The Digital Success Programme (DJP), the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE), Széchenyi István University (SZE) and the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest (UVMB) signed an agreement on the consortium management of Digital Agricultural Academy’s strategic development in Gödöllő on Wednesday. Launched by Government Directive No. 1470/2019 (1st July) in the DJP framework,
Certificate of Recognition for the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest
Minister of Justice Judit Varga presented a certificate of recognition to the volunteer students of the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest who provided assistance during the pandemic.
The 3rd UVMB Carriage Driving and Cooking Competition was a smashing success
The 3rd UVMB Carriage Driving and Cooking Competition was held in the Üllő Campus on 8th June. The event was opened by Rector Dr. Péter Sótonyi and blessed by Prior Kelemen Sárai Szabó, the director of Győr’s St. Ignatius Benedictine Church. If we were to describe the event’s atmosphere in one word, “relieved” would be
UVMB signs cooperation agreement with Kincsem Park
On behalf of the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest and Kincsem National Horse Racing and Equestrian Strategy Ltd, Rector Dr. Péter Sótonyi and managing director István Pécsi signed a cooperation agreement at the University on 25th May. According to the agreement, the University’s experts will be involved in animal welfare screening tests in gallop racing
The University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest holds conference on animal welfare, attended by agriculture minister
The Center for Animal Welfare of the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest (UVMB) organized a full-day conference on the latest measures, plans and research findings affecting the area of animal welfare. The conference’s famous presenters represented the state sector, educational institutions as well as professional and civil organizations. The event was opened by UVMB Rector
Join the Stipendium Hungaricum Mentor Network and help your fellow students
Our beloved network is seeking to appoint mentors for the academic year of 2021/2022. If you are interested, please read the article carefully. The Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship programme provides a chance for foreign students to pursue their education in Hungary. Mentors of the Stipendium Hungaricum Mentor Network complete tasks on peer assistance and on the
Zoltán Kánya: The discovery of a spider species is a significant scientific achievement
Third-year biology student Zoltán Kánya has gone a long way from the Nagykunság region to the University of Veterinary Medicine. He was born in Karcag and raised in the village of Tilalmas, 10 kilometres from the town.
Savannah-Rose McAuley: I wouldn’t be the same person if I had stayed at home
Savannah-Rose’s positive attitude and flexibility is remarkable. She is the child of two different cultures, and now she replaced the peaceful country life with the busy city life, at least for a few years until she gets her degree at the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest.
17th issue of the Univet newspaper has been published
In the first issue of 2021, you can read about the most important news of the University. We report about the equine CT scanner which was inaugurated in the Üllő campus on 22 February.

Digital Food Chain Education, Research, Development and Innovation Institute celebrates its one-year anniversary
The Digital Food Chain Education, Research, Development and Innovation Institute (DEOKFII) began its operation on 1 April 2020 at the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, which is the most important institution in terms of professional food chain safety education in Hungary.
Strategic collaboration for the health of consumers and the success of the Hungarian countryside
The purpose of the event was to express the common strategic collaboration between the parties in promoting the digitalization of food chain security through the signing of Memoranda of Intent on the first anniversary of the establishment of the Digital Food Chain Education, Research, Development, and Innovation Institute.