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Miklós Süth PhD

Miklós Süth is a veterinarian with a food hygiene specialisation. In order to broaden his professional knowledge, he graduated from the Budapest Business School, Faculty of International Management and Business with a degree in Total Quality Management. Ha also acquired a TQM expert degree and a MSc (Master of Science (economy), TQM expert) certificate from the Dutch Hogeschool Zeeland. He was a member of the Food Hygiene Working Committee of the Hungarian National Committee of the FAO / WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission and the chairman of the Hungarian Working Committee on Meat Hygiene. From 2003 to 2010, he worked in the public administration, first as a councillor in the Food Safety and Quality Control Department of the Animal Health and Food Control Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and then as a director of the National Food Inspection Institute. From 2005 he was the head of the Veterinary and Food Control Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and the chief veterinary officer of Hungary. Between 2005 and 2010, he represented Hungary in the European Union Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO) Council Working Group, and he also was a delegate to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), in the European Union Potsdam Working Groups (USA, Canada, Switzerland) and led the Member States working group related to Asian countries. From 2008 to 2010, he was a member of the National Anti-Counterfeiting Board, the head of the Working Group on Special Risk Products, the chairman of the Albanian Agricultural Working Committee, co-chair of the Russian, Ukrainian and Chinese Agricultural Working Committees, and the Hungarian co-chair of Serbian, Algerian, Vietnamese and Laotian cooperation. He was the chairman of the Hungarian National Committee of the FAO, the chair of the Hungarian Agricultural Economic Quality Award Committee, a member of the Consumer Protection Council, and the chairman of the food industry professional college of the Consumer Protection Council. The Association of Hungarian Spokespersons awarded its press work with the Prize for Authentic Information in 2007, which was awarded to a non-professional candidate for the first time. From 2010 to 2018, he was the Strategic Director of Fornetti Franchise. In 2015, the Hungarian Food Journal selected him as one of the TOP50 FMCG experts in Hungary. He obtained his PhD degree at the Doctoral School of Management and Organizational Sciences of University of Kaposvár. The basis of his scientific research was the analysis of the data collected on the food chain safety knowledge and awareness of the Hungarian society, and he made proposals for the methods of targeted and precise official risk communication. Since 2018, he has been the Chief Adviser to the Rector of the University of Veterinary Medicine. In 2019, he participated in the work of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology for six months as a consultant, including his expert contribution to the preparation of the Government Resolution on the promotion and coordination of the digitization of Hungarian agriculture and the Digital Agricultural Strategy of Hungary.


Ákos Bernard Jóźwiak PhD
research director

Ákos Bernard Jóźwiak is a veterinarian, holding a doctoral degree in veterinary sciences. He worked for the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) and its predecessors for 15 years in various positions: he was the head of the National Reference Laboratories, then worked on planning of the risk based sampling and control plans, and was responsible for drafting the Food Chain Safety Strategy 2013-2022 of Hungary. In the recent years he worked in the area of strategic planning, food safety risk assessment and data analysis.
Ákos Bernard Jóźwiak is a member of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Advisory Forum and the EFSA Emerging Risk Exchange Network. Through these networks, he participated in many projects and initiatives; and he chairs the EFSA Advisory Forum Data Collection and Modelling Task Force.
Besides, he participated in many international capacity building projects as junior project leader, component leader and expert. He also participates to the Better Training for Safer Food (BTSF) initiative of the European Commission as a tutor and leads various university courses. He is the chair of the Hungarian Committee of the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling (CCMAS).
In his research activities, he focuses on developing and applying new analytical methods for improving the effectiveness of the food chain safety controls. Within this domain, the main research areas are (1) applying computational science methods for determining emerging risks and for improving risk based controls; (2) epidemiological modelling of diseases; (3) determining the economic burden of foodborne diseases and applying health technology assessment methods for food chain safety decision making.
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Szilveszter Csorba
food chain data analyst

Szilveszter Csorba is an environmental engineer with agri-environment specific. He worked for the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) and its predecessors for 11 years in various positions. Within the domain of soil protection, he participated in the development of analytical processes supporting official decisions, as well as in applied soil research. His most important tasks include issues of agricultural use of sewage sludge, risk of the usage of fertilizers in the food chain and hydrological properties of the soil examination in the light of the climate change. After that, he started to work as a food chain analyst where he is responsible for data analysing processes related to food chain data collection, data processing and data analysis by using advanced computer science methods (data and text mining, network research, machine learning). Currently, he is a food chain data analyst at the Institue (DFI). Main research areas are development and implementation of complex data analysing methodologies, such as identification of emerging risks, as well as development of sectoral process analysis to achieve higher quality and higher level of food safety.
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Tekla Engelhardt PhD
food chain data analyst

Tekla Engelhardt food engineer, PhD in food sciences. Her scientific research work began in 2011 in the field of food safety after graduating at the Faculty of Food Science, BCE (later SZIE) as a food engineer. During her PhD work, her work focus on the detection and inhibition of the growth of food origin pathogenic microbes and modelling their behaviour. At the same time, she took part in consultancy for food industries who had food safety issues. She received her PhD degree in 2016. In 2017, she joined the System Management and Supervision Directorate, National Food Chain Safety Office as an analyst. Her main responsibilities are preparing: epidemiological forecasts; identifying emerging risks; food safety-focused analyses which are required for the strategic planning.
In addition, she involved as guest lecturer in Risk Analysis courses in English and Hungarian at the Faculty of Food Science, SZIE, and also taking part in PhD thesis supervisions. The research works focuses on the characterization and reduction options for microbial risks in the food chain.
Her main responsibilities at the Institute are the education, the development and launch of postgraduate courses; management of laboratory work. She also participates in the identification of emerging risks and in the epidemiological modelling.
Since January 2013, she has been the secretary of the Hungarian Association for Food Protection.
Since December 2018, she has been a member of the Public Body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Section of Chemical Sciences, Committee of Food Sciences).
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Zsuzsa Farkas PhD
food chain data analyst

Zsuzsa Farkas, biologist, nutritionist, PhD in food sciences. She worked for the National Food Chain Safety Office of Hungary (NÉBIH) for 7 years. From 2013 to 2017 she did research related to chemical contaminants in food at Directorate for Food Safety Risk Assessment. Meanwhile, she attended Faculty of Food Science, Szent István University and received PhD degree with the dissertation topic of sampling and measurement uncertainty and sampling plan optimization of chemical contaminants in food. From 2017 to 2020 she worked at System Management ad Supervision Directorate as food data analyst. Her main tasks were the development of methodology for emerging risk identification and the supporting data analysing and data mining algorithms and epidemiological modelling. Besides, she took part in the preparation of strategic planning and analysing materials and food safety risk assessment. She took part in several national and international research projects.
She is a guest lecturer at Faculty of Food Science, Szent István University.
At FAO-WHO Codex Committee of Methods of Analysis and Sampling (CCMAS), she is the national leader of the work related to sampling standards from 2018 and the vice chair of the international Committee since 2020.
Since 2019, she is the substitute member of European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Emerging Risk Exchange Network.
Her main tasks in the Institution are the coordination of emerging risk identification and the supporting data analysis research and development and the epidemiological modelling of infectious diseases.
E-mail: [Click to see email]


Erika Országh
food chain data analyst

Erika Országh holds a degree in sociology and in health policy (with specialization in health economics). She worked for the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) for almost 6 years. She participated in the development of an indicator system to monitor the achievement of the objectives of the Food Chain Safety Strategy and in the related data collection tasks, including the design of consumer and business surveys and the statistical analysis of the data. She also participated in various data collection and analysis works related to food chain safety, in the preparation of food-safety focused analyses to support strategic planning activities, and in the identification of emerging risks.
In recent years, she has been primarily involved in determining the economic burden of food-borne illnesses and in mapping the possibilities of adapting health technology assessment methodologies to the field of food safety (Food HTA).
She is currently a member of EFSA’s Communications Experts Network (CEN), through which she supports the adaptation of social science methods to the food safety risk assessment process.
Her main tasks in the Institution are to carry out analyses using health technology assessment methodologies, such as economic disease burden calculations, cost-benefit analysis, risk-benefit analysis, and she also participates in the identification of emerging risks.
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