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Education Doctoral School Thesis Supervisors & Research Areas

Thesis Supervisors & Research Areas

Name of thesis supervisor E-mail of thesis supervisor Research area
Árpád Csaba Bajcsy [Click to see email] Ruminant obstetrics, reproductive biology, metabolic disorders, calcium balance and postpartum uterus function
Tamás Bakonyi [Click to see email] Veterinary virology, veterinary epidemiology, microbiological molecular diagnostics, virus evolution, zoonoses, viruses spread by arthropod vectors, detection of newly-emerging viruses
Zoltán Bakos [Click to see email] Equine internal medicine, diagnostics and therapy of chronic diseases of the lower respiratory tracts, diagnostics and therapy of heart diseases
Ádám Bálint [Click to see email] Research of animal virus pathogenesis with reverse genetic methods Development of molecular diagnostics of animal viruses Phylogenetic and molecular characterization of animal viruses
Gyula Balka [Click to see email] Diagnostics and molecular biological study of viral diseases in pigs and pets
Lajos Balogh [Click to see email] Radiobiology, veterinary nuclear medicine, veterinary oncology, imaging diagnostics, radiotherapy
Krisztián Bányai [Click to see email] Virology, molecular epidemiology
Tibor Bartha [Click to see email] Endocrinology, molecular biology, physiology
Ferenc Baska [Click to see email] Fish pathology, aquaculture, pathological anatomy, equine musculoskeletal disorders
Mária Benkő [Click to see email] Taxonomy and phylogeny of adenoviruses; DNA-based diagnostic methods; virus taxonomy; adenovirus-based gene expression systems, herpes, circo- and parvoviruses of primitive vertebrates
Imre Biksi [Click to see email] Digestive tract diseases and staphylococcosis in rabbits, digestive and respiratory tract diseases in pigs
Gábor Bodó [Click to see email] Autogenous osteochondral transplantation in horses for resurfacing damaged articular weight-bearing surfaces Equine diagnostic anaesthesia
Éva Cenkvári [Click to see email] Nutrition studies
Attila Cságola [Click to see email] Parvoviruses and circoviruses in pigs, canine viral diseases, development of diagnostic methods, vaccine development
Sándor Cseh [Click to see email] Assisted reproduction of domestic animals; cryopreservation of human/animal semen/egg/embryo; reproductive biology / infertility of male animals, mitotic spindle dynamics; assisted reproduction of primates
Dániel Cserhalmi [Click to see email] Phytotoxicity in veterinary care; Applicability of herbs in veterinary practice; Botanical analysis of marshes with geographic information system (GIS) techniques
György Csikó [Click to see email] Veterinary pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, clinical pharmacology
Gábor Csorba [Click to see email] Mammal taxonomy and systematics, conservation biology of mammals
Ádám Dán [Click to see email] Modern molecular biological methods in the identification and characterization of key pathogens in veterinary care, based on nucleic acid testing
Béla Dénes [Click to see email] Application of biotechnological and immunological methods in infectious disease diagnosis Application of recombinant techniques in the diagnostics and therapy of various non-infectious diseases
Andor Doszpoly [Click to see email] Fish virology
Miklós Pál Dunay [Click to see email] Anaesthesia, surgery and dentistry of small animals
László Egyed [Click to see email] Veterinary virology, bovine herpes viruses, epidemiology and pathology of tick-borne encephalitis virus
Károly Erdélyi [Click to see email] Diseases of wild animals, parasite ecology – epidemiology, pathology
Edit Eszterbauer [Click to see email] Evolutionary and molecular taxonomical analysis of fish parasites, particularly myxozoan animals; genetic background of susceptivity.
Róbert Farkas [Click to see email] Ectoparasitoses of domestic and wild animals Arthropod vectors and the pathogens spread by them Laboratory and field testing of anti-parasitic active ingredients and products
Szilvia Farkas [Click to see email] Molecular characterization of reptile and avian orthoreoviruses
Orsolya Farkas [Click to see email] In vitro modelling of inflammation and oxidative stress (intestinal epithelium, hepatocytes), analysis of the anti-inflammatory effects of flavonoids and probiotics
Attila Farsang [Click to see email] Development and testing of in vitro methods for veterinary vaccine control Coronavirus research, with special regard to the feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) virus
Enikő Fehér [Click to see email] Virology
Sándor György Fekete [Click to see email] Bioacoustics, Epi- and nutrigenomics, Laboratory animal science and bioethics, Zoomusicology
László Fodor [Click to see email] Veterinary bacteriology, Infectious diseases of domestic animals, Study of certain key pathological bacterial genera (Pasteurella, Mannheimia, Haemophilus, Histophilus, Actinobacillus, Rhodococcus)
Gábor Földvári [Click to see email] Ecology of infectious diseases, epidemiology, parasitology, climate change and newly-emerging pathogens, epidemiology and ecology of ticks and tick-borne pathogens
László V. Frenyó [Click to see email] Neuroimmune-endocrinology, hypothalamic regulation of energy metabolism
György Gábor [Click to see email] Bovine reproductive biology: semen analysis (CASA), testicle heat regulation and ultrasound examination, ultrasound and laboratory pregnancy examination of cows, early detection of pregnancy loss
János Gál [Click to see email] Tumours in exotic animals, Zoonoses of exotic and wild animals, Exotic animal diseases arising from housing and husbandry problems
Péter Gálfi [Click to see email] Therapy of inflammatory processes, the role of oxidative stress in the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, pharmacological effects of probiotics, the role of foodstuff supplements in health preservation
András Gáspárdy [Click to see email] Lifetime production evaluation, conformation studies, breeding value estimation, analysis of reproductive indicators, calculations in population genetics, evaluation of endangered domestic species
Ákos Gellért [Click to see email] Structural biology of viral proteins
Gábor Guti [Click to see email] River hydroecology, fish biology, restoration ecology, hydrobiological monitoring, River Danube, river fishing
Miklós Gyuranecz [Click to see email] Zoonotic bacteriology and mycoplasmatology
Katalin Halasy [Click to see email] Chemical neuroanatomy of the neural circuits of the septal complex, with special regard to the links between the neuropeptides involved in the control of food intake and the local GABAergic system
Andrea Harnos [Click to see email] Bird migration and bird biometrics
Balázs Harrach [Click to see email] Molecular diversity, phylogenetics and taxonomy of adeno- and herpes viruses; Co-evolution of vertebrates and their viruses; DNA-based diagnostics; Bioinformatics
Sándor Hornok [Click to see email] Regional and seasonal occurrence and the veterinary and human health significance of ticks and other blood-sucking arthropod vectors, and the pathogens carried by them
Erzsébet Hornung [Click to see email] Ecology of animal populations and communities, their response to environmental effects, processes affecting their biodiversity Analysis of depletion processes in relation with urbanization and climate change
Tamás Horváth [Click to see email] Research primarily focused on the exploration of metabolic diseases and neurodegeneration of animals and understanding their ageing process
István Hullár [Click to see email] Nutrition studies
Csaba Jakab [Click to see email] Tumour pathology
Judit Jakus [Click to see email] Molecular, physiological and therapeutic aspects of cancer research, the role of redox systems Research of free radical mechanism based photodynamic therapy and its introduction to Hungarian veterinary medicine
Szilárd Jánosi [Click to see email] Veterinary microbiology, bovine mastitis, tuberculosis in domestic and wild animals, antibiotic resistance
Ákos Jerzsele [Click to see email] Microbiology/Bacteriology Pharmacology Pharmacokinetics
Viktor Jurkovich [Click to see email] Analysis of factors affecting the well-being of cattle populations, technological and other stresses (claw disorders, feeding and housing problems, heat stress, etc.)
Győző Kaján [Click to see email] Molecular typing and evolution of adeno- and circoviruses
Gyula Kasza [Click to see email] Food safety (risk management, risk detection); Food marketing; Consumer research
János Kis [Click to see email] Diurnal butterflies – Sexual conflict, dimorphism & selection: evolution of chastity belts, mating systems; Ecological pressures, morphology, behaviour, demography: nectar plant visitation & microclimate
Dávid Sándor Kiss [Click to see email] Central neural regulation of neuroendocrine processes, hypothalamus, hepaticus encephalopathia
László Könyves [Click to see email] Investigation of the role of environmental risk factors in the development of multifactorial diseases of poultry flocks
Orsolya Korbacska-Kutasi [Click to see email] Infectious, zoonotic and vector-borne equine diseases; Sport horse physiology, veterinary care, nutrition and dietetics of sport horses
Zoltán Korsós [Click to see email] Zoology, taxonomy of Diplopoda; Ecology, population genetics and conservation of amphibians and reptiles
András Kosztolányi [Click to see email] Evolution of reproductive strategies and the rearing of offspring; inter-parental cooperation and sexual conflict in the rearing of offspring
Levente Kovács [Click to see email] Stress physiology, behavioural physiology, animal well-being, precision farming, heat stress
Melinda Kovács [Click to see email] Animal physiology, animal hygiene
Csaba Kővágó [Click to see email] Industrial and labour safety toxicology, analysis of primarily inorganic contaminant (metals, metal oxides and gases) effects in animal models
Szilvia Kövér [Click to see email] 1. Modelling the evolution of sex determination 2. Estimation of survival probabilities and relatedness of Eastern imperial eagles 3. Estimation of individual synchronicity in insect populations
Zsuzsa Kreizinger [Click to see email] Mycoplasma species infecting poultry, especially infections caused by M. synoviae and M. gallisepticum; molecular aspects of pathogen virulence
Gábor Kulcsár [Click to see email] Vaccinology, veterinary virology
Péter Laczay [Click to see email] Analysis of factors affecting the public health concerns related to the edibility of foods of animal origin, with special regard to chemical food safety
Zsolt Lang [Click to see email] Mathematical modelling, biostatistics
Katalin Lányi [Click to see email] Chemical background of food hygiene and food safety; Food analytics, Food contaminant analysis; Environmental chemistry, Environmental analytics
József Lehel [Click to see email] Pre-clinical toxicological examinations, Target animal tolerance, Target animal safety examinations, Toxicological, pharmacokinetic and xenobiotics residue analysis
Márta Lőrincz [Click to see email] Viral diseases and immunology of pigs
Tibor Magyar [Click to see email] Veterinary bacteriology, Research of pathogens with a role in respiratory diseases in pigs and birds (Bordetella bronchiseptica, Pasteurella multocida, Riemerella anatipestifer)
Gábor Majoros [Click to see email] Veterinary parasitology, Echinostoma, parasites in molluscan hosts
Ferenc Manczur [Click to see email] Veterinary internal medicine, ultrasound diagnostics, veterinary cardiology, elektrocardiography, blood pressure measurement, nephrology, urology
Míra Mándoki [Click to see email] Modernization of infectious disease detection with molecular biological methods in veterinary pathological anatomy of broilers with virus-induced runting-stunting syndrome; education development
Ákos Máthé [Click to see email] Canine babesiosis, Endocrinology of dogs and cats
Gábor Mátis [Click to see email] Veterinary biochemistry; Development of eukaryotic cell models; Cell-level analysis of inflammation and stress response; Study of the immune modulating effects of anti-microbial peptides
Viktor Molnár [Click to see email] The background of captivity-related diseases in polecats  Clinical practice and therapeutic consequences of diseases in zoo animals and pets
Dr. Katalin Nádaskiné Szakmár [Click to see email] Microbial count determination and microbe detection based on rapid microbial analysis (redox potential measurement) Study of microbial proliferation inhibiting materials through redox potential measurement
Béla Nagy [Click to see email] Enteric microbiology, zoonoses and food safety
Péter Nemes [Click to see email] Development of environment-friendly synthesis strategies Study of eco-toxicological effects Synthetic organic chemistry, nitrogen heterocycles, synthesis and structural analysis of alkaloids
Tibor Németh [Click to see email] Organ surgery of small animals: Vascular surgery, vascular prostheses; Minimally invasive surgical procedures (laparoscopy, thoracoscopy)
Zsuzsanna Neogrády [Click to see email] Liver cell (rat, chicken, pig) cultures, study of CYP activity and metabolism, the in vitro effect of n-butyrate on histone acetylation The effect of butyrate on the insulin signaling cascade
László Ózsvári [Click to see email] Veterinary economics and management, Veterinary administration and animal protection; Veterinary practice management
Nóra Pálfyné Vass [Click to see email] Small ruminant health, reproductive biology and biotechnology
Tibor Papp [Click to see email] Veterinary virology, virus evolution, molecular virology, amphibian and reptile viruses, DNA-based diagnostic tests
Erzsébet Pásztiné Gere [Click to see email] Oxidative stress induced cell damage, xenobiotic-intestinal epithelium interactions, factors affecting intestinal barrier integrity, selective matriptase inhibitors, pharmacology of probiotics
Szilvia Pásztory-Kovács [Click to see email] Exploration of territory structures in Eastern imperial eagle populations, estimation of survival, analysis of hatching and brooding dispersion with molecular methods and based on the movements of birds equipped with GPS signal transmitters
Örs Petneházy [Click to see email] Veterinary anatomy, 3D imaging
Csaba Pribenszky [Click to see email] Assisted reproduction
Roland Psáder [Click to see email] Veterinary gastroenterology, respirology; The role of endoscopy in the diagnostics of canine and feline gastrointestinal diseases
Bence Rácz [Click to see email] My research is focused on the photo- and electron microscopic study of the molecular anatomical aspects of metabolic processes in various tissues
József Rátky [Click to see email] Research of pig and sheep reproduction issues in the following areas: infertility problems of female pigs, ovulation and estrus physiology of gilts, estrus induction in gilts
Jenő Reiczigel [Click to see email] Mathematical modelling, statistical analysis, exact statistical methods, resampling methods
Lajos Rózsa [Click to see email] Evolutionary, ecological and behavioural analysis of host-parasite (pathogenic) relations
Miklós Rusvai [Click to see email] Veterinary epidemiology, veterinary virology, immunology, diseases of honey bees, viral diseases of mammalian and avian species
Ferenc Samu [Click to see email] Agricultural food webs, study of multitrophic systems and arthropod communities,with special regard to spiders and virus vector cicadas as objects
László Solti [Click to see email] Reproductive biotechnology, assisted reproductive procedures, reproductive endocrinology and diagnostics
Norbert Solymosi [Click to see email] Environmental health, epidemiology, biometeorology, bioinformatics
Péter Sótonyi [Click to see email] Neurobiology: molecular neuroanatomical study of the hypothalamus, canine heart development, macroscopic anatomy, clinical anatomy, equine movement analysis, application of modern imaging devices
Tamás Sréter [Click to see email] Food-, water- and vector-borne parasitic zoonoses
Ágnes Sterczer [Click to see email] Veterinary hepatology: Study of canine and feline hepatic and bile ducts, hepaticus encephalopathia, portosystemic shunt, gallbladder motility, pancreatitis, enteral nutrition
Péter Szabó Ecology
Csaba Székely [Click to see email] Development of fish parasite myxozoans Parasitological monitoring of fish in Lake Balaton Fish parasitological analysis of pond aquacultures Swim bladder worms in eels
Ottó Szenci [Click to see email] Veterinary obstetrics and reproductive biology; Veterinary neonatology
Annamária Szmolka [Click to see email] Molecular epidemiology and inter-bacterial transmission of mobile genetic elements transferring anti-biotic resistance and virulence of E. Coli and Salmonella strains in livestock
Gábor Szőcs [Click to see email] Entomology for crop protection, chemical ecology, insect pheromone research
Tamás Szűts [Click to see email] Taxonomy, phylogeny and evolutionary research of spiders
Mária Takács [Click to see email] Virology
Noémi Katalin Tarpataki [Click to see email] Veterinary dermatology: Canine atopic dermatitis; Clinical immunology in dogs and cats; Allergic dermatitis in dogs and cats; Allergen-specific immunotherapy
Julianna Thuróczy Small animal obstetrics and reproductive biology, infertility diagnostics, small animal endocrinology
József Tóth [Click to see email] Large animal surgery, equine care, ophthalmic diseases
István Tóth [Click to see email] Bacterial pathogenesis; pathogen E. coli, enteric bacteria and their phages
János Tőzsér [Click to see email] Development of conformation evaluation. Methodological study of Hungarian Health Technology Evaluation Committee: Temperament evaluation in ruminants Heart rate variability and claw horn hardness measurement in dairy cows
Péter Vajdovich [Click to see email] Development of veterinary laboratory diagnostics Analysis of prognostic characteristics in canine and feline cancer patients
János Varga [Click to see email] Veterinary bacteriology, virology, immunology, infectious diseases
Nóra Vili [Click to see email] Conservation genetics of birds of prey
Károly Vörös [Click to see email] Veterinary cardiology, echocardiography; pathomechanism, diagnosis and therapy of heart diseases; ultrasound diagnostics in internal medicine, digital phonocardiography
Judit Vörös [Click to see email] Taxonomy, evolutionary biology, ecology and conservation of amphibians and reptiles
Zoltán Zádori [Click to see email] Virology. Current research efforts focused on the members of the Parvoviridae family and the Nidovirales order
Petra Zenke [Click to see email] Forensic animal genetics; Population genetics; Nuclear and mitochondrial polymorphisms; Cell-free fetal DNA screening from maternal plasma
Attila Zsarnovszky [Click to see email] Hypothalamic regulatory mechanisms

Please find the application form and the documents under the Applications 2020/2021 tab.