Contact Kovács Ágnes Location Tolnay Sándor” Lecture Hall, Building H, ground floor Details
Contact Details The Hungarian Association for Buiatrics, in co-operation with the Budapest University of Veterinary Medicine, International Society for Animal Hygiene and the Hungarian Society for Animal Hygiene and Environmental Protection are very pleased to invite you to participate the In memoriam Ferenc Kovács International Congress and the XXVI International Congress of the Hungarian
Ceremonial opening of the academic year 2016/2017
Contact Location Assembly Hall Budapest, Bethlen Gábor u. 20-24. Details Place and time of the of the opening ceremony Assembly Hall Budapest, 7th district, Bethlen Gábor u. 20-24. Friday, 9th September 2016 10 a.m The ceremony can be followed online here.
Farewell Ceremony
Contact Details Place and time Budapest, VII. Bethlen Gábor u. 20-24. Saturday, 21st May 2016 10 a.m. The farewell ceremony will be delivered by Prof. Dr. Péter Sótonyi, Dean of the Faculty followed by the “Farewell March” in the Lecture Halls of the Faculty Invitation download
Blood donation
Blood donation at the Faculty
Graduation Ceremony 2016
Place of the ceremony: Pesti Magyar Színház 1077. Budapest, Hevesi Sándor tér 4. Time of the ceremony: Friday 26. February 2016. 10.a.m. The graduation ceremony can be followed online!
Blood donation at the Faculty
Blood donation at the Faculty
Ceremonial opening
Ceremonial opening of the academic year 2015/2016. Friday 4 September 2015. 10.a.m.
Diploma giving ceremony
Diploma Giving Ceremony was taken at the Faculty of Veterinary Science on 13th March 2015, 10.00 A.M.