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Education Courses Basics of Communication

Basics of Communication

fakultatív C
Method of evaluation
vizsga (kollokvium)
Year in the curriculum
Suggested: 5th-10th semester
veterinary (English)
Allow for
  • Vet EN

Course description

Subject responsibility: Dr. László Ózsvári, full professor

General aim of the subject: Achieving the set goals is essential to obtain proper knowledge. There is a difference between the so-called “hard skills” and “soft skills”.. Hard skills are professional skills, while soft skills are the personal skills that are obviously much more difficult to measure or prove, like a degree or carrier advancement. Work experience, atiitude, communication skills, and emotional intelligence are part of “soft skills”.

The general objective of the faculty is to highlight the importance of good communication skills , to intrioduce communication models to studenst and to develop their communication skills. Communication is not just verbal and non-verbal communication. We should also mention active listening and other skills the contribute to the right communication. These include presentation skills, writing skills, personal skills, but also study skills. When talking about communication we have to mention assertiveness as well. In addition to interpersonal communication, it is very important to emphasize the importance of e-communication. In this elective course the students will learn the terms of modern communication as well as skills needed for vets to perform their tasks effectively while being anywhere in the world.

Lectures theme

Basics of Communication

2024/2025 Year/2nd Semester


1. 02. 17 Introduction –Introduction of students through creative toolsBasics of communication – verbal and non-verbal communication Kriska-Jámbor Judit 2
2. 02.24 Interpersonal communication skills – Elements of interpersonal communication (communicators, message, noise, feedback, context, channel)timing, location, misconception Kriska-Jámbor Judit 2
3. 03.03 Intercultural communication–       high and low context countries-       cultural diversitymisscommunication, misconception Kriska-Jámbor Judit 2
4. 03.10 Assertiveness; Active listening–           passivity, agressivity, assertiveness-           emphaty verbal and non-verbal signs of active listening Kriska-Jámbor Judit 2
5. 03.17 Rapport building; personality types, learship types, people skills–           non verbal rapport building and rapport building behaviours-           why is the knowledge of personailty types and leadership types important?meaning of people skills Kriska-Jámbor Judit 2
6. 03.24. E-communication – How to connect with your e-colleagues How to improve your skills using communication tools -Video conferencing -Telephone calls -Instant messaging -Email E-communication in an intercultural context Kriska-Jámbor Judit 2
03.31 Communication Characteristics and Behavior of Z Generation–             communication characteristics of different Z generation groupsthe importance of communication through social mediaExam presentation Kriska-Jámbor Judit 3


Time of lectures: Monday 17.15-18.45

Place of lectures: Building F (former canteen), Room 1

Exam: Presentation

Responsible lecturer: Dr. László Ózsvári


Budapest, 15. 01. 2025.                                                                                             

László Ózsvári

Full professor, Head of dep.