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Invitation: Janka Kulcsárné dr. Petrilla’s doctoral dissertation

The Doctoral School of Veterinary Sciences invites you to Janka Kulcsárné dr. Petrilla‘s doctoral (PhD) dissertation “Regulation of metabolic processes by nutritional factors in chicken” which will be publicly defended on 14th October 2022, at 11:30. Supervisor: Dr. Zsuzsanna Neogrády Venue: University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, H Building, 301 room The dissertation can be found

Our university doesn’t rest at night: Researchers’ Night 2022

The Researchers’ Night is Hungary’s largest science communication event series, and this year the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest joined with ten exciting programs. Both young and elderly with an interest in veterinary science quickly filled the 550 spots, and on September 30, Friday, starting at 4:00 PM, they took over the lecture halls at

Univet Skills Lab: Maintaining sterility – ICU and surgical settings 2022.10

Open to all years. Date: 7th, October, 16:30 Location: Kotlán Sándor Lecture Hall HIGHLY recommended before starting SAM clinic shifts! Hospital-acquired infections are one of the largest dangers to any patient admitted for treatment but are largely preventable if proper protocols are followed. The workshop will focus on proper procedures for in-patient equipment sterility, focusing in intensive