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Education Courses Informatics (VET)

Informatics (VET)

Method of evaluation
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Year in the curriculum
Semester in the curriculum
Practical lessons
Allow for
  • Vet EN

Course description

Course material at the E-LEARNING SERVER!

The main purpose of this course is to teach the necessary computer-related skills, (study, work and personal usage), and to prepare for the job market. Topics cover the basic concepts of hardware, software, multimedia, etc.. The course gives a foundation for information technology and communication.

  • TH 12:15 Zlamál lecture hall, ABONYI-TÓTH Zsolt
  • 1. Group: Thursday 8:15-9:45, Room H2, Abonyi-Tóth Zsolt
  • 2. Group: Monday 10:15-11:45, Room H2, Paszerbovics Bettina
  • 3. Group: Tuesday 8:15-9:45, Room H1, Kövér Szilvia
  • 4. Group: Friday 10:15-11:45, Room H1, Szabó Bence
  • 5. Group: Tuesday 10:15-11:45, Room H1, Kövér Szilvia
  • 6. Group: Tuesday 16:15-17:45, Room H1, Kovács Ágnes
  • 7. Group: Monday 8:15-9:45, Room H2, Abonyi-Tóth Zsolt
  • 8. Group: Monday 8:15-9:45, Room H1, Paszerbovics Bettina
  • 9. Group: Wednesday 10:15-11:45, Room H2, Kovács Ágnes
  • 10. Group: Friday 8:15-9:45, Room H1, Szabó Bence
Location of lecture halls:

Zlamál Vilmos lecture hall: Building J, ground floor

H1 (HEFOP 1): Building N, 3rd floor, left side

H2 (HEFOP 2): Building N, 3rd floor, right side
N3 (or I3): Building N, 3rd floor, right side

Lectures theme

• Introduction
• Best practice methods in computer usage.
• Spreadsheets
• Text editing
• Scientific publications and citation management
• Presentation
• Data protection – Viruses, worms, spyware, scammers
• Graphics
• Data compression, encryption

Practical lessons theme

1. Compiling a word document in a fashion that satisfies all the formal guidelines
of thesis writing. (30 points, minimum 15 needed to pass). Mid-term: the week of
the 9th of October.
2. Data manipulation and analysis in Excel and R midterm (max 30+10 points,
minimum 15+5 points needed to pass). Midterm will be written during your
practical class on the week of the 4th of December..
3. Preparing a presentation (max 10 points, minimum 5 needed to pass).
Uploading deadline: 5th of November 23:59. Additional 5 points can be
collected for presenting your powerpoint in front of your practical class.
4. Multiple choice test on lectures (max 20 points, min 11 points needed to pass.)
The week of the 11th of December

Evaluation description

E-learning system

The practicals will be held using a version of the flipped classroom method. This approach yields better learning efficacy while giving students more independence and freedom.

The weekly tasks will be detailed in the e-learning system ( and accompanied by a detailed, downloadable guide. Students are required to follow the exercise instructions and work on their own. The practical teachers’ primary role is to help students individually in solving the exercises.

All information on the course is available in the e-learning system. The e-learning system logs all student activities. For instance, the location of the mid-term upload is logged; thus if this is not done from the classrooms, it will be easily detected.

You have to upload your work every week, but the teachers score it only if you request it.


Type Task Max. points Min.  required points
Assignments PowerPoint presentation 10 5
Mid-term test Word usage 30 15
Excel usage 30 15
R Commander usage 10 5
Theoretical test Multiple choice test on the theoretical aspects of the course 20 11
Bonus Oral presenting the prepared slides (non-compulsory task) 5
Total 105 51


The minimum points have to be reached in all subtasks. The failed mid-term and theoretical tests can be retaken once.

The final grade will be as follows:  from 51 points 2, from 63 points 3,  from 75 points 4, and 88 points 5.


Lectures: More than three unauthorised absences from lectures will result in the lack of course signature, and the course has to be retaken.

Practicals: More than two unauthorised absences from practicals will result in the lack of course signature, and the course has to be retaken.

Attendance on the mid-term and the theoretical test is mandatory; these can not be written on another date. Absence from these will automatically result in the lack of signature, and the course has to be retaken.

Authorised absences constitute absence due to medical reasons (medical certificate is needed) or having a practical at the large animal clinic.

All students must attend the practical they are assigned to by the Student Office. Missed practicals can not be taken in another group. However, all study material is available online and can be accessed anywhere.



During the practical of the week of October 9. Topic: Word. It has to be completed in 60 minutes.

During the practical of the week of December 4. Topic: Excel and R Commander. Together, the two have to be completed in 60 minutes. 

PowerPoint presentation assignment: November 5. 23:59

Theoretical test and mid-term retake: The last week of the semester during the regular practicals.

Please complete the deadlines to ensure the course signature is present.

The worse mid-term can be retaken on the last practical, providing no missing assignments. Excel and R Commander midterm are considered to be the same. Unsuccessful theoretical tests can be retaken on the 18th of December, providing prior consultation was made with the lecturer. The Powerpoint assignment can be retaken once, one week after the original deadline.


The R statistical software and R Commander are free to download and use. Installation instructions will be provided in the lecture slides. You have access to Microsoft Office while You have an official affiliation to the University. Download and installation guides are also available in the lecture slides. You may also ask for help in installation from your practical teacher.

Informatics lab computer usage

The lab computers are used by students attending the Hungarian, English, and German curriculum; therefore the operating system’s language has to be selected upon powering the computers on. This is done by selecting the user on the welcome screen. Notice that by default, the previous user’s user name is preserved. Select “Other user” (maybe in Hungarian; “Más felhasználó”) and type .\EN as your user name and st-en! for the password. 

Please power off the computers but NOT the monitors before leaving the lab. 

It is important to maintain a uniform appearance and settings on these computers to allow an efficient learning experience. Therefore it is strictly prohibited to modify any settings on the operating system, including changing the language settings, desktop background, software icon placement, and no additional software can be installed. You may however use a USB stick for transporting your work.