The University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest’s rector, Dr Péter Sótonyi demonstrates the structure and the palpable objects of the horse’s forelimb and carpus during a topographical anatomy lesion for the first-year veterinary class. With the demonstration being held in a stable on live animals, this subject (the last basic and the first preclinical one) serves as a bridge between the theoretical and the clinical subjects of the curriculum.
The lecturer gives a detailed explanation of the topic by drawing and demonstrating on live animals. We believe that first-year students must get an introduction to every topic in the courses of a lecture, then observe it in a plenary session and finally do the discussion during the practical.
Although we have a number of modern tools for demonstration and visualization, and our huge gallery of photos and videos makes the explanation of every topic much easier, the teaching of anatomy can not be effective without the traditional coloured chalks, Students can draw the colourful images with the teachers, which not only helps them to follow and understand the topic but will also result in a valuable notebook for their current and upcoming studies. They can always rely on the notes they make. We give the same lecture in every language, this makes anatomical studies uniform.