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Education Courses Topographic & Applied Anatomy

Topographic & Applied Anatomy

Method of evaluation
Year in the curriculum
Semester in the curriculum
Practical lessons
Allow for
  • Vet EN

Course description

Practical anatomy based on the Veterinary Anatomy. Nervblocks, palpation and techniques, puction of joints


Lectures theme

Lectures start on week 4 (02.24-02.28) with the topograpical anatomy of the canine forelimbs

week 5: (03.02-03.06)  topograpical anatomy of the canine hind limbs

week 6: (03.09-03.13)  topograpical anatomy of the equine forelimbs

week 7: (03.16-03.20)  topograpical anatomy of the canine head

week 8: (03.23-03.27)  topograpical anatomy of the equine hind limbs

week 9: (03.30-04.03)  topograpical anatomy of the canine and equine body cavities

week 12: (04.20-04.24)  topograpical anatomy of the equine head



Practical lessons theme

Labs start on week 5. Canine Labs will start in the dissection hall building “E1”, Equine labs are in the “Tatterzál” National Riding Hall. Meeting point: entrance of the Hall.

week 5: (03.02-03.06)  topograpical anatomy of the canine hind limbs

week 6: (03.09-03.13)  topograpical anatomy of the equine forelimbs

week 7: (03.16-03.20)  topograpical anatomy of the canine head

week 8: (03.23-03.27)  topograpical anatomy of the equine hind limbs

week 9: (03.30-04.03)  consulatation on equine

week 12: (04.20-04.24)  consulatation on canine

week 14: (05.04-05.08) COMPULSORY Practical exam. Meeting point: Building “E1”

Exam information

Practical tasks for the exam in the subject

“Topographic and Applied Anatomy”

Five of the following structures have to be determined / localized in the

living horse and dog, respectively:




1. Foramen infraorbitale
2. Foramen supraorbitale
3. Foramen mentale
4. Foramen mandibulae
5. Diverticulum nasi
6. Lingual process
7. Lymphnodes of the head
8. Salivary glands
9. Facial nerve
10. Age “determination”
11. Borders of the paranasal sinuses
12. Pulse-taking
13. Guttural pouch
14. Wing of atlas
15. Thyroid cartilage
16. iv.-injection-sites
17. Caudoventral border of the lung
18. Caput caeci
19. Ostium ileocaecale
20. Small intestine
21. Flexura pelvina
22. Cartilago ungulae
23. Sesamoid bones
24. Splint bones
25. Bones of the carpal joint
26. Planum cutaneum radii
27. Tuberositas deltoidea
28. Greater tubercle
29. Spina scapulae
30. Cartilago scapulae
31. Trochanter major
32. Tuber coxae
33. Tuber ischiadicum
34. Tuberositas tibiae
35. Planum cutaneum tibiae
36. Tendo calcaneus com.
37. Injection sites into the coffin joint
38. Injection sites into the pastern joint
39. Injection sites into the fetlock joint
40. Injection sites into the carpal joint
41. Injection sites into the elbow joint
42. Injection sites into the shoulder joint
43. Injection sites into the tarsal joint
44. Injection sites into the stifle joint
45. Injection sites into the digital sheath
46. Injection sites into the carpal sheath
47. Tractus appositus
48. M. interosseus medius
49. M. flex. dig. supf. (tendon)
50. M. flex. dig. prof. (tendon)
51. M. ext. dig. com.
52. M. ext. dig. lat (tendon, forelimb)
53. M. ext. dig. longus
54. M. ext. dig. lat (tendon, hindlimb)
55. M. ext. carpi rad.
56. M. abductor dig. I. longus
57. Lacertus fibrosus
58. Patellar ligaments
59. R. communicans (bw. palmar nerves)
60. R. palmaris-block
61. N. digit. palm.-block
62. Distal metacarpal-block
63. N. ulnaris-block
64. N. tibialis-block
65. N. fibularis-block




1 anulus inguinalis

2 bladder

3 canalis femoralis

4 cardiac borders

5 cardiac dullness

6 carpus, puncture, tendons

7 elbow (nerves, vessels)

8 epidural anaesthesia

9 fibula

10 forearm skeleton, ligaments

11 hindlimb nerveblocks: fibularis, tibialis

12 humerus, n. ulnaris, n. radialis

13 kidneys

14 large intestines

15 laryngeal cartilages and the hyoid skeleton

16 liver

17 lung borders

18 lymphnodes

19 glands/lymphnodes of the head-neck region

20 m. ulnaris lateralis, m. flexor carpi ulnaris, digital flexors

21 navel

22 nerve blocks: mentalis, infraorbitalis, alveolaris mandibularis, lingualis

23 nerve blocks: radialis, ulnaris, medianus

24 ovaries, uterus, vagina

25 palpable features of the cervical vertebrae

26 pelvis, trochanter

27 retropharyngeal lymphnodes, thyroid, m. sternocephalicus, m.

sternothyroideus, m. sternohyoideus

28 salivary glands and the lymphnodes of the head-neck region

29 shoulder joint, m. infraspinatus, m. deltoideus, m. biceps humeri

30 small intestines

31 spleen

32 stifle

33 stomach

34 superficial cervical lymphnodes, scapula, v. jugularis externa

35 superficial muscles of the thigh

36 trachea, esophagus, m. sternocephalicus, m. sternothyroideus, m. sternohyoideus

37 xiphoid process, navel