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Invitation: Student’s concert

INVITATION Date: April 26, 2023 Time: 5:00 PM Venue: University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, Great Hall (1078 Budapest, Bethlen Gábor street 20-24.) We cordially invite our dear teachers, fellow students, and all interested parties to the 16th Veterinary Student Concert. This year’s colourful program includes recitations, jazz, pop, classical, and folk music. In addition to

In memory of the establishment of the EQUUS Club

The establishment of the EQUUS Club of the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest was significantly influenced by László Bucsy and György Hamar, university students in 1967 and 1968.

Obituary: Dr. István Bajkai has passed away

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Dr. István Bajkai. He was a highly respected lawyer, a member of parliament, and a valued member of the Marek József Foundation’s board of trustees. He passed away on April 23, 2023, at the age of 59. Arrangements for the funeral will be made

VETATHON challenges revealed!

It’s time to share the challenges with you for the VETATHON next week. We introduce three challenges of which each team can choose one. Click!

Hungarian researchers have discovered a reproducing population of the African tick species Hyalomma rufipes in Hungary

In a collaboration between the Eötvös Loránd Research Network (ELKH) and the University of Veterinary Medicine (ÁTE), the ELKH-ÁTE Climate Change: New Blood-Sucking Parasites and Vector-Borne Pathogens Research Group, led by Dr. Gergő Keve and Prof. Sándor Hornok, conducted a nationwide study to examine the spatial distribution of ticks parasitizing birds. In the western region