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Successful presentations at the Conference of the Students’ Research Society

As a vet and biology student, it is important to present and discuss research problems and results within the research society.

The instructors’ aim is not only the immediate transfer of the core material, but they always draw attention to the department’s scientific work as well. Departments provide interested students with the opportunity to learn about scientific research, to join the work even before they become members of the Students’ Research Society, so students can get acquainted with a wide range of research topics. This does not only develop the students’ scientific approach, but students’ ideas also direct their instructors’ attention to new issues. In many cases, topics suggested by students become part of the Students’ research Society program, which is highly encouraging regarding their future work, because they feel it is their own research.

The Conference of Students’ Research Society is a forum for the competition which provides a good opportunity for students to present their research work in front of the public, and this way they can get to know each other’s research areas and exchange experiences.

The conference of the Students’ Research Society takes place at the university every year in November. After the previous evaluation of the submitted studies, the jury grades oral presentations as well, and the final ranking is established based on these two scores. Each presentation takes 8 minutes at the conference and in this year 79 veterinary and biology students introduced their research work.

Due to the gratifying number of participants, lectures were held is 3 sections: some of the students presented in clinical topics, while students dealing with basic research give an account of their research, and in this year record number of biology students showed their work. Very often interesting discussions follow the presentations.

Students doing very well at the conference receive moral and financial credit and this work helps them to begin a scientific career, and they may benefit from it during their PhD studies as well.