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Education Courses Laboratory Animal Science and Bioethics

Laboratory Animal Science and Bioethics

Method of evaluation
vizsga (kollokvium)
Year in the curriculum
Semester in the curriculum
Practical lessons
veterinary (English)
Allow for
  • Vet EN

Course description

lectures: 1 hour/week
2×4 hours of plenary practicals

Basic purpose: To give theoretical and practical knowledge about the choice of experimental model, the biology, genetics, feeding and husbandry of laboratory animals, their welfare
requirements, practical handling, alternatives and ethical aspects.


Responsible teacher:
dr. Kinga Fodor, associate professor

dr. Gabriella Korsós
dr. András Bersényi
dr. Annamária Kiss

Secretary: Krisztina Sényi

Lectures theme

Date Topic Lecturer
09. 07. 1) Requirements. The history of animal experiments Korsós G.
09. 14. 2) The concept, significance and animal welfare aspects of animal experimentation Fodor K.
09. 21. 3) Bioethics Korsós G.
09. 28. 4) 3Rs. The principles of Replacement and Reduction Korsós G.
10. 05. 5) The principle of Refinement Korsós G.
10. 12. 6) Recognize pain and stress and estimate its extent in animal experiments.
Euthanasia of experimental animals
Kiss A.
10. 19. 7) Experimental animals and biomodels Bersényi A.
10. 26. 8) Possibilities of animal welfare monitoring in animal experiments Fodor K.
11. 02. BREAK  
11. 09. 9) Authorization and regulation of animal testing.
The Committee of Animal Welfare in the Institutes
Fodor K.
11. 16. 10) Lab Animal Genetics Korsós G.
11. 23. 11) Animal facilities and microbiological standardization Bersényi A.
11. 30. 12) The most important diseases of laboratory animals Fodor K.
12. 07. 13) Housing of experimental animals (cages, nutrition, bedding, environmental enrichment) Bersényi A.
12. 14. 14) Animal experimentation news, consultation Korsós G.

Practical lessons theme

Gr 1-5:
09. 13.
Gr 6-10:
09. 20.
Ethology and proper handling of the most common laboratory animal species Korsós G.
Demonstration Bersényi A.
Gr 1-5:
10. 11.
Gr 6-10:
10. 18.
Anatomy and physiology of lab animals Bersényi A.
Demonstration Korsós G.

Evaluation description

The final grade is basically made up of two parts:
– e-learning tasks during the semester
– written exam during the exam period

All the details can by found in the syllabus and on the moodle page of the course

Exam information

The students take a written exam during the exam period

The topic list for the exam can be found in the syllabus and on the moodle page of the course