Közép-Kelet-Európában is egyedülálló Kólikás és Izolációs Lóklinika

Közép-Kelet-Európában is egyedülálló Kólikás és Izolációs Lóklinika
Világbajnokok és amatőrök versenyeztek
Kollégáink és barátaink 22 bográcsban főzték és kínálták szívesen a finom, sokszor egyedi ételkülönlegességeiket, amelyeket zsűri értékelt.
It’s not always easy to decide which profession is best for us when we are young. But this summer the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest showed that becoming a veterinarian can be a good choice. With a one-week program, we showed for a bunch of young titans what university studies are like as a vet student and life as a vet. We are sure by the end of the summer school our guests will have a better understanding of what vets do. As a plus, the program took place in vibrant and beautiful Budapest.
It’s not always easy to decide which profession is best for us when we are young. But this summer the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest showed that becoming a veterinarian can be a good choice. With a one-week program, we showed for a bunch of young titans what university studies are like as a vet student and life as a vet. We are sure by the end of the summer school our guests will have a better understanding of what vets do. As a plus, the program took place in vibrant and beautiful Budapest.
Hősök Napja alkalmából koszorúzási ünnepség a Gyógyszertani és Méregtani Tanszék, a Kémiai Tanszék, valamint a Hutyra Ferenc Könyvtár-, Levéltár és Múzeum falán elhelyezett emléktáblák előtt
It’s not always easy to decide which profession is best for us when we are young. But this summer the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest showed that becoming a veterinarian can be a good choice. With a one-week program, we showed for a bunch of young titans what university studies are like as a vet student and life as a vet. We are sure by the end of the summer school our guests will have a better understanding of what vets do. As a plus, the program took place in vibrant and beautiful Budapest.
It’s not always easy to decide which profession is best for us when we are young. But this summer the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest showed that becoming a veterinarian can be a good choice. With a one-week program, we showed for a bunch of young titans what university studies are like as a vet student and life as a vet. We are sure by the end of the summer school our guests will have a better understanding of what vets do. As a plus, the program took place in vibrant and beautiful Budapest.
Teljes létszámmal rajtolt az Állatorvostudományi Egyetem kisállatgyógyász asszisztens képzése. A szakképzett állatorvosi asszisztensek megléte elengedhetetlen egy jól működő rendelőben.
It’s not always easy to decide which profession is best for us when we are young. But this summer the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest showed that becoming a veterinarian can be a good choice. With a one-week program, we showed for a bunch of young titans what university studies are like as a vet student and life as a vet. We are sure by the end of the summer school our guests will have a better understanding of what vets do. As a plus, the program took place in vibrant and beautiful Budapest.
It’s not always easy to decide which profession is best for us when we are young. But this summer the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest showed that becoming a veterinarian can be a good choice. With a one-week program, we showed for a bunch of young titans what university studies are like as a vet student and life as a vet. We are sure by the end of the summer school our guests will have a better understanding of what vets do. As a plus, the program took place in vibrant and beautiful Budapest.
Photos were taken by Balázs Gusztáv