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Graduation Ceremony 2022

On behalf of the Senate of the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, we cordially invite you to the Conferral of the Doctoral Degrees and Graduation Ceremony which will be streamed online.


Invitation: dr. Zsolt Becker’s doctoral dissertation

The Doctoral School of Veterinary Sciences invites you to dr. Zsolt Becker‘s doctoral (PhD) dissertation “New possibilities in the diagnosis and treatment of canine heartworm disease” which will be publicly defended on 13th March 2023, at 14:00. Supervisor: Dr. Károly Vörös Venue: University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, H Building, Tolnay Sándor Auditorium. The dissertation can be


Invitation: dr. Márton Balogh’s doctoral dissertation

The Doctoral School of Veterinary Sciences invites you to dr. Márton Balogh‘s doctoral (PhD) dissertation “Digital phonocardiography in the diagnosis and education of canine cardiac arrhythmias” which will be publicly defended on 17th February 2023, at 12:00. Supervisor: Dr. Károly Vörös Venue: University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, H Building, Tolnay Sándor Auditorium. The dissertation can be


Graduation Ceremony 2023

On behalf of the Senate of the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, we cordially invite you to the Conferral of the Doctoral Degrees and Graduation Ceremony which will be streamed online.


UNIVET Job fair 2023

Are you close to finishing your studies? Build your network and find the job of your dreams!
Are you looking for trained veterinarians? Participate as an exhibitor!


Invitation: dr. Bence Somoskői’s doctoral dissertation

The Doctoral School of Veterinary Sciences invites you to dr. Bence Somoskői‘s doctoral (PhD) dissertation “Effect of different cryopreservation techniques on morulae and blastocysts” which will be publicly defended on 9th December 2022, at 15:00. Venue: University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, J Building, Zlamál Vilmos Auditorium. The dissertation can be found here: