsz. kazánházExtension: +361 478 4100 / 8185 Oláh Jácint Technical & Operations Group Location: Building H, Ground floor Orsós Róbert Technical & Operations Group Location: Building F, BasementPhone: +3630 366 0217 P Papek Péter Technical & Operations Group Location: Reception (István street)Phone: (1) 383 0356 Pászty Szabolcs Technical & Operations Group Location: H épület 212./aPhone: +3670 535 4163 Pátkai Csaba Technical & Operations Group Location: 1143 Budapest, Hungária blvd. 23-25. (Epidemiology)Phone: +361/478-4100 R Rakos István Department and Clinic of Equine Medicine Technical & Operations Group Location: Üllő Dóra-major S Sós Éva Technical & Operations Group Location: Building H, 2nd floor 202Phone: (1) 478 4100Extension: 8002 Szentpétery Géza Technical & Operations Group Location: Building H Szép Gabriella Department of Obstetrics and Food Animal Medicine Clinic (DOFAMC) Technical & Operations Group Location: Building L, 1st floorPhone: 478-4100Extension: 8330 Szikora István Technical & Operations Group Location: Reception (István street)Phone: +361 478 4100Extension: 8185 V Varga Péter Technical & Operations Group Location: Üllő, Animal clinic