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31 doctors were graduated at the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest

Happy faces and a celebratory atmosphere: 31 doctoral candidates participating in the English-language program, 10 Bachelor of Science (BSc) biologists, 4 Master of Science (MSc) biologists, as well as students graduating in swine health, small animal veterinary medicine, and experimental toxicology received their diplomas.

Invitation: dr. Ervin Albert’s doctoral dissertation

The Doctoral School of Veterinary Sciences invites you to dr. Ervin Albert‘s doctoral (PhD) dissertation titled “Characterisation of livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated in Hungary” which will be publicly defended on June 29, 2023, at 10:30.

Remembering Marci the Cat

To honor Marci’s memory and the indelible mark he left on our hearts, we have decided to erect a statue in his likeness at a central location on campus where he always sat. We kindly ask for your support in making this project a reality.

Invitation: Dorottya Földi’s doctoral dissertation

The Doctoral School of Veterinary Sciences invites you to Dorottya Földi’s doctoral (PhD) dissertation titled “Comparative analysis of Mycoplasma hyorhinis isolates and studying the pathogenesis of infection” which will be publicly defended on June 19, 2023, at 14:00.

Conferral of the Doctoral Degrees 2023

On behalf of the Senate of the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, we cordially invite you to our ceremony on 30th June from 10 AM.