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Univet Skills Lab: Advanced handling – aggression

Date: 6th, October, 16:15 Location: Nádaskay Béla room This handling class will cover advanced methods for challenging patients (dogs and cats.) Previous attendance at one of our basic handling classes or a completed Fear Free certification is required. More information:  


Univet Skills Lab: Maintaining sterility – ICU and surgical settings 2023.09

Open to all years. Date: 29th, September, 16:15 Location: Nádaskay Béla room HIGHLY recommended before starting SAM clinic shifts! Hospital-acquired infections are one of the largest dangers to any patient admitted for treatment but are largely preventable if proper protocols are followed. The workshop will focus on proper procedures for in-patient equipment sterility, focusing in intensive care


Univet Skills Lab: Taking case history – how to ask the right questions

Open to years 3+ Date: 22 September, 16:15 – 18:00 Location: Nádaskay Béla room Workshop will consist of interviews with “client actors” presenting example cases. Students will practice client communication, medical problem solving, and basic medical charting skills. More information:


Workshop: Animal-friendly handling

We offer a one-day-seminar and workshop for veterinarians and vet nurses about how to make the veterinary visit a pleasant and less stressful event for our furry patients.


Ceremonial Opening 2023

Ceremonial opening of the academic year 2023/2024 being the 237th for Hungarian veterinary students and 35th for the international students.


Visit us on EFOTT!

EFOTT Festival has been the favourite summer party of university students for over 45 years in Hungary! Find us there!


Invitation: dr. Ervin Albert’s doctoral dissertation

The Doctoral School of Veterinary Sciences invites you to dr. Ervin Albert‘s doctoral (PhD) dissertation titled “Characterisation of livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated in Hungary” which will be publicly defended on June 29, 2023, at 10:30.


Invitation: Dorottya Földi’s doctoral dissertation

The Doctoral School of Veterinary Sciences invites you to Dorottya Földi’s doctoral (PhD) dissertation titled “Comparative analysis of Mycoplasma hyorhinis isolates and studying the pathogenesis of infection” which will be publicly defended on June 19, 2023, at 14:00.


Invitation: Nikolett Palkovicsné Pézsa’s doctoral dissertation

The Doctoral School of Veterinary Sciences invites you to Nikolett Palkovicsné Pézsa‘s doctoral (PhD) dissertation titled “Evaluation of probiotics on porcine intestinal epithelial cells” which will be publicly defended on 23rd May 2023 11:00 AM Supervisors: Dr. Orsolya Farkas, Dr. Bence Rácz Venue:  University of Veterinary Medicine, J Building, Henrik Hetzel Auditorium The dissertation can be