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Education Courses Veterinary and food chemistry

Veterinary and food chemistry

Method of evaluation
vizsga (kollokvium)
Year in the curriculum
Semester in the curriculum
Practical lessons
Allow for
  • Vet EN

Course description

Lectures theme

Topics of the lectures (Wednesday 1515 – 1600 and Friday 815 – 1000) are given as follows:


February 3 – 7                                     Introduction. Aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons.

February 10 – 14                                Alkyl halides, Aryl halides. Aliphatic alcohols.

February 17 – 21                                 Phenols, aromatic alcohols, quinones. Ethers. Aliphatic


February 24 – 28                                 Aromatic amines and other N-comp. Aliphatic and aromatic                                                                     carbonyl comp.

March 3 – 7                                         Carboxylic acids and derivatives. Carbonic acid derivatives.

March 10 – 14                                     Steroids, terpenes, carotenoids. Heterocycles.

March 17– 21                                      Alkaloids. Nucleic acids. Stereochemistry.

March 24 – 28                                     Carbohydrates. Amino acids, peptides, proteins.

March 31 – April 4                             Food Additives: Thickening Agents, Gel Builders, Stabilizers.

April 7 – 11                                        Food Additives: Preservatives, Antioxidants.

April 14 – 18                                       Spring break.

April 21 – 25                                       Chemistry of Color Food Colors.

April 28 – May 2                                Aroma Substances, Flavor Enhancers, Sweeteners.

May 5 – May 9                                    Analytical Methods in Food Chemistry. Food Contamination.

May 12 – 16                                        Biomaterials in medicine.

Attending the lectures is highly recommended. The lecture slides’ electronic (pdf) version can be downloaded from the E-learning after username/password login. Recommended textbooks for the spring term:

  1. C. Atkins, F. A. Carey: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, International Edition (McGraw-Hill Publishing, Company, 1990, ISBN 0-07-100667-2)


H.-D. Belitz, W. Grosch, P. Schieberle:  FOOD CHEMISTRY, 4th Edition (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009, ISBN 978-3-540-69933-0)

Practical lessons theme

Laboratory Exercises

February 3 – 7                          NO LABS

Exercise 1:            February 10- 14                       Organic Chemistry Practice 1

Exercise 2:            February 17 – 21                      Organic Chemistry Practice 2

Exercise 3:             February 22 – 28                      Organic Chemistry Practice 3

Exercise 4             March 3 – 7                              Organic Chemistry Practice 4

Exercise 5:            March 10 – 14                         Organic Chemistry Practice 5

Exercise 6:            March 17 – 21                         Organic Chemistry Practice 6

Exercise 7:            March 24 – 28                          Organic Chemistry Practice 7

Exercise 8:            March 31 – April 4                  Titration: Acidi-Alkalimetry (wine), Complexometry (milk).

Exercise 9:            April 7 – 11                             Isolation of Caffeine

April 14 – 18                            Spring break

Exercise 10:          April 21 – 25                           Potentiometric titration (cola)

Exercise 11:          April 28 – May 2                     Seminar

Exercise 12:          May 5 – 9                                 Midterm test

Exercise 13:          May 12 – 16                             Make-up labs


Laboratory manual is Dr. P. Scheiber, Dr. P. Nemes, Dr. T.R. Varga, Dr. Z. Vincze, and Dr. M.V. Pilipecz: Veterinary and Food Chemistry Laboratory Manual. Its use is prescribed; this manual serves as the laboratory protocol, as well. It can be received in the first week of the semester.

The laboratory exercises (2×45 min.) will be held without breaks for groups of:


1, 2      on        Wednesday,     10:15 – 11:45

3, 4      on        Thursday,        12:15 – 13:45

5, 6      on        Wednesday,     10:15 – 11:45

7, 8      on        Monday,          11:15 – 12:45

9, 10    on        Thursday,        8:15 – 10:00

in Student Laboratory.

Evaluation description

Work in the Laboratory

1) Participation in each laboratory practical is compulsory and attendance will be recorded each time. In case of absence, the missed labs must be made up during the first week after the absence. For the make-up lab, the student has to fill in the missed lab in the Manual and show it to the supervisor. (S)he will be asked a few short, theoretical questions about the missed lab(s). If they are properly answered then one can get a valid signature for the missed lab. If the answers are incorrect, -1 malus point will be added, and the make-up lab(s) should be re-taken.

Note: the exam is not allowed with a missed lab exercise(s). Students having three or more missed labs, do not receive a signature in VETERINARY- AND FOOD CHEMISTRY, and they are not entitled to sit the end-of-term examination in May-June.

2) A thorough theoretical preparation is required for a successful laboratory work! Therefore, a precise study of the related section of the laboratory manual and the thematically relevant chapters of the lecture before each laboratory exercise is a must. The preparedness of students can be checked at any time during the lab course and an unsatisfactory result will be considered as a missed lab exercise.

3) Wearing an apron (lab coat) and safety goggles are compulsory in the laboratory. At the first exercise, every student has to choose a permanent place at one of the lab desks. The laboratory experiments should be done individually (except group experiments). The observations, experimental data, and answers to the questions should be documented instantly in the Manual in the course of the laboratory exercises. However, it is highly advisable to write the reaction equations in the Manual before the given lab (at home). The right-hand pages of the Manual are left for that purpose. At the end of the exercise, the students have to clean the glass vessels and other tools and set back the reagents’ flasks to their place. Before leaving the laboratory students have to get a valid signature in the Manual from the supervisor.

4) To help the students’ work consultations can be organized. Dates of the consultations will be announced later, as agreed with the students. The consultation is not a simple repetition of the given subject but it can assist to its better understanding.

Exam information


1) Lab Test(s)

During the semester, the lab instructors will occasionally assess the students’ preparedness with a short written test containing three brief questions. If a student provides zero or one correct answer, they will receive -1 point; if two or three correct answers are given, no points will be deducted. A maximum of -5 malus points can be accumulated from these lab tests throughout the semester.


2) Midterm Test

A midterm test (45 min.) should be written in the spring-term on

Date:      May 5 – 9, during the lab

Topic:    Chemistry of functional groups. Lecture notes will be asked also! (20 points)

Students who missed the midterm test due to illness (the medical certificate must be shown to Dr. M. V. Pilipecz within 7 days after recovery) will have one chance to write a make-up test on May 13, at 16:00. Further possibilities for the retake will be not given. The results of tests will be known to the students in 3 days from the writing date. Smartphones, graphic calculators, netbooks, tablets, and other text-storage electronic devices are not allowed to use during tests/exams. Cheating, plagiarism, or use of the above-me devices are not tolerated (0 points), and the incidence will be promptly reported to the Department of Student Affairs. The written test is evaluated on a 20-point scale and these points will be added to the final exam’s points.


3) Examination

At the end of the spring term, the students have to write an end-of-term examination, which comprises all subjects of lectures and laboratory exercises of the spring term. The duration of the exam is 90 minutes, and it is evaluated on an 80-point grading system. The first part of the exam contains 8 short, fundamental questions. In case of less than 4 correct answers, the result of the exam is unsatisfactory, independently of the other parts of the exam. More information about the exam will be given in the lectures. In the exam only the use of an approved periodic table and ballpoint pen (with blue- or black ink) are allowed. Mobile phone should be turned off and placed in the bag. Cheating or plagiarism in any form is not tolerated (0 points), and the incidence will be promptly reported to the Department of Student Affairs.

Active participation in the lectures can earn a maximum of 10 bonus points throughout the semester (Kahoot).

The final grade of the terms will be determined by the sum of points from the midterm test and the Veterinary and Food Chemistry exam (20 + 80 = 100 points = 100 %), as follows:


0 – 49              (0 – 49 %)                    unsatisfactory (1)        

                                    50 – 62            (50 – 62 %)                  pass (2)           

                                    63 – 74            (63 – 74 %)                  fair (3)                        

                                    75 – 87            (75 – 87 %)                  good (4)                     

                                    88 – 100          (88 – 100 %)                excellent (5)


The Veterinary and Food Chemistry exams will be held on

May 20th          May 27th          June 3rd           June 17th          June 24th

from 13:00, but please, be at the given (its name will be sent in an e-mail) lecture hall at 12:50.


Budapest, February 3, 2025.                                              Dr. Zoltán Vincze, Head of Dpt.