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The master of veterinary was born 150 years ago

On the 150th anniversary of József Marek's birth, a remembrance was held at Marek's bust in the park of the University of Veterinary Medicine. 


József Marek was born on March 18th, 1868 at Vágszerdahely. In 1892 he was awarded a diploma with honours in veterinary science. In 1897 he was sent to study in Western Europe. After his return and following the successful acceptance of his doctoral thesis, Ferenc Hutyra invited him to work at the Department of Internal Medicine. In 1901 he was put in charge of the department which he headed 36 years.

His scientific activities touched on several areas of veterinary internal medicine. His early work dealt with questions concerning microbiology and epidemiology. Later his interest moved in the direction of perfecting diagnostic methods. He constructed the gastric tube which was later named after him, as well as a rhinolaryngoscope. Marek was referred to as the “horses’ saviour”. He was the first to make an etiologically based distinction between the diseases of the digestive system associated with symptoms of colic.

He was active right to the end of his life, producing several scientific publications as well as innumerable articles for the public. His book Special Pathology and Therapeutics of the Diseases of Domestic Animals written together with Ferenc Hutyra was translated into 12 languages. Their jointly authored book known as the “Hutyra-Marek” was for decades a basic textbook for the training of veterinary surgeons all over the world.

In the name of the University of Veterinary Medicine wreath was laid by Dr. Péter Sótonyi and Dr. Gergely Bohátka. In the name of Hungarian Academy of Science wreath was laid by Dr. László Solti, and in the name of the students Tamás Orodán, Levente Hudák and István Sarkadi have paid tribute to the “Master of veterinary”.

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