Laboratory animal science and animal welfare course dates: in English: 9-20 January 2023 Registration Application: [Click to see email] PhD students from other Doctoral Schools can participate free of charge in the courses of the Doctoral School of Veterinary Medicine Budapest if they attach two certificates to the application: 1.) Certification by the supervisor that
Univet Skills Lab: TDK prep – Presentation Workshop
Bring your TDK presentation and practice presenting before the conference! The workshop will consist of individual presentation practice, followed by feedback and guidance on presentation skills and what is expected at TDK.
Blood donation 2022
Be a hero, donate blood!
Candlelight memorial for Zoltán Tatay 2022
The commemoration will take place on the 24th of October 2022 at 7 p.m., starting in front of the Zimmermann Ágoston lecture hall.
Univet Skills Lab: Suture Skills Workshop
This workshop will cover general suture techniques, both with tools and surgical knots by hand.
Invitation: Janka Kulcsárné dr. Petrilla’s doctoral dissertation
The Doctoral School of Veterinary Sciences invites you to Janka Kulcsárné dr. Petrilla‘s doctoral (PhD) dissertation “Regulation of metabolic processes by nutritional factors in chicken” which will be publicly defended on 14th October 2022, at 11:30. Supervisor: Dr. Zsuzsanna Neogrády Venue: University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, H Building, 301 room The dissertation can be found
Univet Skills Lab: Maintaining sterility – ICU and surgical settings 2022.10
Open to all years. Date: 7th, October, 16:30 Location: Kotlán Sándor Lecture Hall HIGHLY recommended before starting SAM clinic shifts! Hospital-acquired infections are one of the largest dangers to any patient admitted for treatment but are largely preventable if proper protocols are followed. The workshop will focus on proper procedures for in-patient equipment sterility, focusing in intensive
Seminar: Redox biology in translational cancer research
The major area of our scientific interest is centered on reprograming of metabolic and cellular signaling pathways in cancer.
Seminar: Unexpected Solutions for Universal Biological Needs – Canonical and Alternative Disulfide Reductase Systems in Animals
In this seminar, Dr. Schmidt will overview redox homeostasis and the canonical disulfide reductase systems; describe how mice were engineered to perturb this process; and lead the audience through the discovery of the first metabolism-based alternative disulfide reductase pathway.
Univet Skills Lab: Introduction to clinical handling 2022.09
This workshop will cover safe and effective methods of clinical restraint and body positioning for both cats and dogs, as well as in-clinic methods to reduce patient fear, anxiety, and stress.
Wildlife and passion – charity event
WHAT IS OUR CHARITY LECTURE ABOUT? About Kenyan wildlife. About poaching. About the importance of education for Kenyan children. About wildlife protection with the involvement of the local community. About the importance of voluntary work. About how we can help wildlife from home. About what a research student, a biologist, ecologist, or veterinary student can
Invitation: dr. Balázs Berlinger’s doctoral dissertation
The Doctoral School of Veterinary Sciences invites you to dr. Balázs Berlinger‘s doctoral (PhD) dissertation “Particulate matter (PM) measurements and particle characterization in occupational environments” which will be publicly defended on 8th September 2022, at 14:30. Venue: University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, H Building, Tolnay Sándor Auditorium. The dissertation can be found here: