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Research Research teams In Vitro Hepatology Research Group

In Vitro Hepatology Research Group

RESEARCH GROUP LEADER: Dr. Gábor MÁTIS PhD, associate professor

CONTACT: [Click to see email]



1) Dr. Máté MACKEI

2) Dr. Anna Rege MÁRTON

3) Dr. Csilla PAPP-SEBŐK

4) Dr. Patrik TRÁJ




The major scope of the research group is to establish and develop primary hepatic cell culture models from different animal species (chicken, pig, rat). In addition to mono-cultures consisting exclusively of hepatocytes, co-cultures with non-parenchymal cells (e.g. Kupffer cells) and three-dimensional spheroids are being developed. The research group is also actively involved in the establishment of primary cell and tissue cultures of intestinal origin for the development of enterohepatic model systems. Our in vitro experiments on cell cultures focus on the study of inflammatory processes and the cellular effects of heat stress and mycotoxins, with particular emphasis on the investigation of inflammatory mediators and oxidative stress. In addition, the immunomodulatory and antioxidant effects of various bioactive molecules, drug candidates (e.g. antimicrobial peptides; bacterial, fungal or plant-derived compounds) is being investigated in the cell models developed.



1) Sebők, Csilla; Walmsley, Stephanie; Tráj, Patrik; Mackei, Máté; Vörösházi, Júlia; Petrilla, Janka; Kovács, László; Kemény, Ágnes; Neogrády, Zsuzsanna; Mátis, Gábor: Chicken cathelicidin-2: a potent tool to activate the hepatic immune response. PLOS ONE, 17, 10, e0275847. (2022)

2) Tráj, Patrik; Herrmann, Eva Madeleine; Sebők, Csilla; Vörösházi, Júlia; Mackei, Máté; Gálfi, Péter; Kemény, Ágnes; Neogrády, Zsuzsanna; Mátis, Gábor: Protective effects of chicoric acid on polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid exposed chicken hepatic cell culture mimicking viral damage and inflammation VETERINARY IMMUNOLOGY AND IMMUNOPATHOLOGY 250 Paper: 110427 , 12 p. (2022)

3) Barna, Réka Fanni; Mackei, Máté; Pászti-Gere, Erzsébet; Neogrády, Zsuzsanna; Jerzsele, Ákos; Mátis, Gábor: The Effects of Matriptase Inhibition on the Inflammatory and Redox Homeostasis of Chicken Hepatic Cell Culture Models BIOMEDICINES 9 : 5 p. 450 (2021)

4) Sebők, Csilla; Tráj, Patrik; Vörösházi, Júlia; Mackei, Máté; Papp, Márton; Gálfi, Péter; Neogrády, Zsuzsanna; Mátis, Gábor: Two Sides to Every Question: Attempts to Activate Chicken Innate Immunity in 2D and 3D Hepatic Cell Cultures CELLS 10 : 8 Paper: 1910 , 17 p. (2021)

5) Mackei, Máté; Molnár, Andor; Nagy, Szabolcs; Pál, László; Kővágó, Csaba; Gálfi, Péter; Dublecz, Károly; Husvéth, Ferenc; Neogrády, Zsuzsanna; Mátis, Gábor: Effects of Acute Heat Stress on a Newly Established Chicken Hepatocyte – Nonparenchymal Cell Co-Culture Model ANIMALS 10 : 3 Paper: 409 , 16 p. (2020)



Investigation of certain antimicrobial peptides in novel in vitro chicken and porcine gut-liver axis models