The aim of the Ambassador System is to set up an international environment for young scientists in Hungary and to internationalise PhD education within the country by crossing boundaries, we would like to facilitate global scientific connections, involving foreign PhD candidates currently doing their research in one of the Hungarian higher education institutions.
International graduation and doctoral inauguration ceremony for future veterinarians 2023
190 newly graduated veterinarians were conferred with the title of doctor at the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest (UVMB) on 24th of February.

Job Fair 2023
Check out the full photo gallery of our annual Job Fair! Hope you found our event useful.

AniCura Workshops at the Job Fair – Register now!
Join our Job Fair 2023 event on February 9 for professional workshops and many other interesting programs. Register now and secure your place →
UVMB was a popular attraction at Hungary’s largest education trade fair in 2023
Every day, hundreds of people visited the stand of the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest at the Educatio 2023 International Education Exhibition. The research zoologist course starting in September generated a lot of interest.

The winter issue of the Univet magazine is available
Click to read it online or get a hard copy from the campus.

Agreement has been made to support the preservation of Hungarian dog breeds
In order to coordinate their professional activities aimed at promoting the preservation of Hungarian dog breeds, as well as preserving their abilities and genetic diversity, Prof. Dr. Péter Sótonyi, the Rector of the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, and Daniel Fernandez Diaz, the President of HUKOSZ – Hungarian Dog Breeds Association, signed an agreement.
Great decisions take time – interview with Yuri Oh, third-year student from South-Korea
Travelling around the world, volunteering, making new friends can serve you well during your time at university and also make it easier to obtain a career after graduation. At the end of high school Yuri Oh made a decision which was not usual at that time. Let’s see how it turned out!
Interview with fourth-year student Franciska Barnácz: “The University’s atmosphere emanates safety “
The youngest of three sisters, fourth-year student Franciska Barnácz came to our University from a farming family.
Warmest wishes for a happy holiday season!
Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year!
The University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest provides free care for guide dogs
Guide dogs assisting blind and visually impaired individuals receive the best available care free of charge at the Small Animal Clinic of the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest.
CALL FOR PROPOSAL AND INSTRUCTIONS for the 2022 „Student Proof of Concept” (SPoC) Programme
The aim of the SPoC Programme is to help the students’ innovative, industrially/economically potentially applicable, and useful ideas in their further development and to bring them closer to market utilization.