fakultatív C
Method of evaluation
vizsga (kollokvium)
Year in the curriculum
Semester in the curriculum
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Allow for
- Vet EN
Course description
Description of the course:
Psychopharmacology: drug therapy of behavioural disorders and other psychological disturbances
Aims of the course is to present currently available drug- and alternative therapies of mental illnesses and behavioral disorders with case studies. The course includes new treatment guidelines how to alleviate symptoms of anxiety, drug and behavioural addictions, insomnia and those of other CNS disorders.
- Mental disorders in animals, the role of stress, the alternative options of stress reduction, drug therapy for anxiety
- Behavioural disturbances with case studies, therapy alternatives. Human and veterinary aspects.
- Mood swings and their biochemical background. The types of depression, symptoms, causes, clinical aspects and treatment options in humans and in companion animals. The animal models of depression.
- Presentation of neurodegenerative diseases: Parkinson and Alzheimer-diseases. Cognitive disorders in animals and available drug therapies.
- The role of companion animals in psychotherapy. Drug and behavioral addictions. The presentation of newly introduced drugs in the field of psychopharmacology.
Written exam
Erzsébet Pásztiné Gere PhD
Budapest, 08-09-2020
Evaluation description
Written exam
Exam information
Written exam