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Education Courses SH Hungarian A1/1

SH Hungarian A1/1

Method of evaluation
vizsga (kollokvium)
Year in the curriculum
Semester in the curriculum
Practical lessons
Allow for

Course description

Stipendium Hungariacum scholarship holders (participating in bachelor, master or one tier master programme) are required to take part in Hungarian as a foreign language and culture course in the first year of their studies, and as a compulsory obligation they have to pass the final exam after the two-semester course. The course and exam requirements have been defined centrally by the Tempus Public Foundation. The 2-semester subject is designed to help our students prepare for the final exam requirements regarding both the language and the culture aspects.

Practical lessons theme

week 1 Introduction. Basic Expressions. The Hungarian alphabet. Vowel harmony.
week 2 Numbers. Definite and indefinite articles. Measurements.
week 3 Nationalities. Jobs. Basic adjectives. Personal Pronouns. Lenni (to be) present tense conjugation. -nak/-nek ending.
week 4 Buildings, places and venues. The -ban/-ben ending. The -n/-on/-en/-ön ending.
week 5 Telling the time. Days of the week, months, seasons. Van/nincs. University subjects.
week 6 Revision and consolidation 1, Midterm 1.
week 7 Food and drink. Fruits and vegetables. Indefinite conjugation (present tense) 1
week 8 Cooked food.  Some Hungarian dishes. Ordering in a café/restaurant. Indefinite conjugation (present tense) 2. The -val/-vel ending.
week 9 Revision and consolidation 2, Midterm 2.
week 10 Modal verbs. Verb formation (-zik, -ozik, -ezik, -özik). The infinitive and its usage. The -ul/-ül ending. The -lak/-lek ending.
week 11 Transportation. Conjugation of jönni and menni. The -ba/-be and -ra/-re endings. The -ból/-ből and -ról/-ről endings. Transportation in Budapest.
week 12 Revision and consolidation 3, Midterm 3.
week 13 The sights of Budapest – Presentations. Holidays in Hungary.
week 14 Revision, preparation for the oral exam

Evaluation description

Form of assessment:Weekly word tests, 3 midterm tests + written and oral exam

Type of grading:Exam grade


The final course mark is calculated as follows: 20%: active participation in class + homework + presentation, 20% word tests, 20% midterm tests, 20% written exam, 20% oral exam.