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News (Page 8)


Call for DOSZ Ambassadors 2023/2024

The aim of the Ambassador System is to set up an international environment for young scientists in Hungary and to internationalise PhD education within the country by crossing boundaries, we would like to facilitate global scientific connections, involving foreign PhD candidates currently doing their research in one of the Hungarian higher education institutions.

Job Fair 2023

Check out the full photo gallery of our annual Job Fair! Hope you found our event useful.

Agreement has been made to support the preservation of Hungarian dog breeds

In order to coordinate their professional activities aimed at promoting the preservation of Hungarian dog breeds, as well as preserving their abilities and genetic diversity, Prof. Dr. Péter Sótonyi, the Rector of the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, and Daniel Fernandez Diaz, the President of HUKOSZ – Hungarian Dog Breeds Association, signed an agreement.