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Alumni Jubilee Diplomas

Alumni Jubilee Diplomas

Veterinarians who obtained their diplomas 50, 60, 65, 70 or 75 years ago may apply for gold, diamond, iron, ruby or granite diplomas, respectively. Jubilee diplomas are presented each year during the opening ceremony of the academic year. Applicants will be given due notice of the exact location and time in the invitation card sent by the University.

You may submit your application for a jubilee diploma to the Alumni office at the University.

Deadline for applications: 31 May of each year

If you apply for a jubilee diploma for the first time, please attach:

  • Your completed application form
  • A copy of your diploma; if you have already received a jubilee diploma before, then please submit a copy of such diploma only
  • Brief professional CV (max. 1 page, cca. 25-30 lines, 2200 characters with spaces)
  • ID photo

E-mail: [Click to see email]

If you cannot submit it electronically, please mail it to the following address:

University of Veterinary Medicine
Students’ Secretariat
1078 Budapest, István u. 2.

Application form for jubilee diploma