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Education Courses Veterinary Genetics

Veterinary Genetics

Method of evaluation
vizsga (kollokvium)
Year in the curriculum
Semester in the curriculum
Practical lessons
veterinary (English)
Allow for
  • Vet EN

Course description


Teaching starts on the first week of semester. Altogether three absences from the practical are allowed, but the re-take of them is compulsory. The presence is controlled on every occasion. On the course of a re-take student have to account for the knowledge of the missed practical by the lecturer who kept the practical/lab before exam period.

COURSE CONTENT: This subject, putting a special emphasis on Mendelian, immuno-, clinical (hereditary diseases), population and molecular genetics, furthermore biotechnology and preservation of genetic resources. The methods of breeding value evaluation, selection, breeding improvement, and breeding systems are also synthesized, using the classical and up to date scientific knowledge of Mendelian, population and molecular genetics.

Person responsible for subject: Assoc. Prof. Dr. habil. András GÁSPÁRDY, PhD


Z.L.: Prof. László ZÖLDÁG, PhD, DSc professor emeritus

G.A.: Assoc. Prof. Dr. habil. András GÁSPÁRDY, PhD assoc. prof.

M.Á. Dr  Ákos MARÓTI  AGÓTS PhD assoc prof.

Z.P. Petra ZENKE, PhD research fellow  – Tutor for English course;


Lectures theme



Practical lessons theme



Evaluation description

Exam dates for English course students on “Veterinary Genetics” and “Animal Breeding”:

NEPTUN system





The aims of summer practice are to directly experience the practical issues of animal breeding, animal nutrition and technology of large-scale farm animals, and to highlight the cooperation and bond between breeding and veterinary work.


General rules


  1. Summer farm practical (in Animal Breeding and Animal Nutrition) is compulsory. Former farm work experience does not substitute the present practice, as your knowledge gained during lectures and practicals gives the grounds for your critical approach, which is necessary for the proper performance of the summer practical.
  2. The length of summer practical is 3 weeks (from the 3rd of July till the 21th of July).
  3. The review of 2 different animal species is required. The farm has to be a large-scale facility, preferably dealing with dairy cows, swine, sheep, goat or fish. Horse, beef cattle and poultry breeding facilities are also accepted. Small family farms, zoos or minor breeding businesses are not accepted.
  4. The Training Agreement (Annex 1.) shall be signed by the farm manager and the student, and it shall be attached to the report.


It is possible to accomplish the farm practice at two separate farms, 3 weeks altogether, one after the other. In this case, two separate Training Agreements shall be signed and attached.


  1. It is your responsibility to manage the arrangements for the proper place for the summer practice.


  1. a) A summary report,

            b) a diary describing the daily activities day by day and

            c) a signed note from the farm manager validating the participation

shall be prepared, printed out, bound together (original and photo copied) and handed in as TWO SEPARATED HARD COPIES (Animal Breeding report and Animal Nutrition report) to the Secretariat of the Department of Animal Nutrition (1077 Budapest, Rottenbiller u. 50) until the 18th August.

Submission of the two separated reports is a PREREQUISITE for the registration of the subjects and exams of the two disciplines (Animal Breeding and Animal Nutrition II).

  1. Both of the reports shall be emailed to ( .doc, .docx or .pdf format, maximum 4 Mb) to control in plagiarism database until the beginning of the semester.


  1. Your critical approach and well-based opinion is highly desired and appreciated!
  2. We are interested in your own work and statements, therefore, identical reports or diaries, even from the same farm will not be accepted.
  1. The content of report should reflect all the relevant considerations written below.


  1. The structure of report must follow the guidelines below.

Instructions for preparation of the report and the diary

Objectives, requirements


The aims of the 2-week summer practical are the understanding of the every day practice of animal breeding  as well as its rules, considerations, habits, strategies, trends and the proper role of the veterinarian surgeon in it.

During the time of the practical you need to be employed in the routine daily work of the farm and activities, according to the directions of the supervisor or the owner (farmer).

An up-to-date diary must be kept about all the activities day by day (hand written or electronic). This should be signed by the supervisor or by the owner of the farm at the end of the practical and shall be included as Chapter 4 of your report.


You have to summarise your experiences and observations collected during the practical in a report (35 – 40 written pages, preferably illustrated by photos, figures and tables).

The Department will evaluate the report, and a mark as “accepted”/”denied” will be included in the scores of final examination, if the summer practical and the report were accepted.

Your critical approach and well based opinion is very important, such as the quality of the presentation of your work.


Structure of the report

Formal requirements:


  • font size: 12
  • spacing: 1.5
  • margins max. 2.5 cm
  • each page except for the cover page shall be numbered
  • size of images is max. half a page each
  • extra pages, images, documents might be inserted at the end of the document



  1. Cover page: contains your name, farm`s name, supervisor`s name, date
  1. Table of Contents with page numbers
  1. General description of the farm / unit (6 -8 pages, 1-2 maps, 2-3 images)

– name, address, location, economical and ecological conditions

– the farmer’s or supervisor’s name; size of the land, farm-income, kinds of production (i.e. plants,        animals) and products, percentages of the plants produced

– labour conditions, management of the farm and of the animal breeding units, workers   employed

– species and breeds bred on the farm(s)

– number of breeding and production animals (males, females) of different age groups

– the main production results of the previous year



4) Diary. Short description of the daily work, day by day (appr. 4 pages)


5) Extra information (further images, pedigrees, maps, etc.)



6) Aspects and trends in animal breeding (12 – 15 pages, 3-4 images)


1. Introduction

– the breeds and hybrids used

– the breeding methods and mating systems, the names and values of sires (or AI sires)

– own performance and progeny testing (if applicable)

2. Detailed description

– animal husbandry system (keeping, technology, buildings, pasturing and feeding)

– detailed programme of a one-day-work with animals

– tasks of the employees in different positions and the owner’s role

– opinions of the owner and the employees about the organisation and success (economy) of the particular animal breeding unit (including market conditions)

– the future of the given farm

– the relationship between animal breeders and veterinarians, breeding organisations, cooperation activities


3. Conclusions

– conclusions drown from the practical (usefulness, insufficiency etc.) should be summarized.
Your critical approach and well based opinion should be discussed.










Exam information

Topics for the first semester exam in Veterinary Genetics